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Sports in Russia

Millions of people all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

We have always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where local competitions are usually held.

It’s been a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

There are also a lot of amateur clubs and keep-fit centers in Russia where people go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, jogging. Thousands of people go to the stadiums to support their favourite team and many-many thousands more prefer to watch the games on TV. But watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things.

My favourite kind of sport is tennis. I've been playing it since I was eleven years old, and the more I play it the more I like it. There is a good tennis court not far from my house and whenever I have a chance I go there with a friend of mine.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is sport so important in our life? Why do people go in for sports?

2. Was there a gym or a sports ground in your school?

3. What professional sporting societies or clubs do you know?

4. Are there any keep-fit centers in your neighborhood? Do you do there?

5. Do you go in for sports or do you prefect to watch other people playing?

6. What team are you a fan of?

7. What is your favorite kind of sport?

8. How long have you been playing it?

9. Do you take part in competitions?

10. What games are popular in Russia?


contest соревнования, состязания

tournament турнир

team команда

a visit team команда гостей

a home team команда хозяев поля

a national team сборная команда

a team victory командная победа

an individual victory личная победа

perform выступать (на соревнованиях)

performance выступление

full of surprises полон неожиданностей

defeat нанести поражение

to suffer a defeat потерпеть поражение

(far) below one's best (намного) ниже своих возможностей

to do one's best лучше своих возможностей

find sport a great help in smth. считать, что спорт помогает в...

gymnastic гимнастика

swimming плавание

athletic атлетика

fencing фехтование

chess шахматы

hockey хоккей

football футбол

basketball баскетбол

volleyball волейбол

cycle велосипед

badminton бадминтон

table-tennis настольный теннис

calisthenics художественная гимнастика

to be well-ordered быть хорошо-организованным

to be technically skilled быть технически сильным

final(s) финал

semi-final(s) полу-финал

quarter-final(s) четверть финала

to place high hopes on возлагать высокие надежды на...

his success/result speaks for itself его успех, результат говорит сам за себя

to be/keep fit хорошо себя чувствовать

injure получить травму

injury травма

to drop out of выбыть из (соревнований)

quality for выйти в финал

to set a record установить рекорд

to beat a record/break a record побить рекорд

ground футбольная команда, стадион

defence защита

defender защитник

attack нападение, атака

attacking атакующий

goalkeeper вратарь

forward нападающий

center-forward центральный нападающий

goal гол, ворота

score счет

what's the score? - 6: 4 (six to four) какой счет?

to change the score изменить счет

to equalize the score сравнять счет

to score a goal забить гол

shoot с силой послать мяч

shot удар

penalty kick штрафной удар

miss промахнуться, не попасть

in one's favour в чью-то пользу

draw ничья

to play for a victory играть ради победы

to play for a draw играть в ничью

versus против

put up a good show выступить хорошо

take the lead выйти вперед

lose the lead отставать

newcomer новичок

veteran ветеран

play on a par with играть на равных с...

replace заменить

replacement замена

to play a man short играть в меньшинстве

period период

referee судья

Find out about the experiences of other students in your class using the questions in the dialogue:

- What's your favourite sport, Andrew?

- Well, I like most sports, but I suppose I like football most of all. Like most people.

- Yes, I suppose football is the most popular sport. Personally, I don't like football. I don't enjoy competitive sports. I like cycling and horse riding.

- Isn't horse riding very expensive?

- Yes, it's more expensive than cycling.

- I think, horse riding is the most expensive sport. What do you think is the most tiring sport?

- Well, horse riding is very tiring.

- Do you think it's more tiring than, say, tennis?

- Oh, yes. I'm exhausted after I've been horse riding. What about you?

- Well, for me tennis is the most tiring. What do you think is the most dangerous sport?

- I think hang gliding is very dangerous.

- Well, that's what many people think. But you know, there are more accidents to do with windsurfing than there are with hang gliding.

- I didn't know that. Which is the most difficult sport, in your opinion?

- How about climbing? I think climbing is very hard.

- Well, I think skiing is more difficult than climbing.

- No, I don't agree. Climbing looks incredibly difficult.

- And what do you think is the most exciting sport?

- Well, tennis, I think. What about you?

- It has to be motor racing. Motor racing is the most exciting sport for me.

Translate into English:

1. Я не принимаю участия в соревнованиях по волейболу. Беда в том, что я не готов к соревнованиям, я еще не совсем поправился после травмы колена.

2. Аня не принимала участия в соревнованиях по гимнастике из-за серьезной травмы ноги. Очень жаль, мы возлагали на нее большие надежды.

3. У меня нет времени для занятия спортом. Я понимаю, что спорт очень помогает в учебе и в жизни, но я не могу распределить время между занятиями и спортом.

4. Мне бы очень хотелось остаться на соревнованиях по художественной гимнастике, но я должен идти в библиотеку готовиться к семинару по педагогике.

5. Ты любишь смотреть хоккей по телевизору? - Нет. - Я тоже. Не могу понять, что люди находят в хоккее.

6. Нина выступила ниже своих возможностей и выбыла из соревнований.

7. Кто установил новый рекорд по прыжкам в высоту?

8. Наши пловцы установили много национальных рекордов на Олимпийских Играх в Москве. Сальников завоевал 3 золотые медали.

9. Наша сборная по гандболу добилась права выступать в полуфинале. Ты уверена?

Read and translate the text:


In Britain, when you're ill, you go to a doctor near your home. Doctors are men and women, and you can say who you prefer. You usually only spend about ten minutes with the doctor. They can usually say what the matter is very quickly, and often give you a prescription for some medicine. You get this at the chemist's shop. If not, they may suggest you go to a specialist. Most people only go to their doctor when they're ill. People with colds and coughs don't go to their doctor but to the chemist, to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when you're very ill. In an emergency you can call an ambulance on 999. The ambulance takes you to hospital for treatment. Friends and relatives visit you in hospital at certain hours of the day, but they don't stay there.

You don't pay for a visit to the doctor or to the hospital in Britain, but when you work you pay a government tax for your medical care. You also pay for prescriptions if you're over 18.


medicine лекарство

treat for лечить от

do good помочь

give direction, recommendation дать предписание, назначение

relieve the pain облегчить боль

write out a prescription, a sickleave выписать рецепт, бюллетень

make out a medicine certificate выписать справку

take a medicine for принимать лекарство от

mixture микстура

pills таблетки

on an empty stomach натощак

pain relieve (killer) болеутоляющее

prescription рецепт

chemist's shop аптека

hospital больница

treatment облегчение

ambulance скорая помощь

be in good health быть здоровым

feel well/be fine/all right хорошо себя чувствовать

be in good shape/fit быть в хорошей форме

patient больной

in-patient стационарный больной

out-patient амбулаторный больной

hurt пострадавший

be sick быть больным

be ill/feel ill (with) болеть

be out of order быть не в себе

be in poor/ill health иметь плохое здоровье

be in a bad (poor) shape быть в плохой форме

take a turn for the worse наступило ухудшение

get better выздоравливать

be out of danger быть вне опасности

ache боль(продолжительная, тупая)

toothache зубная боль

headache головная боль

stomachache (upset) боль в желудке

I'm all ache. У меня все болит

pain боль

feel pain (suffer from pain) испытывать боль

have a sharp pain острая боль

the pain was gone боль прошла

sore воспаленный

have a sore throat болит горло

sneezing чихание

runny nose/cold in the head насморк

catch a cold простудиться

cough/bad cough кашель, сильный кашель

anxiety беспокойство(нервное)

fatigue утомление

be low стресс

be run down переутомление

a bout приступ

a bout of depression приступ депрессии

Act out the following bits of conversation:


- Good morning. How are you?

- Fine, thanks.

- So, if you're fine, why are you here to see me?

- No, what I meant was, oh, it doesn't matter. I've got a headache. I seem to have it all the time.

- I see. Any other symptoms?

- Well. I've got a cough as well.

- Do you smoke?

- Yes, I do. And I feel tired all the time.

- Okay, let's have a look.


- And what seems to be the matter with you?

- I feel sick and I've got a stomachache.

- Let me see. Have you got a headache?

- Yes, I have.

- You look rather hot. Yes, you've got a bit of a temperature. I think it must be something you ate yesterday.

- I only had a sandwich yesterday.

- What kind of sandwich?

- It was a cheese sandwich.

- Well, it's probably nothing serious, but I'll give you some medicine...


- And what seems to be the trouble?

- I've hurt my leg.

- How did you do that?

- In a game of football.

- Football? Don't you think you're too old to play football?

- Well, I'm only seventy-three.

- Really! Well, let me see now...

Translate into English:

1. У нее болела голова и был грипп.

2. Сколько таблеток я должна принимать? 3 таблетки в день натощак.

3. Если вы хотите лекарство, то доктор выпишет рецепт.

4. В аптеке, кроме лекарств, вы можете купить всякие виды других вещей, таких как мыло, щетки, расчески, зубные пасты и многое другое.

5. Врач прописал мне микстуру.

6. Ты больна? Ты выглядишь совсем плохо.

7. Вы должны лежать в постели. У вас все болит.

8. Я хорошо себя чувствую.

9. Как здоровье вашего брата? Спасибо, прекрасно.

10. Пожалуйста, дайте мне что-нибудь от зубной боли.


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