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Steel mill buildings

Adaptability of steel for industrial Buildings. – Structural steel rightfully holds an important position among the materials that are adapted to use in the construction of industrial buildings. Its prime function is that of constituting the skeleton framework which supports the roof and side coverings together with any other parts or equipment that must be attached to or supported by it. Steel is noncombustible, strong, yet relatively light in weight for its strength; it is ductile, reliable, and generally available; it can be fabricated in advance to form members of the desired strength and dimensions, which can be erected quickly in the field* where strong connections are easily made. Thus, steel is well suited to use in large plants having long spans, heavy loads, and large clear heights. It is also adapted to use in small structures.

As a material for the framework of industrial buildings, steel has two very important advantages:

1. Almost any structure within reason** may be built of structural steel. This is a tremendous asset because of the great variety of shapes and sizes needed to house various industries.

2. A steel frame – frame structure may often be remodeled or extended to suit changed conditions, new processes, and even completely new uses. Sometimes this is exceedingly advantageous. By the use of burning, welding, and riveting, extensive alterations may be made in the field without prohibitive expense.

Another slight advantage, which may become important under special conditions, is the fact that the entire building may be dismantled and re-erected elsewhere when circumstances require it.

How can one tell whether to make a building out of steel or some other material? There may be simple but important matters that give the answer; e.g., personal preference, available materials, effect of weight on foundations if the soil is weak, suitability for the purpose, fire hazards, similarity to other buildings previously used and found to be satisfactory, similarity to other buildings previously used and found to be satisfactory, similarity to adjacent buildings to be constructed, and speed and ease of construction.

However, the required strength of the material and the relative economy may overrule these other factors when spans are long and loads are heavy.

The term “mill building” as used here denotes a single-story structure having one or more relatively wide aisles of considerable length and large clearance. The siding and roofing may be one or more of wide variety of materials; generally however, the whole construction is relatively light. Such a building generally houses large, heavy machinery supported directly on the ground; it may or may not have crane runways, trolley beams, or other overhead equipment for transporting materials. The manufacturing operations within it are usually those which require large areas on a single floor, and the handling of heavy or voluminous objects. Obviously, such building require long roof beams or trusses to span the aisles, slander bracing to resist the wind forces against such large exposed wall areas. For all these, structural steel is admirably suited.

When planning the framework of a steel building, one should bear in mind the fact that commercial sections of steel are rolled in various sizes and shapes – but in those only. Unusual, complicated, and built up members will naturally cost more per pound than will simple rolled sections without large fabrication costs. When special members are needed, however, they can be made up by riveting and welding, but they should be so planned that they can be composed of parts that in themselves are standard shapes.

The variety of shapes, sizes, and details of industrial structures is about as extensive as the needs for which each individual building is designed.


in the field* на месте; на стройплощадке

within reason** зд. достаточно оправданы; с достаточным основанием. Almost any structure within reason may be built of structural steel. Достаточно оправданным может быть выполнение любой конструкции из сроительной стали.


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