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Задания для выполнения контрольной работы.

Вариант 0

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой «o», отличается от остальных?

1) phone, 2) know, 3) sorry, 4) zero, 5) no, 6) bone, 7) role


2. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) I…in the 10th grade.

a) is

b) are

c) am

d) were


2) He…at the theatre yesterday.

a) is

b) was

c) will be

d) were


3. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to have»:

Mr. Smith stayed at his office very late because he…a lot of work.

a) has

b) have

c) will have

d) had


4. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It…rain soon.

a) may

b) should

c) has to


2) The lights are on. They…be at home.

a) may

b) must

c) are to


3) You…to come here again.

a) must

b) should



5. Выберите нужное местоимении

1) I invited my friend to…place.

a) me

b) his

c) my

d) mine


2) It’s easy, you can do it….

a) you

b) your

c) yours

a) yourself


6. Выберите правильную форму существительного:

1) The…comes every morning.

а) postman

b) postmen

2) How many…high is this house?

a) feet

b) foot


7. Выберите нужное по смыслу слово:

1) We have…bread, please, go and buy some.

a) much

b) many

c) little

d) few

2) I have…time, I can wait.

a) little

b) a plenty of

c) many

d) few


8.Укажите предложение, в котором числительное является порядковым:

a) There are 300 pages in the book.

b) He was born in 1980.

c) School year begins on the 1st of September.

b) Room 5 is empty.


9.Из следующей группы слов отметьте то, которое не имеет к остальным никакого отношения:

1) weather, season, rain, cloudy, expensive, forecast, hot, cold.

2) London, sights, monuments, tourist, art gallery, to found, to build, to design, guide, the president.

10.Укажите правильный артикль

1) He was born in…small Russian town.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

2) … Petrovs are our neighbours.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

3) … ice-cream is made of milk and sugar.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) –

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Young architects from the architectural department of the Rhode Island School of Design are dreaming up tomorrow's houses today.

One such house was designed with the help of research material by а graduate of this school. The system is based on cast plastic bubbles linked together, and it permits the creation of almost any size and shape of house. The walls will be giant curved sandwiches, with rigid plastic as outside surfaces and foamed plastic between to act as insulation.

This house will embody the features that are associating more and more with mod-ern living; one-floor living, and а long, low line that makes it blend with its surround-ings. The huge glass areas will admit lots of light, and will also tend to add outdoor space to the indoors and increase the feeling of speciousness.

Another house is а beautiful example of what engineers like to call " blue sky thinking". Its skeleton is а coil of magnesium alloy covered by а vapour barrier and а sprayed coat of concrete, and the floor is concrete. If glass were desired, it could be set between the coils of the frame. The entire structure would rest on pieces of curved precast masonry.

Wild thinking? On the contrary. According to its designer, the spiral framework would be compressed, just like а spring, for shipment to the site. Once there it is ex-panded, braced with welded pieces between coils, and the skin is applied. Thus would be solved the problem of manufacturing large pieces of house that are still transportable.

Other ideas come to mind. If а family has become larger and wishes to enlarge the house it might hire а pair of bulldozers and stretch their house out to more opulent di-mensions.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What are young architects dreaming about?

What is the system based on?

What house do engineers call “blue sky thinking”?

What might the family do if it has become larger?

Do you want to live in such house and why?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)



Вариант 1

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой «a», отличается от остальных?

1) Kate, 2) age, 3) mate, 4) map, 5) tape, 6) make, 7) lake.

2. Укажите предложение, в котором окончание «-s» является показателем притяжательного падежа:

a) My mother’s friend lives not far from her.

b) She reads a lot.

c) The car’s stopped.

d) The Browns are my neighbours.

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) I…writing a letter.

a) is

b) am

c) are

2) You are watching TV, …n’t you?

a) is

b) am

c) are

3) Who…reading the newspaper?

a) is

b) am

c) are

4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) Let’s meet him …6 o’clock.

a) in

b) on

c) at

2) My brother works…school.

a) to

b) at

c) in

3) Go…the room and make yourself comfortable.

a) out of

b) into

c) from

5. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) He…speak three foreign languages.

a) can

b) may

c) must

2) You…work hard at your English if you want to know it.

a) can

b) may

c) must

3) You…not go out, the lesson is not over yet.

a) can

b) may

c) have

6. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) …Mississippi is the longest river in the USA.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2) …Jack London is a well-known American writer.

a) a

b) the

c) -

3) …tea is cold.

a) a

b) the

c) -

7. Подберите слова, противоположные по значению:


a) cold b) far c) best d) old e) tall f) slim g) light.

a) worst b) new c) fat d) dark e) short f) near g) hot.


a) stand b) leave c) take d) borrow e) find f) come into.

a) come b) lend c) give d) lose e) go out f) sit.

8. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) Our class in English will take place in room….

a) the first

b) one

2) We leave for London on…of January.

a) the tenth

b) ten

3) My watch is…minutes fast.

a) the fifth

b) five

9. В следующей группе слов отметьте то, которое не имеет никакого отно-шения к остальным:

Traveling: by train, by plain, by car, platform, compartment, to book, suitcase, wonderful, nature, hiking, bookcase, luggage, weather, on foot, a tent.

10.Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому:

1) We do English at school.

a) work

b) learn

c) teach

d) know


2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes.

a) talked

b) said

c) told

d) discussed

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Just at а time when the building of skyscrapers is moving ahead, attacks on these " megastructures" are spreading on а wide variety of fronts.

In San Francisco, officials set а 404-foot height limit on buildings in more than 95 per cent of residential areas in the city.

In Washington, efforts by builders to raise а height limit of 130 feet have been un-successful.

200 Storeys? Many builders are convinced that high-rise structures are an eco-nomic necessity in cities because of space shortage.

Engineers believe that tall buildings will rise to 200 storeys or more. In Chicago the Hancock Centre - or " Big John" as it’s known among architects - is а 95-million-dollar vertical city 1, 127 feet high. Its 100 storeys contain department and grocery stores, 705 apartments, office space for 4, 000 workers, restaurants, bank and recrea-tional and parking facilities.

The management says its " megastructure" provides а complete living arrangement for more than 1, 700 tenants - а place where people can live comfortably, without ever leaving the house. But some residents have complained of tedious elevator delays, " liv-ing above the weather", and " а sense of isolation from street life."

Experts in the field agree there are no structural limits to the potential height of buildings.

Effects on People. Some scientists think that the sway and vibrations caused in the upper storeys of tall buildings by high winds or minor earthquakes - cause discomfort and tension. Some tall building sway as much as 15 inches in strong winds.

Another structural problem has been to provide adequate foundation support for massive buildings.

What effect а tall building will have on the rest of а city is а question city planners should ask themselves before the building goes up. Architects and engineers should en-ter the political arena where questions about а building's effect on the ecology and the environment are asked. " Too often we get into the picture after it is too late", said one of the statesmen.

Now many people are beginning to feel that skyscrapers should not be considered the only option available in growing cities because skyscrapers have always been put up for reasons of advertisement and publicity.



Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What do you call a skyscraper?

Which is the tallest skyscraper in the world?

Are there advantages or disadvantages of skyscrapers?

How do these tall buildings effect on people?

Do you want to live a skyscraper and why?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


Вариант 2

1.В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой «s», отличается от остальных?

a) six, 2) miss, 3) bus, 4) house, 5) seem, 6) busy.

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) My car…at the entrance.

a) was

b) were

c) will be

2) We…watching TV at that time yesterday.

a) was

b) were

c) will be

3. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) I was looking…the gloves everywhere, but couldn’t find them.

a) out

b) at

c) for

d) after

2) You must put…your coat, it’s cold outside.

a) out

b) at

c) on

d) off

4. Какое из утверждений является верным?

1) a) English is impossible to learn.

b) English is the most difficult language in the world.

c) English is the most popular foreign language in our country.

2) a) After Friday comes Monday.

b) The sun rises in the West.

c) The 1st of April is “All Fools’ Day” in Britain.

5. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) On…Monday we open at 9 o’clock.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2) …English are reserved.

a) a

b) the

c) -

3) It was…cold day.

a) a

b) the

c) -

6. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The weather…change tomorrow.

a) may

b) must

c) should

2) The water is cold, you…swim.

a) can

b) can’t

c) must

3) I…to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can

b) have

c) must

7.Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому:

1) We do English at school.

a) work

b) learn

c) teach

d) know


2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes.

a) talked

b) said

c) told

d) discussed

8. Выберите правильное местоимение:

1) She wanted to tell me...interesting.

a) somebody

b) something

c) some

d) somewhere


2) I think we have met her….

a) somebody

b) something

c) some

d) somewhere


9.Укажите правильные варианты перевода:

1) The flowers are in the vase.

a) Цветы в вазе.

b) В вазе цветы.

2) There is no telephone in the room.

a) Телефона нет в комнате.

b) В комнате нет телефона.

10. Переставьте буквы в таком порядке, чтобы получились слова.

1) s o l o c h

2) r e a c h e t


11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? The answer is that its foundations were not soundly laid. From earliest times, architects and engineers have been aware of the problems involved in laying а building's foundations; but they have not always realized to what extent the earth can be pressed down by the; weight of а building. Too little al-lowance has sometimes been made for the possibility of а heavy structure's sinking un-evenly.

If the earth is stable, laying the foundations of small buildings possess few prob-lems. But in а tall modern structure the load may be very heavy indeed; and the founda-tion engineer has an extremely important job to do. To begin with, he must have а thor-ough understanding of soil mechanics, which entails а scientific study of the ground to see what load it can bear without dangerous movement.

Trial pits are dug, or holes are bored, in order to collect undisturbed samples of earth from various depths. By examining these, the engineer can forecast the probable shifts in the earth during and after building, according to the sort of foundation he de-signs. Thus he comes to the most important decision of all in the building's construction: He decides whether the earth is of the type that can best support each column on а sepa-rate solid block, or whether he must aim at lightness and, as it were, " float" the building on. hollow foundations.

If firm ground has been found only at great depth, the foundation engineer may use piles. These are solid shafts made either by driving reinforced, precast concrete deep into the ground, or by boring holes in the earth and pouring in the concrete. Each pile supports its load in one, or both, of two ways. It may serve as а column with its foot driven into solid earth or rock or it may stand firm because friction along its sides " grips" the column and prevents it from sinking.

But when it is а question of floating а building, the foundations take the form of а vast, hollow concrete box. This box is divided into chambers that will house heating and ventilating plants as well as provide garage and storage space for the building.

Luckiest of all are those foundation engineers whose buildings stand on hard rock like granite or ironstone. For them neither piles nor flotation need be used.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean?

What must the foundation engineer do before laying the foundations?

Is it difficult to be a foundation engineer and why?

What does each pile support? And how??

Describe the hollow concrete box.


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)



Вариант 3

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый " th", отличается от ос-тальных:

1) thin 2) thing 3) thick 4) bathe 5) bath 6) mathematics 7) path

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) Не... school two years ago.

a) finishes

b) will finish

c) finished

2) I... in the garden last Sunday.

a) worked

b) work

c) am working

3) He... a pilot during the World War II.

a) is

b) wilt be

c) was

3. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1)... you meet her at the station?

a) does

b) did

c) was

2)... she cook breakfast every morning?

a) does

b) did

c) was

3)... the guests dancing when you came?

a) does

b) was

c) were

4. Укажите в предложениях слова с окончанием " ed", которые являются ска-зуемыми:

1) The unemployed demanded jobs.

a) unemployed

b) demanded

2) The author invented all the characters described in the novel.

a) invented

b) described

3) I looked through the article translated into Russian.

a) looked

b) translated

5. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол " have" является вспомогательным:

1) I had a good time in the south.

2) He has got a house in the country.

3) She had to tell the truth.

4) They have told the truth.

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... all my exams in June.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) is passing

2) I... my exams and can have a good time now.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) am passing

3) I... my exams in June and go to the seaside with you.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) shall pass

7. Подберите слова, близкие по значению:

1) describe

2) writer

3) interesting

4) novel

5) famous

6) hero

7) scene

8) main 1) exciting

2) book

3) author

4) well-known

5) write about

6) leading

7) character

8) action



8. Укажите, какое из слов не имеет отношения к остальным:

1) did, 2) make, 3) described, 4) have come, 5) is writing, 6) looked, 7) showed, 8) will return, 9) enjoy, 10) dinner, 11) cooked, 12) is singing, 13) takes.

9. Укажите, к какой теме относятся все три предложения:

1) The plot is very simple. We enjoyed all the three acts. The show began at five.

a) cinema

b) theatre

c) exhibition

2) It's open from 9 till 6. We enjoyed it very much. The tickets are not expensive.

a) cinema

b) theatre

c) exhibition

10. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) He…speak three foreign languages.

a) can

b) may

c) must

2) You…work hard at your English if you want to know it.

a) can

b) may

c) must

3) You…not go out, the lesson is not over yet.

a) can

b) may

c) have

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:


According to the London Central Office of Information " British workers live in privately rented houses or in 'Council Houses' or in houses of their own. In the first case the tenant pays to a private landlord a rent which is usually controlled by law, so that the tenant should not suffer hardships because this demand for houses exceeds the sup-ply. 'Council Houses' are built by local government authorities and let to people who most need a low rent. Most of them have been built with State aid, but this is now only given to certain classes of houses to meet special needs. Many thousands of clerks, shop assistants and workmen have bought or are buying attractive houses with neat gardens by paying monthly instalments to a Building Society..."

In reality things are not as bright as they are presented in government publications. It is true that quite a number of new Council houses and big blocks of flats are being built all over Britain, and yet the demand still exceeds the supply. The housing shortage and the 1957 Rent Act are hard on the working class families.

According to the 1957 Rent Act there is no limit to the rent the landlord ca; n de-mand, no matter what the conditions of the property are. Tenants can be given a notice to quit at any time. The landlord can also raise their rent whenever he pleases. Thus dozens of working class families are daily faced with eviction, many families are bound to split, for after eviction they often have to live separately in temporary dwellings. There are many cases when families have been on a waiting housing list for years with-out any hope of moving into a more decent house or flat. Especially hard up are families with a number of children.

It would be wrong to say that all working-class people live in bad housing condi-tions. Some are quite decently housed in new blocks of flats and Council houses, but these lucky ones are in the minority.

The texts presented in the book will give the readers a picture of the various housing conditions in which the working-class and the middle-class families live nowadays, and the contrast will leap to the reader's eye.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Why has the housing problem become so acute after World War II?

How is the problem of housing shortage solved in our country?

What are the functions of the district municipal office called " Raizhilotdel"?

Who has the privilege of priority in receiving a new flat?

What is the procedure of getting an order and then the flat?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)



Вариант 4

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый " ir", отличается от ос-тальных?

1) first, 2) fire, 3) birth, 4) girl, 5) bird, 6) shirt, 7) skirt.

2. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол стоит в Past Perfect:

a) She has bought a new pair of shoes.

b) She has a lot of different shoes at home.

c) She had bought a pair of new shoes for yesterday's party.

d) She is going to buy a pair of new shoes for the party.

e) She had new shoes on at the party.

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) The rain... before we reached home.

a) stopped

b) had stopped

2) The taxi... by 5 o'clock.

a) arrived

b) had arrived

4. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... not... your book today.

a) have brought

b) had brought

2)... you... the dinner by the time the guests came?

a) have cooked

b) had cooked

5. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1)... the delegation visit your school?

a) did

b) has

c) had

2) … I help you?

a) has

b) have

c) shall

3) I … not seen you for ages.

a) has

b) have

c) shall

6.Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It…rain soon.



c)has to

2) The lights are on. They…be at home.



c)are to

3) You…to come here again.

a) must

b) should


7. Укажите предложения, в которых " have" является вспомогательным гла-голом:

1) Have you worked all day?

2) Have a good time!

3) They have never met before.

4) She has a lot of animals at home.

8. Соедините правильно две половины в одно предложение:

1) She plays tennis...

2) She is playing tennis...

3) She has played tennis...

4) She played tennis...

5) She will play tennis... 1)... at this moment.

2)... an hour ago.

3)... every Monday.

4)... next Monday.

5)... for two hours.


9. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову?

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

a) Who loves Nick?

b) Whom does Mary love?

c) What is Nick?

d) Why does Mary love Nick?

10. Соотнесите предложения с русским вариантом:


a) I read this book easily without a dictionary.

b) The book is easily read without a dictionary.

a) Книга легко читается без словаре

b) Я легко читаю эту книгу без словаря.


a) A lot of new houses are built in our district every year.

b) They build a lot of new houses every year.

a) В нашем районе каждый год строится много домов.

b) Они строят в нашем районе каждый год много домов.

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Few shapes symbolize the spirit of the American city better than the skyscraper. Made possible by new building techniques and the invention of the elevator, the first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1884. Its designer was William Le Baron Jenny (1832-1907). Jenny devised the steel skeleton which provided interior support, meaning that exterior walls no longer had to carry the weight of many floors. As land values rose in city after city, so did taller and taller buildings.

Many of the most graceful early towers were designed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), America’s first great modern architect. “Form ever follows function”, Sullivan preached, meaning that a building’s purpose should determine its design. That idea had been one of modern architecture’s guiding principles.

Sullivan’s most talented student was Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959). Now consid-ered the nation’s most original and influential modern architect, but ignored for major commissions during much of his life, Wright spent much of his career designing private homes that stressed open space and the inventive use of materials. One of his best-known buildings in the cylindrical design for the Guggengeim Museum (1959) is in New York City.

The ideas of Sullivan and Wright – though very different – came to dominate Ameri-can architecture. Some were adapted by a group of Europeans who emigrated to the United States before World War II and who later shaped another dominant movement in architecture. Among them were Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe (1886-1969) and Walter Gropius (1883-1869), both past directors of Germany’s famous design school, the Bau-haus. Their work, called the International Style stressed machine technology, geometric form and materials. Some critics have called buildings based on their ideas “glass boxes”, but other consider these structures monuments to American corporate life.

A radically different approach to design was developed by R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1984). Fuller used mathematical principles in creating a form he called a geo-desic dome, in which the structure of the roof supports its own weight.

Today’s leading architects include Philip Johnson, usually considered a “post-modernist”, and I.M. Pei. Many younger architects have turned away from the glass boxes. One leader of this movement is Michael Graves whose work is rich in detail and decoration.



Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

When was the first skyscraper built? Who was the designer?

What is one of the modern architecture’s guiding principles?

What is Frank Lloyd Wright famous for?

Name the representatives of Germany’s design school.

What mathematical principles did R.Buckminster Fuller use?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


Вариант 5

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый " i", отличается от осталь-ных?

1) six, 2) five, 3) right, 4) write, 5) I'm, 6) bite, 7) mine.

2.Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) I…in the 10th grade.

a) is

b) are

c) am

d) were

2) He…at the theatre yesterday.

a) is

b) was

c) will be

d) were

3. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) On…Monday we open at 9 o’clock.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2) …English are reserved.

a) a

b) the

c) -

3) It was…cold day.

a) a

b) the

c) -

4. Укажите, какой частью речи являются подчеркнутые в предложениях слова:

1) The new room was light and spacious.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

2) Where shall we place the sofa?

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

3) He will head our delegation at the congress.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

4) The exhibition was a great success.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

5. Выберите нужное по смыслу слово:

1) We have…bread, please, go and buy some.

a) much

b) many

c) little

d) few

2) I have…time, I can wait.

a) little

b) a plenty of

c) many

d) few

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) I…writing a letter.

a) is

b) am

c) are

2) You are watching TV, …n’t you?

a) is

b) am

c) are

3) Who…reading the newspaper?

a) is

b) am

c) are

7. Укажите, к какой теме относятся все три предложения:

1) I like every piece of it.

2) It's very popular now.

3) It was written by Benjamin Britten.

a) theatre

b) fine art

c) music

8. Поставьте предложения так, чтобы получился связный рассказ:

1) Then it is decorated and put into a cool place for some time.

2) Then they are put into a pot.

3) First different fruits are taken.

4) It is served for dessert.

5) After that the salad is mixed.

6) They are carefully washed and cut into pieces.

7) Cream may also be added.

8) This is how a fruit salad is made.

9. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The weather…change tomorrow.

a) may

b) must

c) should

2) The water is cold, you…swim.

a) can

b) can’t

c) must

3) I…to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can

b) have

c) must

10. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1)... you meet her at the station?

a) does

b) did

c) was

2)... she cook breakfast every morning?

a) does

b) did

c) was

3)... the guests dancing when you came?

a) does

b) was

c) were


11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Young architects from the architectural department of the Rhode Island School of Design are dreaming up tomorrow's houses today.

One such house was designed with the help of research material by а graduate of this school. The system is based on cast plastic bubbles linked together, and it permits the creation of almost any size and shape of house. The walls will be giant curved sandwiches, with rigid plastic as outside surfaces and foamed plastic between to act as insulation.

This house will embody the features that are associating more and more with mod-ern living; one-floor living, and а long, low line that makes it blend with its surround-ings. The huge glass areas will admit lots of light, and will also tend to add outdoor space to the indoors and increase the feeling of speciousness.

Another house is а beautiful example of what engineers like to call " blue sky thinking". Its skeleton is а coil of magnesium alloy covered by а vapour barrier and а sprayed coat of concrete, and the floor is concrete. If glass were desired, it could be set between the coils of the frame. The entire structure would rest on pieces of curved precast masonry.

Wild thinking? On the contrary. According to its designer, the spiral framework would be compressed, just like а spring, for shipment to the site. Once there it is ex-panded, braced with welded pieces between coils, and the skin is applied. Thus would be solved the problem of manufacturing large pieces of house that are still transportable.

Other ideas come to mind. If а family has become larger and wishes to enlarge the house it might hire а pair of bulldozers and stretch their house out to more opulent di-mensions.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What are young architects dreaming about?

What is the system based on?

What house do engineers call “blue sky thinking”?

What might the family do if it has become larger?

Do you want to live in such house and why?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)



Вариант 6

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой " у", отличается от остальных?

1) busy, 2) city, 3) pity, 4) mummy, 5) reply, 6) sunny, 7) any, 8) early.

2. Поставьте наречия в нужное место:

1) I get up very early in the morning (never).

2) I help my mother about the house (always).

3) He goes to school by the Metro (often).

3. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It... rain soon.

a) may

b) should

c) has to

2) The lights are on. They... be at home.

a) may

b) must

c) are to

3) You... to come here again.

a) must

b) should

c) have

4. Выберите правильный вариант:

1)... is raining.

a) it

b) there

2)... is a garden near a house.

a) it

b) there

3) What is...?

a) it

b) there

4) Is... a library in your school?

a) it

b) there

5. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) I'm looking... my textbook which I left here.

a) at

b) for

2) It's getting dark, will you turn... the light, please.

a) on

b) off

3) I saw him playing football... that time.

a) at

b) in

6. Подберите пары синонимов:

1) to come in

2) to be a success

3) to answer

4) to come to see

5) to find out

6) to surprise

a) to visit

b) to discover

c) to make progress

d) to astonish

e) to enter

f) to reply


7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) The shortest month of the year is....

a) January

b) February

c) March

2) The school year begins in....

a) January

b) June

c) September

3) April comes before....

a) March

b) May

c) June

8. Укажите, какое слово отличается от остальных:

1) writer, 2) builder, 3) teacher, 4) worker, 5) driver, 6) pilot, 7) lawyer, 8) painter, 9) dancer, 10) singer.

9. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1)... you meet her at the station?

a) does

b) did

c) was

2)... she cook breakfast every morning?

a) does

b) did

c) was

3)... the guests dancing when you came?

a) does

b) was

c) were

10. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... not... your book today.

a) have brought

b) had brought

2)... you... the dinner by the time the guests came?

a) have cooked

b) had cooked


11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Just at а time when the building of skyscrapers is moving ahead, attacks on these " megastructures" are spreading on а wide variety of fronts.

In San Francisco, officials set а 404-foot height limit on buildings in more than 95 per cent of residential areas in the city.

In Washington, efforts by builders to raise а height limit of 130 feet have been un-successful.

200 Storeys? Many builders are convinced that high-rise structures are an eco-nomic necessity in cities because of space shortage.

Engineers believe that tall buildings will rise to 200 storeys or more. In Chicago the Hancock Centre - or " Big John" as it’s known among architects - is а 95-million-dollar vertical city 1, 127 feet high. Its 100 storeys contain department and grocery stores, 705 apartments, office space for 4, 000 workers, restaurants, bank and recrea-tional and parking facilities.

The management says its " megastructure" provides а complete living arrangement for more than 1, 700 tenants - а place where people can live comfortably, without ever leaving the house. But some residents have complained of tedious elevator delays, " liv-ing above the weather", and " а sense of isolation from street life."

Experts in the field agree there are no structural limits to the potential height of buildings.

Effects on People. Some scientists think that the sway and vibrations caused in the upper storeys of tall buildings by high winds or minor earthquakes - cause discomfort and tension. Some tall building sway as much as 15 inches in strong winds.

Another structural problem has been to provide adequate foundation support for massive buildings.

What effect а tall building will have on the rest of а city is а question city planners should ask themselves before the building goes up. Architects and engineers should en-ter the political arena where questions about а building's effect on the ecology and the environment are asked. " Too often we get into the picture after it is too late", said one of the statesmen.

Now many people are beginning to feel that skyscrapers should not be considered the only option available in growing cities because skyscrapers have always been put up for reasons of advertisement and publicity.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What do you call a skyscraper?

Which is the tallest skyscraper in the world?

Are there advantages or disadvantages of skyscrapers?

How do these tall buildings effect on people?

Do you want to live a skyscraper and why?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


Вариант 7

1. В каких из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием " еа", от-личается от остальных?

a) head, b) dead, с) thread, d) breath, e) beat, f) break, g) instead.

2. Отметьте существительные во множественном числе:

a) feet, b) children, с) tooth, d) data, e) news, f) advice, g) money, h) phenomena, i) postmen, j) woman, k) time, e) watch.

3. Выберите правильное местоимение:

1) Make... a cup of coffee.

a) your

b) yourself

2) Take... cup of coffee.

a) your

b) yourself

3) Look behind...!

a) you

b) yourself

4) You don't have to worry. He can take care of__

a) him

b) himself

4. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) She doesn't like noisy parties. She prefers to stay... herself.

a) by

b) for

2) Let's hear Harris singing a comic song and then you can judge... yourselves.

a) by

b) for

3) I don't believe it unless I see... myself.

a) by

b) for

5. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) Tom is their... son.

a) older

b) elder

2) Kiev is... than Kursk.

a) farther

b) further

3) Her baby is... than mine.

a) less

b) smaller

4) The situation changed from bad to....

a) well

b) worse

5) Her husband is twice as... as she is.

a) old

b) older

6) The more she knew this man the... she liked him.

a) little

b) less

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) We... five days a week.

a) work

b) works

c) are working

2) She... in the suburbs of Moscow.

a) live

b) lives

c) is living

7. Определите, в каком из предложений глагол " to be" является модальным:

a) She is a secretary.

b) She is in the office now.

c) She is working.

d) She is to start work at 9 tomorrow.

8. Выберите правильный вариант:

1)... is never late to study.

a) it

b) there

2)... is no place like home.

a) it

b) there

3)... is pleasant to walk in the woods.

a) it

b) there

4) Once upon a time... lived a beautiful princess.

a) it

b) there

5)... is nothing but your imagination.

a) it

b) there

9. Соотнесите глагол и существительное:

a) sign

b) make

c) become

d) get

e) post

f) diagnose a) model

b) illness

c) job

d) appointment

e) contract

f) letter



10. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The weather…change tomorrow.

a) may

b) must

c) should

2) The water is cold, you…swim.

a) can

b) can’t

c) must

3) I…to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can

b) have

c) must

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:




Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean? The answer is that its foundations were not soundly laid. From earliest times, architects and engineers have been aware of the problems involved in laying а building's foundations; but they have not always realized to what extent the earth can be pressed down by the; weight of а building. Too little al-lowance has sometimes been made for the possibility of а heavy structure's sinking un-evenly.

If the earth is stable, laying the foundations of small buildings possess few prob-lems. But in а tall modern structure the load may be very heavy indeed; and the founda-tion engineer has an extremely important job to do. To begin with, he must have а thor-ough understanding of soil mechanics, which entails а scientific study of the ground to see what load it can bear without dangerous movement.

Trial pits are dug, or holes are bored, in order to collect undisturbed samples of earth from various depths. By examining these, the engineer can forecast the probable shifts in the earth during and after building, according to the sort of foundation he de-signs. Thus he comes to the most important decision of all in the building's construction: He decides whether the earth is of the type that can best support each column on а sepa-rate solid block, or whether he must aim at lightness and, as it were, " float" the building on. hollow foundations.

If firm ground has been found only at great depth, the foundation engineer may use piles. These are solid shafts made either by driving reinforced, precast concrete deep into the ground, or by boring holes in the earth and pouring in the concrete. Each pile supports its load in one, or both, of two ways. It may serve as а column with its foot driven into solid earth or rock or it may stand firm because friction along its sides " grips" the column and prevents it from sinking.

But when it is а question of floating а building, the foundations take the form of а vast, hollow concrete box. This box is divided into chambers that will house heating and ventilating plants as well as provide garage and storage space for the building.

Luckiest of all are those foundation engineers whose buildings stand on hard rock like granite or ironstone. For them neither piles nor flotation need be used.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean?

What must the foundation engineer do before laying the foundations?

Is it difficult to be a foundation engineer and why?

What does each pile support? And how??

Describe the hollow concrete box.


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


Вариант 8

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием " al", от-личается от остальных?

а) call, b) tall, с) ball, d) calm, e) hall, f) all, g) talk, h) walk.

2. Какой глагол подойдет ко всем предложениям?

1) I think it will... us about an hour.

2) They do not allow to... pictures in this museum.

3) The children will be... care of.

4) I advise you to... notes of the lecture.

5) They broke the window, then came in and... the video.

6) It is sometimes difficult to... a decision.

7) It’s very far. Let's... a bus.

8) Do you... me for a fool?

3.Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It…rain soon.



c)has to

2) The lights are on. They…be at home.



c)are to

3) You…to come here again.

a) must

b) should


4. Выберите правильную форму глагола «to be»:

1) I…writing a letter.

d) is

e) am

f) are

2) You are watching TV, …n’t you?

a) is

b) am

c) are

3) Who…reading the newspaper?

a) is

b) am

c) are

5. Выберите правильную форму существительного:

1) The... comes every morning.

a) postman

b) postmen

2) How many... high is this house?

a) feet

b) foot

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) We... five days a week.

a) work

b) works

c) are working

2) She... in the suburbs of Moscow.

a) live

b) lives

c) is living

7. Определите, в каком из предложений глагол " to be" является модальным:

a) She is a secretary.

b) She is in the office now.

c) She is working.

d) She is to start work at 9 tomorrow.

8. Определите, в каком предложении глагол 'tо have" является модальным:

a) She has a lot of work today.

b) She has to do a lot of work today.

c) She has done a lot of work today.

9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1) Must I come tomorrow? - No, you....

a) mustn’t

b) can’t

c) needn’t

2) May I invite my friend to the party? - Yes, you...

a) can

b) may

c) must

10. Поставьте предложения так, чтобы получился связный рассказ:

1) Then it is decorated and put into a cool place for some time.

2) Then they are put into a pot.

3) First different fruits are taken.

4) It is served for dessert.

5) After that the salad is mixed.

6) They are carefully washed and cut into pieces.

7) Cream may also be added.

8) This is how a fruit salad is made.

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



According to the London Central Office of Information " British workers live in pri-vately rented houses or in 'Council Houses' or in houses of their own. In the first case the tenant pays to a private landlord a rent which is usually controlled by law, so that the tenant should not suffer hardships because this demand for houses exceeds the sup-ply. 'Council Houses' are built by local government authorities and let to people who most need a low rent. Most of them have been built with State aid, but this is now only given to certain classes of houses to meet special needs. Many thousands of clerks, shop assistants and workmen have bought or are buying attractive houses with neat gardens by paying monthly installments to a Building Society..."

In reality things are not as bright as they are presented in government publications. It is true that quite a number of new Council houses and big blocks of flats are being built all over Britain, and yet the demand still exceeds the supply. The housing shortage and the 1957 Rent Act are hard on the working class families.

According to the 1957 Rent Act there is no limit to the rent the landlord ca; n de-mand, no matter what the conditions of the property are. Tenants can be given a notice to quit at any time. The landlord can also raise their rent whenever he pleases. Thus dozens of working class families are daily faced with eviction, many families are bound to split, for after eviction they often have to live separately in temporary dwellings. There are many cases when families have been on a waiting housing list for years with-out any hope of moving into a more decent house or flat. Especially hard up are families with a number of children.

It would be wrong to say that all working-class people live in bad housing condi-tions. Some are quite decently housed in new blocks of flats and Council houses, but these lucky ones are in the minority.

The texts presented in the book will give the readers a picture of the various housing conditions in which the working-class and the middle-class families live nowadays, and the contrast will leap to the reader's eye.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

Why has the housing problem become so acute after World War II?

How is the problem of housing shortage solved in our country?

What are the functions of the district municipal office called " Raizhilotdel"?

Who has the privilege of priority in receiving a new flat?

What is the procedure of getting an order and then the flat?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


Вариант 9

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквосочетанием " ed", от-личается от остальных?

a) finished, b) worked, с) hoped, d) kissed, e) stopped, f) demanded.

2. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The weather…change tomorrow.

a) may

b) must

c) should

2) The water is cold, you…swim.

a) can

b) can’t

c) must

3) I…to cover the whole distance on foot.

a) can

b) have

c) must

3.Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому:

1) We do English at school.

a) work

b) learn

c) teach

d) know


2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes.

a) talked

b) said

c) told

d) discussed

4. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) Не... school two years ago.

a) finishes

b) will finish

c) finished

2) I... in the garden last Sunday.

a) worked

b) work

c) am working

3) He... a pilot during the World War II.

a) is

b) wilt be

c) was

5. Укажите, какой частью речи являются подчеркнутые в предложениях слова:

1) The new room was light and spacious.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

2) Where shall we place the sofa?

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

3) He will head our delegation at the congress.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

4) The an exhibition was a great success.

a) существительное

b) прилагательное

c) глагол

6. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... all my exams in June.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) is passing

2) I... my exams and can have a good time now.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) am passing

3) I... my exams in June and go to the seaside with you.

a) have passed

b) passed

c) shall pass

7. Подберите слова, близкие по значению:

1) describe

2) writer

3) interesting

4) novel

5) famous

6) hero

7) scene

8) main 1) exciting

2) book

3) author

4) well-known

5) write about

6) leading




8. Укажите, какое из слов не имеет отношения к остальным:

1) did, 2) make, 3) described, 4) have come, 5) is writing, 6) looked, 7) showed, 8) will return, 9) enjoy, 10) dinner, 11) cooked, 12) is singing, 13) takes.

9. Укажите, к какой теме относятся все три предложения:

1) The plot is very simple. We enjoyed all the three acts. The show began at five.

a) cinema

b) theatre

c) exhibition

2) It's open from 9 till 6. We enjoyed it very much. The tickets are not expensive.


b) theatre

c) exhibition

10. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову?

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

a) Who loves Nick?

b) Whom does Mary love?

c) What is Nick?

d) Why does Mary love Nick?


11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:



Few shapes symbolize the spirit of the American city better than the skyscraper. Made possible by new building techniques and the invention of the elevator, the first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1884. Its designer was William Le Baron Jenny (1832-1907). Jenny devised the steel skeleton which provided interior support, meaning that exterior walls no longer had to carry the weight of many floors. As land values rose in city after city, so did taller and taller buildings.

Many of the most graceful early towers were designed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), America’s first great modern architect. “Form ever follows function”, Sullivan preached, meaning that a building’s purpose should determine its design. That idea had been one of modern architecture’s guiding principles.

Sullivan’s most talented student was Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959). Now consid-ered the nation’s most original and influential modern architect, but ignored for major commissions during much of his life, Wright spent much of his career designing private homes that stressed open space and the inventive use of materials. One of his best-known buildings in the cylindrical design for the Guggengeim Museum (1959) is in New York City.

The ideas of Sullivan and Wright – though very different – came to dominate Ameri-can architecture. Some were adapted by a group of Europeans who emigrated to the United States before World War II and who later shaped another dominant movement in architecture. Among them were Ludwig Mies Van der Rohe (1886-1969) and Walter Gropius (1883-1869), both past directors of Germany’s famous design school, the Bau-haus. Their work, called the International Style< stressed machine technology, geomet-ric form and materials. Some critics have called buildings based on their ideas “glass boxes”, but other consider these structures monuments to American corporate life.

A radically different approach to design was developed by R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1984). Fuller used mathematical principles in creating a form he called a geo-desic dome, in which the structure of the roof supports its own weight.

Today’s leading architects include Philip Johnson, usually considered a “post-modernist”, and I.M. Pei. Many younger architects have turned away from the glass boxes. One leader of this movement is Michael Graves whose work is rich in detail and decoration.



Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

When was the first skyscraper built? Who was the designer?

What is one of the modern architecture’s guiding principles?

What is Frank Lloyd Wright famous for?

Name the representatives of Germany’s design school.

What mathematical principles did R.Buckminster Fuller use?


Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)


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