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Lesson five (the fifth lesson)

1. Can you find the hidden words for family members in this word search puzzle? All the words go across or down. There are no diagonal or backwards words.

T S R B G G F Q C D R S Q E A R  
M W P C V O M U O B Q T G Z Z I  
B N S C C O W F S C X E G T S Q  
R D A D A U G H T E R P R H G H  
O S V W I E J G G U L F A M U M  
T B S I S T E R G X G A U D J G  
H V M F B V P A I X C T N G B R  
E R O U O R T N F B I H T F M A  
R P Y I F O J D K A G E K L L N  
F C W X A F O M Z B P R N U J D  
B O P V M E P O U Y S O N A W F  
J U D T I E K T N Z V E P E S A  
K S D W L D M H C D E F Z S R T  
C I G J Y K R E L A T I V E S H  
M N U O E E Q R E M Q M W G A E  
Y E B D S T E P M O T H E R K R  




  1. Have a look at the Chernenko family. Find in the picture: the parents, a son and a daughter, a brother and a sister, a husband and a wife, the number of children.


Family Welcomes Baby Seventeen

Baby David is the latest child of Vladimir and Zinaida Chernenko. The chernenkos come from Ukraine and now live in the USA. They have got 17 children, 8 girls and 9 boys. (Sergey, 22, isn’t in the photo.)

Life in the Chernenko house is noisy. The house has got 7 rooms but each child sleeps in hos or her own bed. They don’t always eat at the same time, but in the evenings they have dinner together. They travel everywhere in their 15-seat car.

Vladimir Chernenko doesn’t think his family is unusual (in California, the average family has 3 members). Large families are quite normal in Ukraine. Vladimir says, ‘We love singing and now we’ve got lots of voices for our family choir! ’

One daughter, 20-year-old Liliya, is married and doesn’t live with her brothers and sisters. The other children live at home. ‘It’s good, says 18-year-old Dmitriy. ’I like it. My best friend says he’s bored because he hasn’t got a brother or a sister. I come home from school and I’m never bored. I’ve always got something to do.’

And how about another child? ‘We haven’t got any plans, ’ says Zinaida, ‘but who knows? ’


3. Fill in the gaps using to have got or to be

I’ve got a brother and a sister. My sister, Lisa, ______thirty-five, my brother, Mark, ____ thirty and I ___ twenty-seven. My sister ____ married to Andreas and they ____ a daughter, Eva. Eva ___ (not) any brothers or sisters. My brother ____ (not) married, but he ____ a girlfriend.

I ___ married to Marek. We ___ two sons, Vlad and Henryk. They ___ three and one.


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