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External research

I researched on the internet, asked friends and Mr Rakshi and came up with the following rules of Draughts. Rules of Draughts:

· The game is played on an 8x8 grid with a chequered pattern of black and white squares

· Moves only take place on the black squares

· There are two sides black and white

· Black start from the top, with three rows of 4 pieces, 12 in total

· White starts from the bottom, with three rows of 4 pieces, 12 in total

· There are two types of pieces

· Pawns

· can only move forward one space at a time

· If the space in front of them is blocked, they cannot move there

· If an enemy piece is ahead, with a free space beyond it, they can jump over

· Kings

· Created when a pawn gets to the opposite end of the board

· Represented by two counters of the same colour on top of each other

· Can move one space in any diagonal direction to a free location

· If an enemy piece is directly diagonal, with a free space beyond it, they can jump over

· Multi-jumps are allowed

· Each player makes one move at a time

· The white pieces go first

· The game ends when

· One side has taken all the other side's pieces, they are the winner

· When one side can no longer make a legal move, all their paths are blocked, the game is drawn

Game examples
Diagram showing black taking two white pawns in a single move. The black piece will then be made into a King as it has reached the edge
Diagram showing all the valid moves for white in this current position.
Diagram showing all valid moves for white, which has a King and two pawns

Rules adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_draughts


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