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The following type of attachment may be unsafe to download from an untrusted sender…?

*. exe an executable file

The icon will enable you to: * Insert bullets

The icon will enable you to: *Increase font size

The icon will enable you to: *Insert numbers

The main element of MS Access is *table

The main element of MS Excel is *cell

The part of the email address that is found after the @ symbol is *The identification of the address’s provider

The physical, touchable components of a computer system, such as the CPU, keyboard, and monitor: *Hardware

The primary purpose of this type of software is to create text-based documents. *word processing

The speed of your computer depends on:

*CPU frequency

The volume of RAM can be *512 MB 1 GB 2 GB 3 GB 4 GB

There are three main ways to classify computers. Which of the classifications is correct? * By Type, By Purpose, By Size

This device takes information (usually text and pictures) from the computer and prints it on paper. *Printer

This key is used in combination with a second key. It is used primarily to capitalize letters. *Shift Key

This key is used to cancel the current operation or can be used to exit a program. *Escape key

This tab allows you to change the view of your document to a different two-page document or zoom. *View tab

This tab allows you to insert a variety of items into a document from pictures, clip art, tables and headers and footers. *Insert tab

This tab allows you to make any changes to your document due to spelling and grammar issues. It also holds the track changes feature that provides people with the ability to make notes and changes to a document of another person. * Review tab

What can’t you insert in a cell? (Excel) *an illustration

What is a URL? *The name for a full web link address

What is the BIOS? *it is the interface between software and hardware that allows software and hardware to communicate and interact with each other.

What is the keyboard shortcut for " New File" in MS Word? *Control+N

What is the result of the function Max (B1: D4)? (Кесте) *601

What is the right meaning of example 6> =5: *Six greater and equal to 5

What is the right meaning of example =3*5: *Multiplication

What is the short cut for copying data to the clipboard? *CTRL + C

What is the short cut for pasting data from the clipboard? *CTRL + V

What key is used to add sign $ in Excel? *F4

Which extension of the file should be used when you are saving a spreadsheet? *.xlsx

Which key can be used to open the start menu? * The WINDOWS Key

Which kind of group below connected with these commands ? *Font

Which kind of group below connected with these commands ? *Paragraph

Which menu should be used in order to change the existing Hyperlink? *Insert

Which of the following definitions are not correct? *Multimedia applications like e-mail and faxing software for sending and receiving messages

Which of the following is required to connect a PC to the internet? *Modem

Which of the following is wrong? I can launch my Web browser from *The Internet

Which of the followings is not a Microsoft function? *List

Which of the programs included into special-purpose applications: Choose the right answer. *Adobe Photoshop

Which operator doesn’t fall into the group of arithmetic operators? *&

Which part of a laptop can be used like a mouse? *Touch Pad

Which submenu should be used in order to make your document on Landscape view? Page layout

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