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Westlaw provides a combined database as well as separate databases for each of the Restatements (e.g., Agency, Property, Torts). The basic Restatement databases shown in the illustration below contain the rules, comments, illustrations, and appendixes from the current editions of each Restatement. They also include any tentative drafts for versions that are still in progress. Unlike the Lexis Restatement databases, Westlaw's databases also include the text of superseded Restatements such as the Restatement (First) of Torts.

You can avoid retrieving superseded and draft versions of the Restatement rules in Westlaw's databases by limiting your search through the Table of Contents structure.

It is possible to perform field searches of the Restatements on Westlaw by clicking on " advanced" search. If you want to search for a known rule by its title, you should use that field. Otherwise, it is probably not a good idea to limit your Restatement search by field, because you won't know what part of the document (title, text, etc.) is most likely to contain your search terms.

HeinOnline is another service that provides access to Restatements. Like Westlaw, it has older versions of Restatements as well as the current ones. It also has preliminary drafts of Restatements.

Quiz 5. To do a complete subject search of the Restatement (Second) of Torts in print, it is only necessary to check the index in the last volume.

- False. There is no overall index to the Restatement (Second) of Torts or to most of the other second series Restatements. Instead there is an index at the end of each rules volume covering only that volume, and you would have to check the index in every volume to perform a thorough subject search.

Quiz. It is possible to search superseded Restatements (such as the Restatement (First) of Torts) on

A. Lexis
B. Westlaw
C. Lexis and Westlaw
D. neither Lexis or Westlaw

Quiz 6. Because Westlaw's Restatement databases include superseded as well as current versions of the Restatements, there is no way to search only the current version of a Restatement on Westlaw. – False.

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