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The Creation of the Computer (part II)

The second generation computers were significantly improved with the transistor. During this generation, assembly languages, or symbolic languages replaced the machine language. FORTRAN (short for FORmula TRANslator), the first high-level language, was developed in 1954 for mathematical computations. COBOL (short for COmmon Business Oriented Language) was introduced in 1959 for business applications. Both languages with significant revisions are in use today.

The integrated circuit (IC) replaced the transistors in the third generation computers. The small silicon chip (approx. 1/8 inch) held thousands of transistors. The semiconductor chip is made of a crystalline substance that conducts electricity. In 1970 large scale integration (LSI) compressed thousands of integrated circuits into an inch piece of silicon.

The third generation of computers was dominated the IBM 360 family of computers. These machines were designed to do both business and scientific work. Sophisticated software called operating systems allowed more than one program to run simultaneously. Interactive processing allowed the use of Cathode-Ray Tubes CRT for input and output. This was the beginning of online computer reservations and credit checks.

The fourth generation introduce the microprocessor on a chip. The microprocessor is a computer on a chip (about the size of an ant). Very large scale integration (VLSI) introduced in 1975 revolutionized the microprocessor industry. This achievement allowed small computers to be placed in watches, microwave ovens, cars and television sets. Today, computers are about 1/100 the size of first generation computers. The microprocessor chip is much faster than ENIAC.


Exercise 1. Say it in English.


Математичні розрахунки; ділове застосування; третє покоління комп’ютерів; напівпровідниковий чіп; домінували; операційні системи; виробництво мікропроцесорів; мікрохвильові печі; набагато швидший; перша мова програмування високого рівня.


Exercise 2. Insert the necessary prepositions.


  1. The fourth generation introduce the microprocessor … a chip.
  2. These machines were designed … do both business and scientific work.
  3. This was the beginning … online computer reservations and credit checks.
  4. The second generation computers were significantly improved … the transistor.
  5. … this generation, assembly languages, or symbolic languages replaced the machine language.
  6. The first high-level language, was developed in 1954 … mathematical computations.
  7. COmmon Business Oriented Language was introduced in 1959 … business applications.
  8. The integrated circuit (IC) replaced the transistors … the third generation computers.
  9. The small silicon chip held thousands … transistors.


Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps.


  1. During this generation, … languages, or … languages replaced the … language.
  2. Both languages with … revisions are in use today.
  3. The … chip is made of a crystalline substance that conducts electricity.
  4. … software called operating systems allowed more than one program to run simultaneously.
  5. … processing allowed the use of Cathode-Ray Tubes CRT for input and output.
  6. The … is a computer on a chip (about the size of an ant).
  7. The microprocessor chip is much faster than ….


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