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The Greek Hellenistic and Byzantine commentators of Nicomachean Ethics


John Dudley (KU Leuven, Belgium)

The Physical and Metaphysical Foundations of Ethics for Aristotle [1]

Alexander Pogonyaylo (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Time and Intellect, according to Aristotle. Commentaries by A.G. Chernyakov and V.V. Bibihin [2]

Ruslan Loshakov (Stockholm, Sweden)

The Temporal Structure of Deed in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics [3]


Stefan Hessbrueggen-Walter (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation)

Moral Experience as Skilled Perception? An Aristotelian Objection [4]

Vyacheslav Sukhachev (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

On Non-Moral Interpretation of Some Basic “Moral” Concepts of Nicomachean Ethics [5]

Igor Mamykin, Svetlana Mizyakina ( Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

The Notion “Empathy” in the Context of Aristotle’s Ethical Ideas [6]

Edward Skidelsky (University of Exeter, Great Britain)

The Social Presuppositions of Aristotle’s Ethics [7]

Myrthe Bartels (Universitä t Erfurt, Deutschland)

Political Philia and Need in Nicomachean Ethics, V [8]


Elena Alymova (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Conception of Manliness in Aristotle’s Ethics [9]


Roman Platonov (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow State University, Russian Federation)

Aristotle against the “Fear of Pascal”: an Irrational Basis of Conscious Choice (π ρ ο α ί ρ ε σ ι ς) [10]


Tatyana Bazuleva (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Nicomachean Ethics as the Phenomenon of Self-Denied System [11]


Evgeny Karchagin (Volgograd State Architectural University, Russian Federation) and Dmitry Jaworski (Volgograd branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration).

The Treatise “On the Vices and Virtues” in the Context of the Interpretation of Aristotle Ethical Categories [12]



Larisa Tonoyan (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

10 Categories of Aristotle and 10 Commandments of Moses [13]

Irina Mochalova (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Nicomachean Ethics in the Context of the Early Academy Discussions: Aristotle, Speusippus and Eudoxus about pleasure [14]

Giulio Di Basilio (University College Dublin, Ireland)

Prohairesis in Aristotle’s Ethics (and Beyond): the Reinterpretation of Aristotle’s Theory of Volition in the First Centuries AD [15]

Diego De Brasi (Philipps-Universitä t Marburg, Deutschland)

From Ethics to Anthropology: the Reception of Nicomachean Ethics in Nemesius’ of Emesa De natura hominis [16]

Benevich Grigory (Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

The Golden Mean (μ ε σ ό τ η ς) in John Cassian and Maximus the Confessor [17]

Oksana Lyubohonskaya (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Energy and Motivation in Ethics of Maximus the Confessor [18]

Constantinos Athanasopoulos (Open University, Glasgow, United Kingdom)

Aristotle and St. Gregory Palamas: Two Misunderstood Philosophers [19]

Natalia Perunova (Krasnodar State Institute of Culture, Russian Federation)

Aristotle's Ethics of Virtue as the Basis of Social Right: in the Locus of the Meeting of Ancient and Middle Eastern Cultures [20]


Svetlana Neretina (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow)

The Understanding of Good in " Nicomachean Ethics" of Aristotle and " Ethics" of Abelard [21]

Alexander Klestov (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Translatio Studiorum: Nicomachean Ethics in the Earlier University Commentaries (1200-1274) [22]

José Antonio Poblete (Universidad de los Andes, Chile)

Immutability of Natural Law: Philosophical Ideas Guiding Grosseteste's Latin Translation of the Aristotelian Passage on Natural Justice (1134b18-1135a5) [23]


Jesse Schupack ( University of Notre Dame, USA)

Virtue, Happiness, and the Good: Lessons from Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas [24]

Antó nio Rocha Martins (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Medieval Metamorphosis of Nicomachean Ethics: the Singular Case of Thomas Aquinas [25]

Oleg Dushin (St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation)

Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas about Moral Ignorance [26]


Monika Michał owska (Uniwersytet Medyczny w Ł odzi, Poland)

Richard Kilvington’s Concept of Will from his Quaestiones super Libros Ethicorum. Quantification of Ethics in 14th Century England [27]

Magdalena Pł otka (University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyń ski, Warsaw, Poland)

The Role of Praxis in Philosophy and Human Life: Paul’s of Worczyn Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics in Polish Medieval Thought [28]


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