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Using the Appendixes to Find Cases

As mentioned earlier, each Restatement has an appendix volume or volumes that follow the volumes containing the text of the rules. The appendixes provide summaries of and citations to cases that have cited each rule. To find cases that have cited a relevant Restatement rule you've already found, turn to the appendix volumes and look under the number of that rule. Case summaries for each rule are arranged in order first by jurisdiction, and then by date. Federal cases are listed first, followed by state cases in alphabetical order by state. Within each jurisdiction cases are listed in chronological order (earliest cases first).

Note that there may be more than one appendix volume listing cases that have cited your rule. You must read the volume spines carefully for the range of rules and dates they cover. For example, in the Restatement of the Law Second, Torts there are several appendix volumes covering §§ 504 through 587. The first provides summaries of cases that cited §§ 504 through 587 through the end of December 1977. The second provides summaries of cases that cited those sections between 1978 and June 1987. The third summarizes cases that cited those sections between July 1987 and June 1998, and has a supplement providing summaries of cases decided from June 1998 to roughly the present. A new pocket part or supplemental pamphlet is issued once a year.

A good way to make sure that you consult all of the required appendix volumes is to check the list printed on the front of each Appendix pocket part and supplement, an example of which is reproduced on this page.

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