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Speak about the events of the English Puritan Revolution.


1. Describe the UK in general: what comes to mind first?

· constitutional monarchy

· United Kingdom, the UK, and Britain

· England, Scotland, Wales

· Northern Ireland

· the Gulf Stream

· London


Speak about British contribution to civilization.

· Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh

· Captain James Cook, David Livingstone

· Robert Falcon Scott

· the Industrial revolution

· James Watt and George Stephenson

· Isambard Brunel

· Francis Bacon, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin

· Edward Jenner, Michael Faraday, Alexander Fleming

· Ernest Rutherford, Ian Wilmut

Speak about British contribution to culture.

· William Shakespeare

· Charles Dickens, Joanne Rowling

· Sir Edward Elgar, Arthur Lloyd Weber

· pop culture, John Lennon

· British architecture

· the Tower of London

· Sir Christopher Wren

· the middle class, clubs and hobby groups

· sports

· the BBC radio and television

· Charles Babbage, Tim Berners-Lee

Describe English, one of the world languages.

· a world language

· Received Standard English

· American English

· Pidgin English

· Estuary English

· Cockney pronunciation.

· Borrowings

Give a talk on the early history of Britain.

· Gaelic, Brythons

· the Belgic tribes

· Stonehenge

· Julius Caesar, Claudius

· Boadicea

· the Hadrian’s Wall

· Albion, Londinium

· the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons


6. Give an outline of t he Anglo-Saxon period.

· Wessex, “England”

· Court of King Arthur

· Geoffrey of Monmouth

· Sir Thomas Malory

· Danes, Alfred

· Bat­tle of Maldon

· the Catholic Church

· St Patrick’s Day, 17 March

· Саnterbury

· Hastings, October 14, 1066

7. Speak about the formative centuries in British history, 1066 – 1500s.

· William the Conqueror

· the Doomsday Book

· Richard the Lionhearted

· Runnymede, Magna Carta

· Parliament

· William Wallace, Robert the Bruce

· the Black Death

· Wat Tyler

· the War of the Roses, Richard III

· William Caxton


Describe the events of the British Renaissance.

· Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn

· the Act of Supremacy

· Sir Thomas More, Utopia

· Reformation Protestantism

· 'Bloody Mary', Mary, Queen of Scots

· the Elizabethan era

· Shakespeare, Francis Bacon

· Christopher Marlow

· the Spanish Armada


Speak about the events of the English Puritan Revolution.

· William Tyndale

· The King James Version of the Bible

· the Gunpowder Plot

· Guy Fawkes Night, November 5

· the Petition of Rights

· Puritans, Cavaliers, Roundheads

· January 30, 1649

· Oliver Cromwell, the Commonwealth

· the Instrument of Government

10.Give a talk on the Restoration period in Britain.

· the Restoration

· the Great Plague

· the Great Fire of London

· the Tories and the Whigs

· the Revolution of 1688

· colonizing foreign lands

· British colonial empire

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