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Проанализируйте значения английского слова dramatic и его производных и укажите их русские соответствия, выполнив перевод следующих предложений.

1. World War I was a dramatic demonstration of the fact that capitalism has plunged into an incurable general crisis.

2. One of the most dramatic and significant facts of this tragic period was that-while all the capitalist countries were prostrated by the great crisis, the Soviet Union remained unharmed.

3. " That's a nice way to talk to me, and a nice way to treat me! " she exclaimed dramatically... " Don't be dramatic, Lilian, " he com­mented, indifferently.

4. The Soviet proposal, along with President Eisenhower's dramatically presented aerial-survey plan, will be the main items before the UN subcommission meeting.

5. " I'll get him, " he said, getting up dramatically. " I'll get him, and when I do —" He turned a livid face to the wall, and Ail; en saw clearly that Cowperwood, in addition to any other troubles which might beset him, had her father to deal with.

6. President Elsenhower's tour of the flood-stricken areas dramatizes the fact that this terrible tragedy presents, in the first place, a^federal problem.

7. If Reuther, was really, interested in the McGee case, why didn't he agree to let Rosalie McGee appear before his union's convention which met in Cleveland a month before the execution? It would have provid­ed a wonderful platform from which to dramatize an appeal nation­ally.

8. In a political action statement adopted by the Board at a June meeting and dramatized in the union's newspaper the Mine-Mill leaders warned that the Union's " economic fight cannot continue to be successful unless the present direction of our economy is halted".

9. The review gave a critical analysis of a dramatization on TV of

Joseph Conrad's " The Black Mate".

10. China's peasants have already completed over twice as much irriga­tion work as is scheduled for the whole of this year. This dramatic news is typical of the situation in China when on every side records are being smashed like Chinese fire-crackers.


Задание 5

Переведите следующие предложения, обратив особое внимание на перевод выделенных слов:


1. The old railway worker told me that he worked for years without dis­covering that his own son was the local union leader.

2. The American multi-millionaires and their West European associates can see the dreadful moment when socialist productivity per head will have outstripped the highest levels of capitalist productivity.

3. Fascism is promoted, subsidised and brought to power by the reaction­ary sections of finance capital and, in some countries, in combination with feudal aristocracy.

4. Mr. Loventhal's book " Gestapo, USA" contains a carefully document­ed study of wholesale official law breaking.

5. The workers ought to register the sharpest opposition to the British Government's policy of Western Union.

6. The only idea British capitalists have is that British workers should not press for higher wages even if prices and rents are being pushed up. This is a Formula for starting a slump in Britain.

7. It is natural that Mr. Hoover should have the protection of the press, radio and motion picture.

8. Lawrence is still considered one of the most depressed cities of the US.

9. Hoover confiscated literally tons of literature and uncounted truck-loads of pamphlets.

10. The situation in Canadian mines is as bad today as it was in the depth of the depression 30 years ago.

11. The union went on record against West German intervention with the Foreign Office policy on the subject.



Тема 6

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