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Some more facts about microcomputers

A wide variety of computers are used today. But they can be broadly classified as special-purpose and general-purpose computers. Special-purpose computers, such as the bank’s ATM, accept only certain types of input and present a narrow range of outputs. Microcomputers are the logical choice of computer studies today because they are capable of performing so many tasks that are relevant to modern workplaces, schools and homes.

The computing cycle includes four kinds of hardware device: there must be input, processing, output, and storage devices.

To be capable of performing useful work, a computer also needs two kinds of software. The operating system includes basic instructions that are vital to the internal functioning of the computer. Application software tells the computer how to perform a certain kind of job. The six most common types of application software are word processing, graphics, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and communication software.

Microcomputers are used in thousands of ways at schools, in homes, and in offices. At school, students use them to write papers and conduct research. At home, they are used to figure taxes, play games, keep inventories, write letters, and keep track of finances. Businesses use microcomputers in countless ways. The two most common applications are word processing and spreadsheets. E-mail is also a grown application. Presentation graphics are used to convey ideas. In all these ways and more, microcomputers are becoming a permanent part of our world.

Processing is controlled by the central processing unit (CPU), which consists of a control unit that directs the transfer of data and an arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) that performs mathematical and logical calculations.

Once entered, data is moved to memory for processing – this is the information that appears on the screen – or written to the disc for permanent storage.

The system unit itself houses the processing devices, electronic circuits, and other components. Many of these devices are tiny silicon chips, also known as semiconductors or integrated circuits. These chips include the CPU, RAM (random access memory), and ROM (read-only memory); they are plugged into sockets on a printed circuit board (a board with electrical circuits printed on it). The board that contains the CPU is known as the system board (or motherboard); it provides several expansion slots that allow users to add memory and expansion boards for input and output devices (peripheral devices) such as mice, monitors, modems, and scanners.

Read-only memory (ROM) contains the computer’s built-in instructions; the computer can read but not alter the contents. Random access memory (RAM) allows the manipulation of data; if the program is ended or the power turned off before the changes have been saved, all new material is lost.

Microcomputers typically include a hard disk (HD) and one or two floppy disk drives. The hard disk provides greater storage space and speed than a floppy disk (FD) provides; it is usually sealed within the unit (some removable driven are available) and contains the operating system and whatever programs and data you chose to write to it. Because hard disks can malfunction (crash), it is advisable to back up their data onto floppy disks (or tape) to be stored outside the system. Other storage devices include optical disks, where the data has been burned onto the disk by means of a laser, and interactive video.

Input and output devices, connected to the system unit through serial ports, parallel ports, and specialized ports, let the user interact with the system to input data and receive processed results. Common input devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, and light pen; common output devices include the monitor, printer, and plotter. The modem functions as both as input and output device.


Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given below.

Variety, computing cycle, useful work, software, graphics, tiny silicon chips, hard disk, floppy disk, include.


  1. Microcomputers typically include a … and one o two – drives.
  2. Many of these devices are …, also known as semiconductors or integrated circuits.
  3. The … includes four kinds of hardware devices.
  4. A wide … of computers are used today.
  5. To be capable of performing …, a computer also needs two kinds of ….
  6. Presentation … are used to convey ideas.
  7. These chips … the CPU, RAM and ROM.


Exercise 2. Find Ukrainian equivalents for the given words and word combinations

logical choice електронна таблиця

the computing cycle прикладне програмне забезпечення

hardware device комунікативне програмне забезпечення

useful work змінювати зміст

the operating system вбудовані інструкції

internal functioning логічний вибір

application software обчислювальний цикл

desktop publishing плата

spreadsheet проводити дослідження

communicative software пристрій апаратного забезпечення

to conduct research корисна робота

presentation graphics операційна система

board внутрішнє функціонування

built-in-instructions настільне видавництво

to alter the contents презентаційна графіка


Exercise 3. Say it in English.

Банкомат, здатний виконувати, доречний, пристрої вводу, пристрої виводу, пристрої збереження, пристрої обробки, виконувати певний вид роботи, електронна пошта, передавати ідеї, постійна частина, контролюючий блок, пам'ять, електронні схеми, напівпровідники, плата, материнська плата, збій, дублювати, оптичні диски, серійні порти, паралельні порти, взаємодіяти з системою.


Exercise 4. Put questions to the text.



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