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Solar energy

In this context, " solar energy" refers to energy that is collected from sunlight. Solar energy can be applied in many ways, including to:

Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar cells.

Generate electricity using concentrating solar power.

Generate electricity by heating trapped air which rotates turbines in a Solar updraft tower.

Generate hydrogen using photo-electrochemical cells.

Heat water or air for domestic hot water and space heating needs using solar-thermal panels.

Heat buildings, directly, through passive solar building design.

Heat foodstuffs, through solar ovens.

Solar air conditioning.

Ex. 3 Answer the following questions:

1) What turbines have become the most common for commercial use?
2) What areas are preferred for wind farms?
3) Does wind power produce greenhouse gases during operation?
4) Is water denser than air?
5) Can water produce energy?
6) What forms of water energy do you know?
7) What is ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)?
8) How is vortex power generated?
9) How can solar energy be applied?

Ex. 4 True or false? If the sentence is false correct it.

1) Air flow can’t be used to run wind turbines.
2) Turbines with rated output of 3.5 – 8 MW have become the most common for commercial use.
3) Offshore resources experience mean wind speeds of 90% greater than that of land.
4) Offshore and high altitude sites are preferred for wind farms.
5) A slow flowing stream of water or moderate sea swell is useless in terms of energy.
6) Damless hydro systems derive kinetic energy from rivers and oceans using a dam.
7) OTEC has been field – tested on a large scale.
8) Vortex power is retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water.
9) Solar energy is collected from sunlight.

Ex. 5 Insert the omitted words.

1) The long-term technical … of wind energy is believed to be five times total current global energy production.
2) Wind power is … and produces no … gases during operation such as carbon dioxide and methane.
3) Energy in water (in the form of … energy, temperature differences or … gradients) can be used.
4) Tidal power captures energy from ….
5) Wave power uses the energy in ….
6) Generate electricity using photovoltaic solar ….

(cells, tides, greenhouse, potential, renewable, waves, kinetic, salinity).


Ex. 6 Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

Воздушные потоки выходная мощность высотные участки спрос на электричество выхлопные газы диоксид углерода умеренная морская зыбь производить использовать энергия морского течения в большом масштабе циклический тепловой двигатель энергия приливов установки градиент солёности препятствия солнечные печи moderate sea swell to yield greenhouse gases marine current power cyclic heat energy obstacles solar ovens salinity gradient tidal power electricity demand rated output altitude sites airflows carbon dioxide on a large scale to harness installations  

Ex. 7 Make up your own sentences with the words from ex 6.

Ex. 8 Use the suitable word given in brackets. (Consult the text)

1) This could require large … of land to be used for wind turbines. (Areas, quantity, amount)
2) Even a slow flowing stream of water can … considerable amounts of energy.(produce, capture, yield)
3) Tidal power captures energy from…(rivers, oceans, streams, tides).
4) OTEC uses the temperature difference between the warmer surface of the ocean and the colder lower … (pit, recesses, bottom).
5) Vortex power is generated by placing … in rivers. (impediment, obstacle, hindrance).

Ex. 9 Make up sentences from two parts:

1. Wave power machines usually take the form of...   2. The power output of a turbine is a function of the cube of the wind speed, so as…   3. Hydroelectric power installations are often used in...   4. Ocean thermal energy conversion employs...   5. Vortex power is generated by placing obstacles in rivers... water rich areas as a Remote Area Power Supply. a cyclic heat engine. in order to cause the formation of vortices which can be tapped for energy. floating structures which move relatively to one another or to a fixed point. wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically.

Ex. 10 Put the verbs in Passive forms:

1) Areas where winds are stronger and more constant such as offshore and high altitude sites (to prefer) for wind farms.
2) Kinetic energy of water (to use) in different ways.
3) Vortex power (to generate) by placing obstacles in rivers.

Ex. 11 Make up dialogues on the following topics:

1) Application of solar energy
2) Forms of water energy
3) Wind power.




Chapter 8

Ex. 1 Remember the words:

biodiesel - биодизель
bagasse – выжатый сахарный тростник; жом
by – product – побочный продукт
cultivation - выращивание
internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания
boiler – котёл

liquid- жидкость

bio-alcohol - биоалкоголь
vegetable oil – растительное масло
diesel vehicle – дизельное транспортное средство
waste - отработанный
virgin- чистый
fats - жиры
fossil fuel – органическое топливо
emission - выделение
corn - зерно
sugarbeet – свекла
biobutanol - биобутан
sorghum – сорго(хлебный злак)
residue - остаток
cow manure – коровий навоз
handling - управление
density – плотность
soot – сажа, копоть
polar – полярный
wood - лес
willow - ива
perennial grass – многолетнее растение
viable – жизнеспособный

pelletize - укладывать на поддон \ хранить на поддоне

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