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ST2 Arithmetic

I.Робота в парах. Прочитайте і перекладіть наступні інтернаціональні слова.


factor [`fæ ktə ]
minus [`mainə s]
plus [plΛ s]
product [pro`də kt]
sum [s Λ m]


II. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та запам’ятайте наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими, які мають той же корінь.

check [t∫ ek ] чек, перевіряти
column ['kolə m ] колона, стовпчик
combination [kombi`nei∫ ə n ] комбінація
container [kə n`teinə ] контейнер
correct [kə `rekt ] коректний, правильний
dividend [`dividend ] дивіденд, ділене
elementary [eli`mentə ri ] елементарний
factor [`fæ ktə ] фактор, співмножник
indicate [indi'keit ] індикувати, показувати
minus [`mainə s ] мінус
plus [plΛ s ] плюс
produce [pro`dju: s ] продукувати, показувати
product [`prodə kt ] продукт, добуток
result [ri`zΛ lt ] результат
series [siə ri: z ] серія, ряд
sum [sΛ m ] сума
total [`toutl ] тотальний, загальний


III. Прочитайте наступні слова та запам’ятайте їх значення.

add [æ d ] додавати
addend [‘æ də nd] доданок
addition [ə `di∫ n ] додавання
colon [`kolə n ] двокрапка
difference [`difrə ns ] різниця
divide [di`vaid ] ділити
dividend [`dividə nd ] ділене
division [di'vi3n ] ділення
divisor [di`vaizə ] дільник
item [`aitem ] доданок
minuend [ `minjuend] зменшуване
multiplier [`mΛ ltiplaiə ] множник
multiplicand [, mΛ ltipli`kæ nd] множене
multiplication [mΛ ltipl`kei∫ n ] множення
multiply [`mΛ ltiplai ] множити
quotient [`kwou∫ ə nt ] частка
sign [ sain] знак
subtract [sə b`træ kt ] віднімати
subtraction [sə b`træ k∫ ə n] віднімання
subtrahend [`sΛ btrə hend ] від`ємник


1V. Прочитайте наступні слова та запам’ятайте їх значення.


called [kold] помножений
contained [kə n`teind] отриманий
multiplied [`mΛ ltiplaid] вміщений
obtained [ə b`teind] названий



added [`æ did] проведений
conducted [kə n`dΛ ktid] доданий
divided [di`vaidid] віднятий
subtracted [sə b`træ ktid] поділений



checked [t∫ ekt] зменшений
diminished [di`mini∫ t] перевірений
expressed [iks`prest] помічений
noticed ['noutist] відображений


V. Прочитайте наведені приклади арифметичних дій. Зверніть увагу на слова активного вокабуляру та багатоваріативність читання прикладів.


12 + 3 = 15(twelve and three is fifteen;

twelve plus three equals fifteen;

twelve and three is equal to fifteen;)

12 – an item(an addend)

3 – an item(an addend)

+ plus 15 – the sum(result)




12 – 3 = 9(three from twelve is nine;

twelve less three equals nine;)

twelve minus three equals nine)

- minus 12 – minuend

less 3 – subtrahend

from 9 – difference(result)



12 * 3 = 36(twelve times three equals thirty six;)

(twelve multiplied by three equals thirty six)

times 12 – multiplicand

multiplied by 3- multiplier

36 - product (result)



12: 3 = 4(twelve divided by three equals four)

: divided by 12 – dividend

3 – divisor

4 – quotient

VI. Прочитайте базовий текст № 1(BТ 1) та перекладіть його.




1. Arithmetic is the elementary branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of numbers and their operations.

2. The word “arithmetic” takes its origin from the Greek word “arithmos” meaning number.

3. There are four arithmetical operations.

4. They are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

5. Addition is the operation by means of which we find the sum of two or more numbers.

6. The numbers which are added are called items or addends.

7. The result of addition is called the sum.

8. Subtraction is the operation by means of which we find the difference between two numbers.

9. The greater number of subtraction is called the minuend, the smaller is called the subtrahend.

10. The result of subtraction is called the difference.

11. Multiplication is the operation by means of which we find the product of two or more numbers.

12. The number to be multiplied is called the multiplicand.

13. The number by which we multiply is called the multiplier.

14. The multiplicand and multiplier are called factors.

15. The result of multiplication is called the product.

16. Division is the operation is the operation by means of which we find the quotient when one number is divided by another.

17. The number to be divided is called the dividend.

18. The number by which we divide is called the divisor.

19. The result of division is called the quotient.


VII. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.

1.How many main operations are there in arithmetic?

2.What are they?

3.What is addition (subtraction, multiplication, division)?

4.What is the result of addition (subtraction, multiplication, division)?

5.What is the sign of addition (subtraction, multiplication, division)?

6.What are the components of addition (subtraction, multiplication, division)?



VIII. Прочитайте додатковий текст № 1(SТ 1) та перекладіть його.


The result of addition of numbers is called the sum or total of the numbers. The numbers to be added are called the addends. In adding a series of numbers, begin with the column at the right. If the sum of column of digits is ten or larger, carry the tenth digits and add it to the sum of the digits in the next column to the left. Careless mistakes are sometimes made because the work was not checked. It is always wise therefore to check your answer.

In subtracting the whole numbers, the number which is to be made smaller, or diminished is called the minuend; the number “taken away” or subtracted is called the subtrahend. The answer is the difference between the minuend and the subtrahend and it is called the remainder, or difference. In checking a subtraction example, add the remainder and the subtrahends. If your answer is correct, the result obtained by addition equals the minuend.

In multiplication, the number by which you multiply is called the multiplier, the number being multiplied is called the multiplicand. The number resulting from the multiplication is called the product. Multiplication can be checked by interchanging the multiplier and multiplicand and multiplying again. Remember that the product of any number multiplied by one is the same number. The order in which numbers are multiplied does not change the product.

In division, the number that is to be divided is called the dividend. The number by which the dividend is to be divided is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient. The remainder is what is left over after the dividend has been divided into equal parts. If there is a remainder, it may be written over the divisor and expressed as a fraction in the quotient.


IX. Перекладіть англійською мовою подані речення.


1. Числа, які потрібно додати, називаються доданками, а результат додавання, тобто, число, яке одержують при додаванні, називається сумою.

2. Відніманням називається дія, засобом якої за даною сумою та одним доданком знаходять другий доданок.

3. Число, яке множать, називають множеним; число, на яке множать, називають множником.

4. Результат дії, тобто число, отримане при множенні, називають добутком.

5. Число, яке ділять, називають діленим; число, на яке ділять, називають дільником; число, яке отримують в результаті ділення, називають часткою.


X. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №2(SТ 2).



Arithmetic is the elementary branch of mathematics dealing with the properties of numbers and their operations; fundamental operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

The arithmetic symbols now in use were derived from the Arabs and the Hindus, the latter of whom introduced the symbol 0. These symbols have been in use since the XVI century. Before the introduction of Arab notation in Europe Roman numerals were used.

The Arabic system, which is a decimal system, employs ten figures to express numbers, viz.:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

nought one two three four five six seven eight nine

Nought is called zero and cipher. By combining these figures any number can be expressed.

In writing and reading numbers, the figures are separated into groups of three figures each, called periods. These periods contain the hundreds, tens, and units of each denomination.

In reading numbers expressed by three figures, the tens are read after the hundreds, and the units after the tens without the word “and”. Thus:

745 is read “seven hundred and forty five”

609 is read “six hundred and nine’’

Example 1: How to write down a large figure: 21, 040, 385, 861. Rules:

1. Each period, except the one at the left, must contain three figures.

2. The periods are separated from each other by commas.

3. Example 2: number 20, 673, 210, 040, 385, 861 is read: twenty quadrillion, six hundred seventy three trillion, two hundred ten billion, forty million, three hundred eighty-five thousand, eight hundred sixty-one.

4. The periods above quadrillions in their order are: quintillions, sextillions, septillions, octillions, nonillions, decillions.

5. The Roman System. This system uses seven capital letters to express numbers, viz.:

Letters: I V W L C D M

Values: 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

Repeating a letter repeat its value, thus I represents 1; II – 2; X -10; XX- 20.

When a letter is placed before another of greater value its value is to be taken from that of the greater.

Thus, IV represents five minus one – four, XL forty (fifty minus ten).

When a letter is placed after another of greater value, their values are to be united. Thus VII represents seven, LXXX – eighty.

The following table illustrates the method of combination.

I-1 II-2 III-3 IV-4 V-5 VI -6 VII -7 VIII-IX-9 X-10XI-11 XII-12 XIII-13 XIV-14 XV-15 XVI-16 XVII-17 XVIII-18 XIX-19 XX-20 XXIV-24 XXIX-29 XXX-30 XL-40 L 50 LX-60 LXXX-80 C-100 CC-200 CCC-300 CD- 400 D-500 DCCC-800 M -1000 VVV-3000



XI. Дайте відповіді на наступні запитання.


1. Why do we separate the figures of the numbers by commas?

2. How is each group of three figures called?

3. How the system of numbers we use is called?

4. How many digits does a period of a number contain?

5. How do we find the average of unequal numbers?


XII. Анотуйте додаткові тексти № 1, 2(SТ 1, 2)англійською та українською мовами.

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