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Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb weight.


I _______________ the fish now. It ______________ five kilos.


Grammar Explanations Examples
1. Many verbs describe states or situations instead of actions. These verbs are called stative verbs.   Most stative verbs are not usually used in the present continuous even when they describe a situation that is happening now. · John owns a boat. (The verb own describes John's situation, not something he is doing.) · He wants fish for dinner. Not He is wanting fish for dinner.
2. Stative verbs are usually verbs that: a. describe a state of being (be, feel). · Jane is tired but happy. · She feels good.
b. express emotions (hate, like, love) A: D you like my new dress? B: I love it!
c. describe mental states (know, remember, believe, think [= believe], suppose, understand) · I know a lot of good recipes. · All remembers your number. · I think you're right.
d. show possession (have, have got, own, possess, belong) · This bike belongs to Sam. · Some students own microwaves.
e. describe perceptions and senses (hear, see, smell, taste, feel, notice, seem, look [= seem], appear, sound) · I feel relaxed. · David seems tired.
f. describe needs and preferences (need, want, prefer) · I need a pen.
g. describe measurements (weigh, cost, contain) · How much does it cost?
3. Can is often used with verbs of perception. We do not usually use the continuous form. · I can hear the telephone. NOT I hear the telephone. NOT I’m hearing the telephone. · Can you smell gas? NOT Are you smelling gas?
4. BE CAREFUL! Some verbs can have stative and active meanings (taste, smell, feel, look, think, have, weight) STATIVE · I can taste garlic. Did you put some in? (I notice garlic.) · The soul tastes good. Try some. (The soup is good.) ACTION · I'm tasting the soup to see if it needs more salt. (I'm trying the soup.)



10. Read this conversation. Underline all the stative verbs that describe a situation that is in progress. Circle all the stative verbs that describe a situation that is generally true.


ANNA: This steak tastes delicious. Your salmon looks good, too.

BEN: Here, I'm putting some on your plate. I think you'll like it.

ANNA: Mmm. I do like it! Funny, I usually don't like fish.

BEN: Red has that effect on people.

ANNA: I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you mean?

BEN: Well, colours can change the way we feel. For example, people often feel hungrier in a red room. I notice that you're looking at the red wallpaper.

ANNA: And I certainly feel hungry. I'm eating half your salmon.

BEN: That's OK. I'm tasting your steak. It's delicious!

11. Complete this magazine article with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


John Bints is in a sports shop. The flowers smell (smell/are smelling) nice but he. isn't really paying attention to the scent because he ___________ (looks / is looking) at a pair of running shoes. They____________ (cost/are costing) a lot more than he usually pays but John really, really ___________ (wants/is wanting) those shoes. He's the victim of ‘smart scents’, aromas that shops use to make customers buy more.

The other side of the town, John's daughter Myra is doing a history test in a classroom that was recently painted yellow. Although Myra__________ (hates/is hating) history, she ___________ (seems/is seeming) to be doing well on this test. She ____________ (likes/is liking) the new colour of her classroom. She______________ (doesn’t suspect / isn’t suspecting) that it's helping her with the test, but it is. Scientists have shown that yellow improves both memory and concentration. We now ____________ (know/are knowing) that smells, colours and sounds affect our moods and even our health. In fact, right now John's wife, Cindy, __________ (thinks/is thinking) about John and Myra. She's sure that John is spending too much on shoes and that Myra is failing another history test. Cindy suffers from migraines but she____________ (hasn’t got/isn’t having) a headache today. She's in the garden and she___________ (listens/is listening) to bird and insectsounds. They always calm her down.


12. Read this conversation. Complete it with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present continuous or the present simple.


A: Hi, Ali. Mmm. Something smells (smell) good! What's cooking?

B: Fish soup. I ___________ (taste) it to see if it ____________ (need) more garlic. ___________ you __________ (want) to try it?

A: Mmmm. It _________ (taste) good but I __________ (think) it needs salt.

B: OK. I __________ (think) of adding some tomatoes, even though it _________ (not be) in the recipe.

A: That __________ (sound) like a good idea. But wait a minute. I__________ (look) at the recipe and it says you can add milk. How about that?

B: I____________ (not know) if the milk____________ (be) fresh.

A: I'll check. Hmm. I____________ (smell) it but I__________ (not be) sure. Let's add the tomatoes instead.

В: OK. I __________ (love) cooking! The whole house ___________ (smell) great when you cook. And it always puts me in a good mood.

А: I_________ (know) what you ____________ (mean). I __________ (feel) the same way.

13. Read this diary entry. There are eight mistakes in the use of active and stative verbs. Find and correct them. The first mistake has already been corrected.


16 March Not agood day! I feel depressed and I’vegot aheadache. I’m needing need to dosomething to change my moodand get ridof this pain. Last week, I'm reading an article about how smells canaffect mood and even health, so at the moment I smell an orange (for the depression) and a greenapple (for the headache). They smell nice but I'm not thinking that I notice a difference in now I feel! I think I'm preferring to eat something when I feel down. But I worry that I’m weighing too much. So, at the moment I have a cup of peppermint tea with lemon. The article says that the peppermint smell helps you eat less. Well, I don't know about that! A chocolate ice cream sounds pretty good right now! It's seeming that there are no easy solutions.  



14. Underline the correct item.


1) I see/am seeing that the situation is out of control.

2) The sausages are tasting/taste delicious.

3) Do you enjoy/Are you enjoying this party?

4) You haven't said a word all morning. What are you thinking/do you think about?

5) He has/is having a Siamese cat.

6) These flowers are smelling/smell nice.

7) I don't know/am not knowing where she keeps the keys.

8) Why are you feeling/do you feel your pockets? Have you lost anything?

9) Why do you smell/are you smelling the milk? Do you think it has gone off?

10)Anna is Italian. She is coming/comes from Italy.

11)That dress looks/is looking nice on you.

12)Paul listens/is listening to a new record in his room.

13)If you don't look/aren't looking at that comic book, I'd like to see it.

14)Joan weighs/is weighing 50 kilos.

15)Mary is/is being very naughty these days.


15. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present progressive tense of the verbs in brackets. The adverbs in italics should be put in their correct position.


1) I (think) you already (know) my views on the matter.

2) I'm tired of working in an office. I (think) of changing my job.

3) I just (smell)your roses. They (not smell) wonderful?

4) I gradually (forget) all the physics I ever learnt at school.

5) You (see) that house over there? No, not there! You (not look) where my finger (point).

6) I (not hear) anything. You just (imagine) things.

7) The court (hear) this particular part of the evidence in private.

8) I just (taste) the cocktail to see if there's enough gin in it. How it (taste) to you?

9) I (think) my daughter (see) too much of that young man these days, and I (not approve) of it.

10)Don't take his remarks too seriously. He's so upset that I (not think) he really (know) what he (say).

11)The monument (stand) on a hill overlooking the town.

12)You (realize) that you (stand) on my toe?

13)The town (have) a population of 50, 000.


16. Fill in with Present Simple or Continuous.

Sue: What 1) are you doing (you/do) now?

Mark: I 2) ___________ (look) through these old film magazines. Look, here's an old picture of Jack Nicholson.

Sue: Oh, I 3) ________ (think) he 4) ___________ (look) awful! And his suit 5) __________ (not/fit) him properly.

Mark: Yes, I 6) ________ (agree). And he 7) _________ (appear) to be really angry. I wonder what he 8) ________ (think) about.

Sue: He 9) ________ (be) in that new film that's on at the Odeon now, isn't he? Mark: Yes, I saw it last night. He 10) ________ (look) very different now. He 11)_________ (weigh) a lot more.

Sue: I 12) _________ (hope) it's a good film. I 13) ________ (see) it tonight. Stuart 14) ________ (take) me. Actually, he 15) ________ (be) very nice to me these days.

Mark: He probably 16)._________________________ (want) to borrow some money.

Sue: I 17) __________ (see). That explains it.




17. Choose the correct form of the verbs.

Dear Karen,

(1) I’m having / I have a great time here in England. My university term (2) isn’t starting /doesn’t start until the autumn, so (3) I’m taking/I take the opportunity to improve my English. (4) I’m staying / I stay with some English friends who (5 ) are owning /own a farm. On weekdays (6) I’m catching/I catch a bus into Torquay to go to language classes. (7) I’m making / I make good progress, I think. My friends (8) say / are saying my pronunciation is much better that when I arrived, and (9) I’m understanding / I understand almost everything now. At weekends (10) I’m helping /I help on the farm. At the moment (11) they’re harvesting /they harvest the corn and (12) they’re needing /they need all the help they can get. It’s quite hard work, but (13) I’m liking /I like it. And (14) I’m developing /I develop some strong muscles!

(15) Do you come /Are you coming to visit me at Christmas? (16) I’m spending /I spend the winter holiday here at the farm. My friends (17) are wanting / want to meet you and there’s plenty of space. But you must bring your warmest clothes. (18) It’s getting /It gets very cold here in the winter.

Let me know as soon as (19) you’re deciding /you decide. And tell me what (20) you’re doing/ you do these days.

Do you miss me?





18. Put the verbs in the correct tense, present simple or present continuous.


Leila Markham is an environmentalist. She is being interviewed on the radio by Tony Hunt, a journalist.


TONY: So tell me, Leila, why is it important to save the rainforests?

LEILA: There are a number of reasons. One is that many plants which could be useful in medicine (1) grow (grow) in the rainforest. We (2) don’t know (not/ know) all the plants yet – there are thousands and thousands of them. Researchers (3) are trying (try) to discover their secrets before they are destroyed.

TONY: I see. What other reasons are there?

LEILA: Well, I’m sure you've heard of global warming?

TONY: You mean, the idea that the world (4) __________________ (get) warmer?

LEILA: That's right. The rainforests (5) ___________________ (have) an important effect on the earth’s climate. They (6) __________________ (disappear) at a terrifying rate and soon they will be gone. People (7) ________________ (not/do) enough to save them.

TONY: But is global warming really such a problem? I (8) _____________ (enjoy)

warm sunshine.

LEILA: Well, what (9) __________________ (happen) when you (10) ________________ (heat) ice?

TONY: It (11) ___________________ (melt) of course.

LEILA: OK. The polar ice caps (12) _______________ (consist) of millions of tons of ice. If they (13) ________________ (melt), the level of the sea will rise and cause terrible floods. Many scientists (14)_______________ (believe) that temperature (15)________________ (already rise). We must do everything we can to pervert global warming, and that (include) preserving the rainforests!

TONY: Thank you, Leila, and good, luck in your campaign.

LEILA: Thank you.



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