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Stavropol was founded in 1777 by Alexander Suvorov. Now it is the regional center of Stavropol Territory located in the South-West of Russian Federation on the North Caucasus. Originally Stavropol was a fortress and now one of the sights of the town is its ruined wall in the center of it. Historical exhibits concerning that period you can find in Prave Museum of Local Lore near the central square. It's advisable to start doing the sights just from this place. Buildings of the local government faces the square. Lermontov Library is opposite it. Next to it there's two-storied building of a bookshop, and the stadium " Dynamo" is on the other side of it. Lermontov Theatre is not far from the square. It's just on the other side of the government's building. And both of them are surrounded by trees, bushes and flower-beds.

The central and main shopping street is Karl Marx Street. It leads from the center to the Railway Station. Cinemas, Universities, Art Museum and Art Gallery, Bus Station, churches are also in the center of Stavropol. The building of circus is on the way to the Railway Station. The ground near the monument to the soldier of the Civil War provides a panoramic view of the suburbs. The districts in the South-West and in the North-West are rather new. In the South-West district there is a great number of schools, shops, places for rest and recreation. A large park joins the South -West and the North-West districts together. The North-west district is the industrial part of the town. There is a lot of factories, plants and works. Also some hospitals are there.

Stavropol is one of the greenest towns in the country. It's surrounded by forests and also there are some green islands within it.


sofa-bed диван-кровать

sideboard сервант

chair стул

armchair кресло

stool табурет

building здание

house дом

private house частный дом

block of flats многоквартирный дом

entrance подъезд

balcony балкон

floor пол, этаж

convenience удобства

central heating центральное отопление

electricity электричество

running water водопровод

flat квартира

bedroom спальня

living room гостиная

study кабинет

kitchen кухня

entrance hall прихожая

lavatory туалет

furniture мебель

TV set телевизор

table стол

desk парта

move to переезжать

live жить

keep the house clean содержать дом в чистоте

bookcase книжный шкаф

bookshelf книжная полка

piano пианино

tape-recorder магнитофон

carpet ковер

curtain занавеска

picture картина

bedside table тумбочка

wardrobe комод, платяной шкаф

cupboard посудный шкаф

fridge холодильник

stove газовая плита

toilet articles туалетные принадлежности

mirror зеркало

hall-stand вешалка

cosy уютный

of modern design современный

to be founded быть основанным

the North Caucasus Северный Кавказ

originally первоначально

fortress крепость

ruined wall разрушенная стена

square площадь

to face выходить фасадом на

library библиотека

bookshop книжный магазин

to surround окружать

tree дерево

bush куст

flower-bed клумба

main основной, главный

shopping street торговая улица

railway station ж-д вокзал

cinema кинотеатр

art museum художественный музей

art gallery художественная галерея

bus station автовокзал

church церковь

circus цирк

monument памятник

to provide a panoramic view открывать вид

suburbs окрестности

district район

place for rest and recreation место для отдыха и развлечения

industrial part промышленная часть

factory фабрика

plant завод

hospital больница

it's still a good way еще далековато

it's a good way from here это довольно далеко

I have lost my way Я заблудился

I'm trying to go to... Я пытаюсь дойти до

How can I get there? Как я могу добраться туда?

Is it far away? Это далеко отсюда?

Could you tell me the way to... Не можете ли вы сказать, как пройти к …

Act out the following bits of conversation:


- Can I help you?

- Yes, of course.

- Where is the bank?

- There is a bank in Valley Road.

- How do I get there?

- Go along Prince Street, turn left up George Street. Turn left into Valley Road and the bank is opposite the cinema.

- Thank you.


- Excuse me, where's the baker's?

- There is a baker's next to the cinema.

- How do I get there?

- Go up East Street and turn right into Valley Road. The baker's is on your left, opposite the florist.

- Thank you.


- Can I help you?

- Er, yes. Where can I buy some aspirin?

- There is a chemist in Prince Street.

- Oh, how do I get to Prince Street?

- Go down George Street and turn right into Prince Street. The chemist is opposite the restaurant.

- Thank you.


- Excuse me, where can I buy a newspaper?

- There is a newsagent in east Street.

- How do I get to East Street?

- Go along Prince Street. Turn right into East Street the newsagent is on your left.

- Thank you.


- So Geoff, this is your home!

- That's right. Do you like it?

- I like it very much. It's a very nice boat. It's so quiet here on the river.

- It's noisy in the summer with the tourist boats, but in winter it's perfect.

- How big is it?

- Well, it's a special type of boat for the canals, which are very narrow in Britain. It's called a narrow boat and it's ten meters long and about two meters wide.

- Ten meters! Is it difficult to drive it along the canals?

- At first it's difficult, but after a while, with practice, it's quite easy.

- But I suppose with ten meters, you have a lot of space.

- Yes, well, we're in the living room, and there's a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms through there.

- How many people live in the boat with you?

- My wife and our baby daughter, three people in all...

- Three of you, I see. And what sort of furniture do you have?

- Well, there's a fridge and a cooker, several armchairs, a television and a shower, but there isn't room for a bath and a dishwasher. But it's quite comfortable.

- And what's the most important item for you?

- I suppose it's my computer. Yes, it's my computer.

Translate into English:

1. Наш дом находится на улице Горького. Мы переехали туда 2 года тому назад.

2. У него 2-комнатнаяквартира на 2 этаже.

3. На 2м этаже все квартиры без балконов.

4. Все комнаты: гостиная, спальня и кабинет небольшие, но они уютно обставлены.

5. В гостиной находится сервант, угловой диван, цветной телевизор, два кресла и журнальный столик.

6. На столе стоит ваза с цветами.

7. Наша кухня - довольно большая. Там есть плита, холодильник, посудный шкаф, стол и несколько стульев.

8. В ванной хранятся различные предметы туалета.

9. На стене в коридоре находится вешалка и зеркало.

10. Мы поддерживаем порядок в квартире.


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