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Lesson six (the sixth lesson)


  1. Make word webs for a bedroom (e.g. bed, wardrobe, etc.), a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom.
  2. Read the advert and answer questions:

a) Who are microflats for?

b) Where are they?

c) Are they expensive to buy?

d) Which rooms and furniture can you see in the picture?

Microflats for You

Do you work in the city center? Are you a student or teacher? Or maybe a police officer, doctor or nurse? Then we’got the flat for you! Twenty-four microflats for sale in the city center. Low price, high quality, available now! Contact us on 0118 324587 to see one today!

3. Listen to two people talk about a microflat. Number the rooms in the order they talk about them.

dining room 1





living room


4. Complete the email. Use there is, there are, there isn’t or there aren’t.

Hi Jaime and Laura,

I’m so happy that you want to stay in my flat. Here’s some information about it.

There are four rooms – a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen. ____ a double bed in the bedroom and ____ a desk where you can study and work. ____ a DVD player in the living room and ____ lots of films (in English!). Have you got a laptop? ____ wireless broadband everywhere in the flat. ____ a dining room but ____ two chairs and a table in the kitchen. My flat is on the top floor and ____ any neighbors, so it’s OK to play loud music!

Tell me about your flat. Where is it and how big is it?



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