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Calendar plan
Випускника освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня “БАКАЛАВР”
Тема: “ Фазовий детектор каналу визначення азимута далекомірного маяка VOR/DME”
Розробив О.О.Матвійук Керівник д.т.н., професор І. Г. Прокопенко Київ 2016 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY Aviation Radioelectronic Complexes Department
PERMIT TO DEFENCE Head of the department prof. V. Vasiliev ________________________ “____” June 2016
Topic: “ The phase detector channel determining azimuth rangefinder beacon VOR / DME ” Executed by O.Matviychuk Supervisor DSc, Professor I.G.Prokopenko
Institute of aeronavigation Aviation Radioelectronic Complexes Department Specialty 6.05090103 “Radioelectronic devices, systems and complexes”
APPROVED Head of department prof. V. Vasiliev
«___» _________ 2016 р.
TASK for the bachelor’s degree thesis fulfillment of student SYMONENKO Anzhela
1. Topic: Function monitoring for glide path radio beacons reliability estimation Approved by Rector’s order of September 08.2014 №2177/ст 2. Term of completed work delivery to the department June 15 2015. 3. Output data: Glide path beacon GPB`s signals formation equipment continuously monitoring. Frequency range: 328-336 MHz. Control and diagnostic system: authomatic. Intention of definite redundancy methods for the GPB`s reliability increasing. 4. Content of calculation-explanatory note: The main principles of GPB construction. GPB tactical and technical characteristics and its structural scheme. Modelling the processes of GPB of navigational information formation. GPB redundancy methods justification. Reliability estimations for different redundancy methods. Choosing the more effective redundancy methods and reliability estimations according to the rational methods. List of references. 5. List of graphic material: Electronic version of report and presentation 6. Data of task issuance April 30, 2015
Supervisor DSc, Professor I.G.Prokopenko
The task was took to perform O.Matviychuk CALENDAR PLAN
Student O.Matviychuk
Supervisor I.Prokopenko
Матвійчук О.О Фазовий детектор каналу визначення азимута далекомірного маяка VOR/DME.Дипломна робота: Керівник докт. техн. наук, професор Прокопенко І.Г, кафедра авіаційних радіоелектронних комплексів. Національний авіаційний університет. - К.: НАУ, 2016р.
У результаті проведеної роботи було розглянуто глісадний радіомаяк, який призначений для керування повітряним судном відносно похилої глісади, формування при виконанні заходу на посадку до висоти прийняття рішення. Глісадний радіомаяк є стандартним засобом ближньої навігації на Українських та закордонних авіалініях. Параметри радіомаяка регламентуються ICAO. Наведено схемно-конструктивні особливості сучасних глісадних радіомаяків та можливі шляхи моніторингу їх функціонування. Розглянуто методи резервування радіомаяків. Запропоновано методику оцінки надійності радіомаяків та вибору оптимального варіанту резервування. Стор. 64, рис 28, табл. 9 список літ.: 8 джерел Symonenko A. “Functioning monitoring for glide path radio beacons reliability estimation”. Thesis: Head Ph.D., associate proffesor O. Zuiev, Aviation Radioelectronic Complexes Department. National Aviation University. - K.: NAU, 2015
As a result of this thesis was considered glide path radio beacon, which is designed to control the aircraft relatively the sloping glide path, forming the performance approach to decision height. Glide path radio beacon is a standard means of short-range navigation on Ukrainian and foreign airlines. Parameters beacon regulated ICAO. Shows scheme-modern design features glide path beacon and possible ways of monitoring their functioning. Methods of beacons redundancy increasing were considered. The method of evaluating the reliability of radio beacons and selecting of optimal variant redundancy were choiced.
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 1 general information about the direction finding methods of aircraft, including the phase method of measuring the azimuth, purpose and structure of the VOR................................... 11 1.1 General information about radio beacon instrumental landing system 11 1.2 One channel radio beacon................................................................... 13 1.3 Two channel radio beacon................................................................... 19 1.4 Methods of the basic navigation parameters algorithm of estimation 21 1.5 Conclusions......................................................................................... 23 2 ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL SCHEMES OF GLIDE PATH RADIO BEACONS EQUIPMENT 24 2.1 Main technical and tactical characteristics.......................................... 24 2.2 Mathematical modeling of the main signals for the purpose of basic navigation parameters the radio beacons functioning monitoring............................... 29 2.3 Analysis of the radio beacons structural scheme................................. 32 2.4 Conclussions....................................................................................... 34 3 THE BASIC MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF THE RADIO BEACONS RELIABILITY....................................... 35 3.1 The basic concepts and definitions in reliability theory and calculation of reliability indexes...................................................................................................... 35 3.2 Research of radio beacons mathematical models reliability................. 43 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 3.3 Conclusions......................................................................................... 47 4 THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RADIO BEACONS REDUNDANCY VARIANTS.......................................... 49 4.1 The classification of redundancy methods........................................... 49 4.2 Calculation of reliability indexes with and without operating conditions based on the radio beacons functioning monitoring....................................................... 54 4.3 Comparative analysis of redundancy variants and justification of optimal redundancy variant of equipment.............................................................. 64 4.4 Calculation of reliability for the optimal variant redundancy.............. 69 4.5 Conclusions......................................................................................... 72 CONCLUSIONs................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 LIST OF REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................. 74