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The basis of the organization


About Quality Management System (QMS)


The basis of the organization

3. The purpose of the QMS


Quality Management System (QMS) - a set of organizational structures, procedures, processes and resources required for quality management. It is designed to continually improve performance, increase the competitiveness of the organization for the domestic and international markets, determines the competitiveness of any organization.

Quality - capacious, complex and universal category, which has a variety of features and aspects. Depending on the intended use and review of quality to its main aspects are: - philosophical; - Social; - Technical; - Economic; - Legal. Modern QMS based on the principles of TQM. Different parts of the organization's management system can be integrated with the quality management system in edinuyusistemu management using common elements. This increases the effectiveness of planning, resource utilization, creates a synergistic effect in the pursuit of common business goals of the organization.

Widely used for certification of QMS ISO 9001. Certification of Quality Management System is based on an independent audit by a third party (the certification body).

The basis of the organization

Quality management systems are driven by the requirements of the customer organization. Customers require products (service), the characteristics of which would satisfy their needs and expectations. Customer needs and expectations are constantly changing, which is why organizations experience pressure created a competitive environment (market) and technical progress. To maintain a constant customer satisfaction, organizations must continually improve their products and processes. QMS organization as one of the management tools, it gives confidence to senior management of the organization and its customers that the organization is able to deliver products in full compliance with the requirements (quality, in the required amount for a set period of time at a cost established resources).

QMS is based on eight quality management principles:

1. Customer focus - organizations need to do what the consumer wants now and will want in the future, even if he does not realize it.

2. Leadership Head - because the organization always acts in the framework of limited resources and inputs in a competitive environment, only a leader with a vision, strength of spirit is able to achieve its goals (mission).

3. Involve staff - as staff organization is its main resource, and at the same time the most sensitive interested party leaders support it - the key to success.

4. Process approach - not a static organization's QMS, and the formation of its elements are the processes through which the objectives are achieved, that is, processes ensure any changes.

5. System approach to management - implies taking into account all the factors affecting the external and internal environment of the organization.

6. Continuous improvement - the basis of modern management, which involves constant adjustment to occurring and anticipated changes in the environment, and sometimes even shapes them.

7. Decision making based on facts - a reminder that the stability of the organization can be made only on the basis of intuition, but also with the use of the measurement data.

8. Mutually beneficial supplier relationships - together with the principle of customer focus involves the creation of sustainable supply chains based on mutually beneficial cooperation.

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