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ST 2. The career of a teacher


I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані інтернаціональні слова:








II. Робота в парах. Прочитайте та перекладіть наступні англійські слова. Порівняйте їх з українськими словами, які мають той же корінь.

  pedagogical   педагогічний
university університет
course курс
term термін, семестр
lecture лекція
discussion дискусія, колоквіум
credit кредит, залік
association асоціація
academic академічний, навчальний
dean’s office деканат
activity активність, діяльність
stipend стипендія
rent рента, арендувати
assembly hall асамблея, актова зала
choir хор
graphics графіка

III. Прочитайте подані слова та запам'ятайте їх значення.

bе enrolled [bi in` rould ] бути зачисленим
complicated [kompli`keitid] складний
excited [ik`saitіd] хвилюючий
various [`vε ə riə s] різноманітний
educational [edju`kei∫ nə l] освітній
prime [praim] перший, головний
elective [i`lektiv] курс за вибором
supervise [`sjupə vaiz] керувати, контролювати
obtain [ə b`tein] отримати
solve a problem [`solvə `problə m] вирішувати проблему
staff [staf] персонал
extra-curricular [, ekstrə ke`rikjulə ] позашкільний. позааудиторний
scholarship [`skolə ∫ ip] заохочувальна стипендія
major [`meid3ə ] профілююча дисципліна
provide [prə `vaid] надавати
accomodation [ə, komo`dei∫ n] житло
rarely [`rε ə li] рідко
exhibition [ə ksi`bi∫ n] виставка
facility [fə `siliti] можливість обладнання приміщення
performance [pe`fomə ns] вистава
gym [d3im] спортивна зала
participate [pa`tisipeit] брати участь
edit [`edit] редагувати
workshop [wə: k∫ op] майстерня
craft [kra: ft] ремесло
leisure ['læ 3∂ ] дозвілля, вільний
creative [kri`eitiv] творчий
recreational [rikri`ei∫ ə n] оздоровчий
community [kə `mjuniti] громада, община


IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (ВТ 1).




1. More than 6000 students are enrolled in the Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University.

2. University life is a complіcated and exciting experience.

3. The students have a five-year course, 2 terms a year.

4. They have lectures, seminars, practical training classes, discussions, laboratory classes, etc.

5. The students study various academic subjects, educational principles and have practical training at schools.

6. Many students have field or folk-lore practice.

7. Some students take electives.

8. Many students are involved in the activities of our student scientific association.

9. They are supported and supervised by experienced University teachers.

10. At the end of each term students take credits and examinations.

11. Most of the students pass them because they study hard.

12. Learning is a prime concern of students.

13. But some students have problems which effect their academic progress.

14. The University offers a variety of ways that you can obtain advice or help in solving your problems.

15. The Dean’s office is open to students

16. The professional staff can assist you with many students’ academic advising and extra-curricular activities.

17. Most of the students receive stipends or scholarships but some students have to look for work experience related to their majors.

18. The University provides living accomodations to students.

19. The students rent either a room at the hostel (residence hall) or outside the campus.

20. Those who think of the University as just a plaсe to study will be surprised by the variety of activities happening on campus.

21. There is rarely a day without a public lecture, a conference, a play, a concert, a party, a competition, an exhibition or a special event.

22. The University has facilities for concerts and theatre performances – two large assembly halls.

23. Many students are members of an orchestra, a choir, at folk dance club or a drama society.

24. A lot of students are very good at painting and drawing.

25. There is a large modern gym and sports graunds where you can enjoy sports and games.

26. The students can play volleyball, basketball, handball, badminton, table tennis.

27. The staff teachers provide practice training and instruction in gymnastics, track and field events.

28. Some students write poetry.

29. They participate in poetry readings have their works published in local periodicals and out University newspaper, edited by students and teachers.

30. Workshops and classes are offered to students in such varied crafts as woodworhing, knitting, sewing, art and graphics, ceramics, etc.

31. In summer hiking tours and excursions are popular with the students as well.

32. The other leisure interests are parties, picnics and of course dates!

33. So there are a variety of creative and recreational extracurricular activities open to the University community all year round.

34. All this makes student years unforgettable.

V. Запам’ятайте фрази і словосполучення:


pass examinations успішно складати екзамени
to be popular (with) бути популярним (серед)
to be good at добре знатися на

VI. Прочитайте англійські іменники (А, В, С) та дієслова(D). Виберіть відповідний український еквівалент.


facility майстерня
gym територія університету
assembly hall обладнання, приміщення
workshop спортивна зала
sportsground гуртожиток
hostel актова зала
campus спортивний майданчик


class екзамен
lecture практика
seminar заняття
discussion залік
practice лекція
credit предмет
examination семінар
subject колоквіум, дискусія
practice training тренування


activity вечірка
craft екскурсія
graphics шиття
ceramics в’язання
knitting ремесло
sewing графіка
excursion діяльність
walking tour кераміка
poetry похiд
party поезія


prefer цікавитись
like брати участь
be fond of брати участь
be interested in надавати перевагу
go in for бути задіяним в (охопленим)
practice захоплюватися
be involved in любити
participate in вправлятися в
take part in займатися (спортом)  

VII. Знайдіть в англійському варіанті базового тексту №1 (ВТ1) відповіді

на наступні питання.

1. How many students are enrolled in Uman Pedagogical University?

2. What is the student life like?

3. What practice do students have?

4. What do students have at the end of each term?

5. What kind of training do students have?

6. What effects the academic progress of students?

7. What can you say about the dean’s office?

8. Who supervises and assists students?

9. Where do the students live?

10. What facilities are there for the students?

11. What do the students do after classes?

12. That clubs and societies do the students participate in?

13. Who edits the University newspaper?

14. Where can the students train sports?


VІII.Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).




Let me introduce myself.

I am Oxana Petrenko. I am 17.I have left school this year. I was born in Uman so I have been living in Uman since my childhood.

And now I am going to tell you about my family. We are family of four. We think we are a friendly family. So we are happy to live together in our three-room flat.

My father is 45. He works as an engineer at the factory. He is rather thin with dark brown hair. He is very sociable and good humoured. He is fond of gardening and fishing.

My mother is three years younger than my father. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. She has a lot of work to do both at school and about the house. My mother is fond of her work and spends a lot of time there but she has to cook the food for all the family at home. My mother is kind and understandable. My mother likes sewing and knitting.

Oleg is my elder brother. He is six years senior to me. He has graduated from the University and he is an economist by profession. Oleg is married. My brother is educated, well-bred and helpful. He can play the piano and guitar.

As for me I am a first year student of the Institute of Philology of Uman Pedagogical University. Yet a school girl I decided to enter the University to become a teacher. I have always prefered the Humanities, especially Literature.

It was my favourite subject at school and I did well in this subject. My Ukrainian teacher was a person I loved best at school because our Ukrainian lessons were always interesting and instructive. I always look forward to my Ukrainian lessons. I was much of a reader. I liked poetry and historical novels best of all. Besides I liked to write essays. So I made up my mind to become a student of the Institute of Philology.

After graduating from the Pedagogical University I want to work as a school teacher. Nowadays the teachers of Ukrainian are of great demand in our country. This profession is to my liking though I understand that it is a difficult job. I like children and it’s my dream to bring up and teach children. This noble profession demands of the teacher a strong background in psychology, pedagogics and a selected field of study; love for children hard work and patience.

I shall try to do my best to put into practice all the knowledge and skills and make a good teacher.


ІX. Перекладіть англійською мовою наступні речення, користуючись додатковим текстом №1 (SТ1) як ключем, знаходячи в ньому еквівалентні варіанти перекладу.

1. Вона працює вихователькою в дитячому саду.

2. Моя мати любить шити, плести та поратись на городі, а батько захоплюється риболовлею.

3. Мій брат закінчив університет і по професії – економіст.

4. Я завжди надавала перевагу гуманітарним наукам, особливо українській літературі.

5. Після закінчення педагогічного університету я хочу працювати шкільним учителем.

6. Ця благородна професія вимагає від учителя міцних знань з психології, педагогіки та обраної науки, любові до дітей, наполегливої праці та терпіння.

X. Дайте відповідь на наступні запитання.

1. How old are you?

2. When did you leave school?

3. What is your father’s job?

4. What kind of man is he?

5. What is he fond of?

6. What is your mother’s name?

7. What does she like to do?

8. Do you have sisters and brothers?

9. Do they live with your family?

10. Are they married or single?

11. What can you say about yourself?

12. Why did you decide to enter the Pedagogical University?

13. What were your favourite subjects at school?

14. What courses do you take at the University?

15. Do you read much?

16. What do you like to do when you have free time?

17. How many lessons a day do you have?

18. When do your classes start?

19. What are the requirements of the profession of a teacher?

20. What are your future prospects?


XI. Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст(ST2), звертаючи увагу на спеціальну лексику уроку.


Many young people consider teaching as a career. It’s not surprising: after your parents your teacher may be the most important person in your life. With all the teachers you meet, you think there isn’t anything you don’t know about the work. That’s where you are wrong: only those who are in it can appreciate it. Have you ever asked yourself why most teachers are so devoted to their work and privately think, though they may not like to admit it openly, that they serve humanity doing the most vital job of all? Those of us who spend our days in schools know rewarding the job is. At the same time it is not easy and a real challenge to your character, abilities and talent, as teaching is a constant stream of decisions.

Children in your classroom aren’t just boys and girls. Every one is a unique individual who has never been before and will never again exist. If you like people, you will love teaching. To be a good teacher you must be genuinely interested in what you are doing.

The most important things in the world are awareness and learning – wanting to know every day of your life more and more. Because teachers ignorance, a fearful teacher fear, a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher catalyzes in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty.



To consider teaching as a career – обирати професію вчителя; to appreciate – гідно оцінити; to admit openly – відкрито визнавати; a constant stream of decisions – постійний потік рішень; to be genuinely interested in – бути дійсно зацікавленим у; awareness – обізнаність.

XII. Анотуйте англійською та українською мовами основний зміст додаткових текстів. Користуйтесь запропонованим варіантом як ключем.

Supplementary text 1 (ST1) is the example of the way a person may present the information about himself, his background, interests, hobbies and plans for the future. Додатковий текст №1 – це приклад того, як людина може презентувати інформацію про себе, свою сім’ю, інтереси, хобі та плани на майбутнє.  
Supplementary text 2 (ST2) provides the information on teaching as a career. The text very emphatically emphasizes the role of teachers in people’s lives. Додатковий текст №2 (ДТ2) надає інформацію про професію вчителя. Текст дуже емоційно підкреслює роль вчителів у житті людей  



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