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How many people speak English and why?

Міністерство аграрної політики та продовольства україни

Житомирський агротехнічний коледж


для самостійної роботи

з дисципліни «Іноземна мова»

Студента групи___________________



ВИКЛАДАЧ: Коновалова В.А.


Тема для самостійного опрацювання: Особисте ставлення до вивчення іноземної мови.

Література:: двомовний англо-український, українсько-англійський словни

Хід роботи:


Speaking activities

Activity 1. Answer the following questions.

Language Questionnaire

§ How long have you been studying English?

§ Why did you start learning this language?

§ Did you learn any other foreign languages before you started to study English?

§ Do you enjoy learning this language?

§ What do you like most of all?

a) speaking English to your friends, teachers and native speakers;

b) reading English books in translation and in the original;

c) listening to and understanding English songs;

d) watching video films in the original;

e) doing grammar exercises;

f) doing English crosswords and puzzles;

g) other.

§ What areas of the language do you find most difficult to study?

a) grammar; b) vocabulary; c) pronunciation.

§ Which language skill is your weak point?

a) speaking b) listening c) writing d) reading

§ Do you work at your language systematically or from time to time?

§ What is the most boring aspect of English for you?

§ What do you think is the best way to learn pronunciation (grammar, vocabulary)?

§ Do you prefer British or American English? Why?

§ Do you think it is possible to learn a foreign language perfectly?

§ What are you going to need foreign languages for in your future job?

a) To act as an interpreter.

b)To be entertained when you are abroad.

c) To entertain foreign guests.

d)To make travel and hotel arrangements when you travel abroad.

e) To read articles in scientific and technical journals.

f) Other

Reading activities

Activity 2. Read the text and do the True/False activity after it.

How many people speak English and why?

It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a number one world language. In the year of 1600, in Shakespeare's time, English was spoken only by 6 million people and was a " provincial" language (as was Russian), while French was the leading foreign language of that century. Three centuries later 260 million people spoke English and now, at the end of this millenuim, probably one billion people speak English. It has become one of the world's most important languages in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. In number of speakers English nowadays is second only to Chinese. It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is used as one of the official languages in Canada and South Africa and in the Irish Republic. It is also spoken as a second language by many people in India, Pakistan, numerous countries in Africa, where there are many different languages and people use English as an " official" or " second" language for government, business and education. Throughout the world many people use English as an international language: some use it for social purposes, others for business or study. In 1992 51% of European schoolchildren studied English as their first foreign language and now this number is much higher.

Activity 3. Decide which of these statements are false and which are true:

1. English was the leading world language in the 19-th century.

2. At the beginning of the 20-th century about 300 million people spoke English.

3. More people in the world speak Chinese than English.

4. English is the official language of Canada and South Africa.

5. English is often used as a second language by representatives of different nations within one country.

6. English may be called the language of business and commerce.


Activity 4. Do you want to find out if you are a good language learner? If yes, read the following statements and tick only those that you can say about yourself. Then read the comments:

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