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Глава 14. Речевой онтогенез
Слобин Д Когнитивные предпосылки развития фамматики // Психолингвис- Ушакова ТИ Функциональные структуры 2-й сигнальной системы Психофи- УшаковаТN Детская речь— ее истоки и первые шаги в развитии // Психол Флейвелл Дж Генетическая психология Жана Пиаже М, 1967 Штерн В Психология раннего детства до 6-летнего возраста Петроград 26-я Addeo A, Burger D Egospeack N Y, 1973 De Boysson-Bardies В Ontogeny of language-specific syllabic production// Develop- DeCasper A J, Fifer W P Of human bonding newborns prefer their mothers' voices// DeCasper A J, Spence M J Prenatl maternal speech influences newborns' perception Ernelmg С Language Development // Discursive Psychology in Practice R Harre, Iverson P, Kuhl P К Tests of the perceptual magnet effect for American English (r) Jusczyk P W, Friedenci A D, Wessels J M 1, Svenkerud V Y, Jusczyk A M Infants' Jusczyk P W, Cutler A, Redanz N J Infants' preference for the predominant stress Kuhl P Learning and representation in speech and language // Current Opinion in Kuhl P К, Meltzoff A N Infant vocalizations in responce to speech vocal imitation Kuhl P К, Meltzoff A N Evolution, ndtivism, and learning in the development of Moon С, Cooper R P, Fifer WP Two-day-olds prefer their native language // Inf Piaget J The origins of intelligtence in children New York, 1952 Perkel J S, Matthies M L, Svirsky M A, Jordan M I Trading relations between TanzC Studies in the acquisition of deictic expression Cambridge, 1978 Samuel A G The role of the lexicon in speech perception //EC Schwab, H С Nusbaum Vihman M, de Boysson-Bardies В The nature and origins of ambient language influence Werker J F, Polka L The ontogeny and developmental significance of language-