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V. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.



I.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени и переведите.

Simple and Continuous Tenses

1)The department store (open) at 10 pm every day. 2) I think I (not/go) to the museum tomorrow. 3) The clerk of the court (invite) the last witness an hour ago. 4) My pen-friend usually (not/write) e-mails in English. 5)Look! Our team (play) basketball on the sports ground at the moment.


II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. Не забудьте про вспомогательный глагол “ do” “does” и форму будущего времени will + verb(go, write…)


1) These students practice martial arts every Sunday. 2) Every year a dog-handler of our college takes part in competitions.

3) This patrol sergeant always works shifts.

4) The accused colonel will be in court on Monday.

5) Our lawyer knows tax law very well.


III. Выберите глаголы, которые не могут употребляться в Continuous:


Know, swim, prefer, believe, read, like, jog, include, see, watch

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя / was, were/ is, am, are+Ving

И переведите предложения.


1) When I came home yesterday my brother ______________(watch) sports competitions on TV. 2).Look! What ______ the burglar______ (do) on the roof now? 3) They ______________(not have) their training sessions last week.

4) When I came home yesterday my brother ______________(watch) sports competitions on TV. 5).What book_____you______ (read) at the moment? 6) They _____ _________(not leave) St.Petersburg at 2 pm tomorrow.

7) The offender ___ _____(shout) something, when we entered the bar.



V. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.


1) The customer of the bar is sitting at that table now. 2) They broke the stolen car for spare parts yesterday. 3)The policewomen will escort the prisoners to the court tomorrow.

4) This week she is managing a very important project. 5) They will take part in the competition next week. 6) We did scuba diving at the lake yesterday.


VI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях либо сравнительной, либо превосходной степенями прилагательных, указанных в скобках, как в примере.


I went to the isle of White last year and it was a wonder! My room was 1 ) bigger

(big) than the one in the photograph in the advertisement. I think it was 2) …(large) room in the hotel. The weather was extremely hot. It was 3)…(hot) than in Africa. The sand beach near the hotel was very clean and beautiful. It was 4) …(beautiful) of all beaches on the island. The food was 5)…..(cheep) than I expected and I didn’t spend much money. It was (tasty) of all I have ever eaten. One day I went shopping to a big department store and I bought a lot of souvenirs. They were 6) …. (interesting) things I have seen in my life. But the 7)…. (good) of all was that I won a vase in the lottery which was (expensive) of all the lots. It was 8) …..(wonderful) holiday of my life.



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