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ST 2. Teacher education

I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані інтернаціональні слова:








II. Робота в нарах. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими словами, які мають той же корінь.

measure [`meƷ ə ] межа, міряти
function [`fʌ nk∫ n] функціонувати
vary [`vε ə ri] варіюватися
variation [, vε ə ri`ei∫ n] варіація, розбіжність
nature [`neit∫ ə ] натура, природа
elementary [, ele`mentə ri] елементарний, початковий
locate [lou`keit] локуватися, розташовуватися
intellectual [, intə `lekt∫ uə l] інтелектуальний
practical [`præ ktikə l] практичний
imitate [`imiteit] імітувати
ethical [`eθ ikə l] етичний


III. Прочитайте подані слова та запам'ятайте їх значення.

estimate ['estimeitl оцінювати
constitute f'konstitju: t] складати, бути основою
approximate [ə `prɔ ksimit] приблизний
ratio ['rei∫ iou] (спів)відношення
respectively [ri'spektivli] відповідно
define [di'fain] визначати
enforce [in'fɔ: s] забезпечувати дотримання, виконання
accurate [`æ kjurit] точний
adolescent [, æ də (u)'lesnt] підліток
instead [in'sted] замість
observe [ə b'zə: v] спостерігати
average ['æ və riʤ ] середній
lawyer [`lɔ: jə ] юрист
priest [pri: st] священник


IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (BТ 1).



1. Measured in terms of its members, teaching is the world's biggest profession.

2. In the late 20th century it was estimated that there were 30, 000, 000 teachers throughout the world.

3. Though their roles and functions vary from country to country, the variations are generally greater within a country than they are between countries.

4. Because the nature of the activities that constitute teaching depends more on the age of the persons being taught than on any other thing, it is useful to recognize three subgroups of teachers: primary-school, or elementary-school teachers, secondary-school teachers, and university teachers.

5. These three subgroups had, in the late 20th century, an approximate worldwide ratio of 57 percent, 34 percent, and 9 percent, respectively.

6. Teaching young children and even adolescents could hardly have been a profession anywhere in the world in the 20th century.

7. It was, instead, an art or a craft in which the relatively young and untrained women and men held teaching positions.

8. They " kept school" or “lessons" because they had been better than average pupils themselves.

9. They had learned the art by observing and imitating their own teachers.

10. Only university professors and possibly a few teachers of elite secondary schools were members of a profession in the sense medical doctors, lawyers, or priests were professionals.

11. In some countries even today school teachers may accurately be described as semiprofessionals.

V. Запам’ятайте фрази і словосполучення:


in terms щодо, в плані
depend (on) залежати (від)
for instance наприклад
hold position займати посаду
semi professional напівпрофесіонал
dividing line межа

VI. Прочитайте англійські іменники (А), дієслова (В) та дієприкметники (С). Виберіть відповідний український еквівалент.


primary-school teacher юрист
secondary-school teacher священик
university teacher вчитель початкової школи
priest лікар
lawyer вчитель середньої школи
medical doctor викладач


to observe визнавати
to imitate навчати
to teach засвідчувати, підтверджувати
to train спостерігати
to organize навчати (готувати)
to estimate імітувати
to recognize оцінювати
to certify організовувати


estimated навчений
organіzed розміщений
taught спеціалізований
specialized оцінений
located організований


VІI. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).




Broadly speaking, the function of teachers is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. But teachers fill a complex set of roles, which vary from one society to another and from one educational level to another. Some of these roles are performed in the school, some in the community.

Roles in the school or university

· Mediator of learning

· Disciplinarian or controller of student behaviour

· Parent substitute

· Confidant to students

· Judge of achievement

· Organizer of curriculum

· Bureaucrat

· Scholar and research specialist

· Member of teachers' organization

Roles in the community

· Public servant

· Surrogate of middle-class morality

· Expert in some area of knowledge or skills

· Community leader

· Agent of social change

Some of the roles conflict. The family, the government, the church or religious authority, and the economic or busіness industrial authority all have an interest in the development of children and youth, and all play a part, therefore, in setting up and controlling formal and many informal means of education. In the more developed societies, they employ teachers to do the work of education, and they work out with the teacher an understanding of what the teacher is expected to do. The more " professional" the teacher is, the more autonomy he demands and is given to teach within the concept of understood and mutually accepted goals and methods. The elementary-school teacher must teach the basic mental skills - reading, writing, and arithmetic. Beyond this, the elementary-school teacher must teach facts and attitudes favourable to the nation or the church or any other institution supporting the school. In national and state systems of education, the legislature generally requires that certain subjects be taught so as to " improve" the citizenship or the morality or the health of the students. Many systems, for instance, require secondary schools to teach about the pitfalls of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. A growing number of nations require teaching in favour of conservation of natural resources and protection of the physical environment against air and water pollution. Matters of curriculum and choice of textbooks and materials of instruction are determined in some countries with little or no participation of the individual teacher. The university teacher almost anywhere in the world has substantial autonomy in his choice of textbooks, of content to be covered in a particular course, and of methods of teaching. In general the only limits on the university teacher are set by the nature of his teaching assignment.

VІIІ. Знайдіть у тексті еквіваленти наступних слів і виразів:

В загальних рисах; передавати знання; створювати умови; виконувати широкий спектр ролей; посередник у навчанні; людина, яка слідкує за дисципліною та контролює поведінку учнів; замісник батьків; повірений студентів; експерт з оцінювання; організатор навчального процесу; особа на державній службі; уособлення моралі середнього класу; груповий лідер; встановлювати і контролювати засоби навчання; виробити розуміння; щоб навчати в рамках концепції зрозумілих і загальноприйнятих цілей і методів; вигідні для держави та церкви; шкідливість алкоголю, наркотиків і тютюну; на користь збереження природних ресурсів; забруднення води.

ІX. Перекладіть англійською мовою запропоновані речення.

1. Учителі виконують різні ролі в школі, університеті та громаді.

2. Дуже часто вчитель є замісником батьків. Тому вчителі повинні розповідати учням про шкідливість алкоголю, наркотиків та тютюну.

3. Викладач університету може сам обирати підручники та методи навчання.

4. Хороші вчителі завжди навчають на користь збереження природних ресурсів проти забруднення повітря і води.


X. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст 2(ST 2), звертаючи увагу на спеціальну лексику уроку.




While arrangements of one kind or another for the education of the young have existed at all times and in all societies, it is only recently that schools have emerged as distinctive institutions for this purpose on a mass scale, and teachers as a distinctive occupational category. Parents, elders, priests, and wise men have traditionally seen it as their duty to pass on their knowledge and skills to the next generation. As Aristotle put it, the surest sign of wisdom is a man's ability to teach what he knows. Knowing, doing, teaching and learning were for many centuries, and in some societies are still today, indistinguishable from one to another. For the most part the induction of the young into the ways of acting, feeling, thinking, and believing that are characteristic of their society has been an informal - if serious and important - process, accomplished chiefly by means of personal contact with full-fledged adults, by sharing in common activities, and by acquiring the myths,

legends, and folk beliefs of the culture.

Today, as in the medieval world, methods of teaching and the organization of knowledge continue to be influential. Slate, church, and local authorities everywhere have long recognized the importance of the teacher's work in maintaining or establishing particular patterns of social organization and system of belief.

Teacher education, as it exists today, can be divided into two stages, pre-service and in-service. Pre-service education includes all the stages of education and training that precede the teacher's entry to paid employment in a school. In-service training is the education and training that the teacher receives after the beginning of his career.

In nearly all countries, courses of the normal school, college, and university categories contain three main elements. The first element is the study of one or more academic, cultural, or aesthetic subjects for the purpose both of continuing the student's own education and of providing him with knowledge to use in his subsequent teaching career. A second element is the study of educational principles, increasingly organized in terms of social science disciplines such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, and history. A third element consists of professional courses and school experience. Primary teachers may also receive instruction in the content and methods of subjects other than their own specialities that figure in the primary curriculum. In normal schools and colleges, and some universities, the three elements run parallel to one another, and the student is professionally committed from the outset of his course. Elsewhere, the study of educational processes and professional work (including school experience) may follow the completion of a period of academic study that the student has begun without any prior commitment tо teaching as a career. There are still advanced countries where the possession of a university degree, without any qualification in education as such, is sufficient basis or the award of qualified teacher status.


XI. Знайдіть у додатковому тексті №2 (SТ 2) відповіді на наступні запитання.

1. Are knowing, doing and teaching indistinguishable from one to another?

2. What stages can teacher education be divided into?

3. What does pre-service education include?

4. When does the teacher receive in-service training?

5. What are the main elements of teacher training?


XIІ. Анотуйте англійською та українською мовами основний зміст додаткових текстів. Користуйтесь запропонованим варіантом як ключем.

Supplementary text 1 provides information about the role of the teacher in the school and the community. The main function of teachers is to help students (or pupils) learn and to set up a situation in which students can learn effectively.   Додатковий текст № 1 несе інформацію про роль вчителя в школі та суспільстві. Головна функція вчителів - допомогти учням учитись і створювати ситуацію, в якій учні можуть навчатись ефективно.
Supplementary text 2 is on teacher education which can be divided into two stages, pre-service and in-service. The three elements of teacher education are the study of academic subjects, educational principles, and school experience (practice).   В додатковому тесті № 2 говориться про підготовку вчителя, яку можна поділити на два етапи: до початку роботи і під час роботи у школі. Три елементи педагогічної освіти - вивчення наук, освітніх принципів (педагогіки) та шкільна практика.  


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