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VI. Переведите с английского языка на русский.



St.Petersburg is the second biggest city in Russia. It was founded by Peter the Great on the banks of the Neva River in 1703. It is one of the most important cities in Russia. It is a center of culture, industry, business and tourism.

If you look at the map you can see that St. Petersburg is situated on many islands.

There are many beautiful bridges over The Neva River. There are many famous monuments in our city. Tourists from all over the world come to St.Petersburg to look at the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, the Summer Gardens and other places of interest. There is a lot of wonderful churches and cathedrals in the city.

Holy Mother of Kazan Cathedral and St.Isaak’s Cathedral are the largest among them. The main square of St.Petersburg is Palace Square. The main street is Nevsky prospect which is not very wide but very beautiful and full of people. We can see a lot of shops, beautiful buildings and monuments in Nevsky Prospect.

One of the most famous symbols of St.Petersburg is Bronze Horseman in Senat Square.


VII. Ответьте на поставленные вопросы к тексту.



On the 23rd of May, 1909 a monument to Alexander III was opened in the center of present day Vosstaniya square. At that time the square was called Znamenskaya. Tsar Alexander III started to build the Great Siberian Railroad which connected the capital and the far East. That’s why the monument was erected in front of the Nickolaevsky Rrailway station. Now it is called Moscovsky. The monument was designed by Italian sculptor Paolo Nrubetskoy who was known for his talented sculptures. But the monument to Alexander III made him famous all over the world. After the revolution of 1917 a poem by Demyan Bedny “Scarecrow” was carved on the pedestal. In 1937 the monument was moved to the yard of the Russian Museum, where it was kept for many years. Now it stands near the Marble palace which is the part of the Russian Museum.



1. What could you see in Vosstanya Square before 1917?

2. Who designed the monument to Alexander III?

3. Where was Paolo Trubetskoy from?

4. What museum kept the monument for long years?

5. Where is the monument to Alexander III now?


VIII. Вставьте в пропуски ‘for’ или ‘since’.

1. The accused sailor has been at prison _____ a month.

2. She hasn’t had a day off ________1998.

3. How long have you worn glasses? I have worn them ____ seven years.

4. I have lived in France _______5 years.

5. Sheila has worked at the police department _______1987.


IX.Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глаголов

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