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Conclusion. At the start of this article the question was asked, “what can the KM do to maintain control now that they are being attacked from all sides?”

At the start of this article the question was asked, “what can the KM do to maintain control now that they are being attacked from all sides? ”

This article disclosed some of their possible responses. But the bottom line is this, the KM and their leaders are doomed. The lesser gods they have been serving no longer need them as a part of their revised plan to directly relate to the human race through world populism and world political correctness.

These lesser gods (fallen ones) plan to deceive the masses directly by “playing the good guy and presenting their new man as a beneficial, problem-solving Globalist NWO leader, who will at some point claim he is the Christ, the world’s messiah. This too will fail, and in due time, according to the conservative Christian view, Jesus Christ will descend and retake Planet Earth, judge evil and rebuild Planet earth the way it was supposed to be.

What the RKM Top Chieftains don’t understand is that the lesser gods they serve are simply that — lesser gods who have rebelled, who continue to rebel during their confinement here on Planet Earth and who will eventually be destroyed for it.

These lesser gods are best described as the legendary Third Force. And This Third Force secretly despises the KM Top Chieftains (and all humans), and acts two-faced toward them in order to use them for their own evil purposes.

The KM Top Chieftains will be disposed of by the Third Force (lesser gods/fallen ones) when they are no longer needed and that time appears to be quickly approaching.

God Almighty is best described as the “Fourth Force”, the “First Cause” the “Most High”, the Greatest Power”, and the only ethereal entity which can create life from nothing. God Almighty is the only one that can create real souls.

If you ask conservative Christians about this they will claim that you can gain the immediate right to enter into this direct eternal relationship with God Almighty because of the life, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You will likely hear the claim that through a belief and trust in Jesus one can commune directly with God Almighty and have a whole new life of peace, joy and love for others despite the current difficulties and very tough challenges of life and can overcome evil.

But to commune with God Almighty and receive His blessings, you must live by two rules: love God Almighty with all your heart and mind and trust Him, and love your neighbor as yourself. There is no judgment for those that do these things and live by this according to conservative Christian teaching.

Obviously what is taught in many so-called Christian churches today is a far cry from what Jesus of Nazareth taught about loving our neighbors and others as our-self.

Can you imagine what a great world we would live in if everyone, including our leaders lived by the Golden Rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?

Preston James is a Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.

Source: Veterans Today


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