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Abu Bakr Qalandar
The presented fragment is the next part of the translation of the medieval poetic text “Qalandar-name” written by Abu Bakr Qalandar, the Sufi scholar from the Crimea. This Chapter is devoted to praises to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (The Truthful), the Successor of the Prophet Muhammad, the first of the four Righteous Caliphs (al-Khulafa al-Rashidun). Within the nine rows the author mentions the virtues of Abu Bakr making the main emphasis on truthfulness, loyalty and sincerity of this Prophet’s companion. The Persian text is translated by Milyausha Ismagilova, the postgraduate student. The translation’s edition and comments are supplied by Damir Shagaviev, Head of the Department of History of Social Thought and Islamic Studies at the Sh.Marjani Institute of History of AS RT (Kazan).
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