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Key Features of VOR-4000. Block diagram
Azimuthal omnidirectional beacon VOR-4000 in its characteristics meet the requirements of ICAO, set for the ARM RSBN used in civil aviation. The principle of radio V0R-4000 based on the phase measurement method navigation option. Beacon VOR-4000 generates and emits modulated high frequency vibrations in the range of VHF. Information about the navigation option is determined by the signal phase modulation frequency of 30 Hz reference and azimuth. On-board equipment azimuth value determined by measuring the phase difference signal frequency of 30 Hz. On board the aircraft except azimuth values determined and reflected in the presence of PS deviation from the line rate with simultaneous display of flight direction relatively tochky location beacon (" On" - " From"). In 4000 VOR beacon provides the ability to transfer voice information on board and radio signals recognition. Radio beacons VOR-4000 can be used both independently and together with the DME beacon creating RSBN type VOR / DME. The basis for beacon VOR-4000 laid unified hardware type SYSTEM-4000, developed by SEL (Germany). In the apparatus used SYSTEM-4000 digital to analog principle of forming a modulating low frequency signals, and building control channels and control using microprocessors (like 8085), which with the addition of memory blocks create a mini-computer. Arranged control equipment provides automatic checking operability with registration deviation values of monitored parameters of established norms, search and determination of failures with the formation of appropriate control signals. The results of the control are reflected on two letter-numeric displays 16 characters, which allow the operator to work with the computer in interactive mode. Access to the system operator via the keyboard. Use the keyboard to the computer entered a special password that eliminates unauthorized access to the system
Figure 2.1 Choosing the appropriate software at the SYSTEM-4000 can create azimuth ground radio beacons type VOR, DVOR, as well as radio beacons hlisadni course and landing systems range VHF type ILS. To beacon VOR-4000 includes two sets of transmission equipment arranged control systems, control and power, which are located in the general riser (riser PRD); backup power source (battery voltage 48 V); antenna-feeder system; remote monitoring and control. Equipment beacon VOR-4000 is placed in a building (or a special house-shelter). Antenna system installed on the roof-cover, which also serves as an antenna counterweight. Antenna system is connected to the radio equipment cables. With two control radio antennas supplied add additional cables to connect the antenna to the second control Fig. 2.2 Layout of radio equipment VOR-4000
Around shelter lay protective grounding circuit. Key Features beacon VOR-4000 Accuracy azimuth, not worse... 1, 5 Frequency range, MHz.... 108...112 Frequency spacing, kHz.... 50 Frequency stability, %.... 0, 01 The level of harmonic components.. Not more than 2·10-5 Frequency response, Hz.... 30 ±0.01 % Subcarrier frequency, Hz.... 9960±0, 1% AM Depth%..... 30±1 (programmable from 0 to 39.9 by 0.1) Index FM..... 16±0.1 (programmable from 0 to 20 through step 0.1) The frequency of the signal recognition Hz. 1020±0, 01% Frequency range of the speech signal, Hz.. 300...3000 Transmitter output power, W... 50 Power consumption in a circle of variable 230 V, VA Pod to 100 W.... 3450 PRD for 50 W... 2300 Power consumption range DC, W Pod to 100 W.... 700 PRD for 50 W... 540 Working conditions in the room: temperature, degrees..... 10...+50 relative humidity: at temperatures up to + 35 ° C, %.. Not more than 95 at temperatures above plus 35 ° C, %... Not less than 60 Working conditions outdoors: temperature, degrees... -40...+70 relative humidity, %.. 100 Wind load km / h..... to 160 Reservation (Under Monitor, power), %... 100
Display settings and program values - letter-digital (display of field data words 2 to 16 characters). By generalized block diagram of the beacon VOR-4000 (rys.5.9) includes the following hardware functional groups: • forming apparatus signals from the RF generator and modulating signals tract antenna gain and signal distributor PRD; • equipment control and radio controls CPU, monitor, keyboard and display unit, remote control and management; • equipment supply; • antenna system. One of the double sets of main equipment used by radio in operation, the other is in reserve. Functional diagram of a radio set is shown in rys.5.10. RF signal generator (exciter) forms the carrier frequency PRD radio frequency range 108... 112 MHz. In 4000 VOR beacon formation azimuth and reference signals carried AM carrier frequency cascades in the respective amplifier path two voltages at 30 Hz (phase shifted by 90°), voltage subcarrier frequency of 9960 Hz and 1020 Hz detection voltage from generators modulating signals. Subcarrier frequency modulated in frequency pre-voltage 30 Hz, with phase one of the modulating voltage azimuth signal.
Figure 2.3 Block diagram of the beacon VOR-4000
Figure 2.4 Functional diagram of one set of beacon VOR-4000
In hardware control and management of functional group monitor with control antenna AK (with one or two vibrators) tract is an external radio control. The signals from the antenna through the control amplifier controlled by keyboard commands are processed in a gain block monitor. Here RF signals detected and fed to the measuring circuit azimuth, depth of modulation frequencies of 30 and 9960 Hz subcarrier frequency deviation and code recognition. Monitor unit communicates with the central processing unit, which uses subunit memory and signal processing devices monitor. The values for tolerances controlled parameters set by keyboard commands. Arranged control apparatus with the CPU unit provides operational check operability radio, control panel, search and determination of failures. The main functions of the CPU (with optional memory unit): • calculating and setting the nominal parameters radio; • Signal Processing and held outside control and if necessary switch on the working set backup or off the radio; providing diagnostic depth of removable circuit boards; • ensuring Relations block the keypad and display. With the keyboard enter the following commands: • Challenge programs and routines; • establishing nominal values and adjusting radio parameters, values and preventive maintenance tolerances controlled parameters; • request data for display on the screen. The display can be displayed: • Information about the technical state radio; • The results of the control and diagnostic operations; • command and confirmation of the data entered, and the results of corrections. The data field display two lines of 16 characters per working kozhnomu.Rozpodil signals supplied by PRD vibrators antenna system and switched the equivalent antenna (antenna load) took the reserve unit made PRD distribution of signals from which part of the RF signal is removed and transferred after pretreatment in radio control path. Antenna system PRD beacon consists of two crossed dipoles radiation azimuth signal and two vibrators omnidirectional radiation reference signal. Power cable vibrators goes through transformers that symetruyut and agree HF range. As opposed to the antenna using metal sheet with a diameter of 5 m, which is installed on the roof-cover. It provides uniformity DN antenna system in a steep plane. To ensure power supply units, components (motherboards) equipment in 4000 beacon VOR-voltage plus 28 plus 15 and plus 5 V converters are used, the inputs are fed a constant voltage plus 54 C. Telecontrol and signaling beacon VOR-4000 provided by the system of remote monitoring and management (SDKK). Block SDKK, which is located on the KDP, radio equipment connected to two-wire line modem adapter and an external interface.