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Making Plans for the Weekend

What are you doing this Saturday? Do you want to go see a movie? What's playing at the Century Fox? * Should we go see it? How about " Run of the Mill? " Why don't we go to a concert instead?   Not much. That sounds good. " Candlelight in the Window." I'd rather not. I don't like horror movies. No. I heard that's really boring. Great idea!
*In English we often say " What's playing at the (name of theater)? " to find out what movie is showing at a given location.



Asking for Favours

Can you...

Would you (please)...

Could you (please)...

Could I... (usually used for asking permission)

1. Can you help me with my math? 2. Could you bring me some coffee? 3. Would you open the car door for me? 4. Could I ask you a favor?   Sure. What's the problem? I'd be glad to. How do you like it? No problem. It looks like your hands are full. It depends. What is it?



Asking for Repetition

Excuse me?

Could you repeat that?

Could you say that again?

What did you say?

What was that (again)?

Did you say...?

I'm sorry. I didn't catch that.

I'm sorry. I didn't get that.

What did you say your name was? Did you say Ander sen or Hender son? Is " Cathy" spelled with a C or a K? And what was your address again? Sorry, I didn't catch the last part. I can't hear you very well.   It's Cathy Henderson. Henderson, with an H. It's C as in Cadillac. 72 West Sunshine Blvd., Suite 501. Do you want me to repeat it? Maybe you should turn down the radio.




(Simple imperative verb): - Help me.*

Please + verb (more polite) - Please help me.

Can you...? - Can you help me?

Will you...? - Will you help me?

Could you (please)...? - Could you help me?

Would you (please)...? - Would you please help me?

Would you mind (V+ing)...? - Would you mind helping me?

Could you possibly...? - Could you possibly help me out here?

(very polite) Would you be so kind as to...? - Would you be so kind as to help me (with this)?


1. Give me a paper towel. 2. Please mail this letter for me. 3. Would you please turn down that music? 4. Will you type my term paper for me? 5. Would you give me a ride home? (Couldyou...)   Here you are. Okay. I'll stop by the post office on my way home. Sorry. Is it bothering you? Sure. When do you need it? Sorry. I'm not going in that direction. *This is also used in commands: Example, Go to your room!




Do you want to...

Do you wanna... (informal)

Would you like to... (more polite)

How about (V+ing)?

How would you like to...

1. Do you want to dance? 2. Would you like to go hiking this weekend? 3. How about going swimming on Friday? 4. How would you like to play golf tomorrow?   No thanks. I'm kind of tired right now Sure, I'd love to. What time should we meet? Ah. Can I get back to you on that? Sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to go?



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