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Module 14



BT1 Technology


I. Робота в парах. Прочитайте і перекладіть наступні інтернаціональні слова:

technology [tek’nolə dჳ i] технологія
electronic [ilek’tronik] електронний
machine [ mə ’∫ i: n] машина
system [’sistim] система
material [mə ’tiə riə l] матеріал
integrate [’intigreit] інтегрувати, об’єднувати
aspect [’æ spekt] аспект
erosion [i’rouჳ n] ерозія


II. Прочитайте наступнi слова та запам`ятайте їх значення.

device [di`vais] пристрій
equipment [e`kwipmə nt] обладнання
crude [kru: d] незрілий, недосконалий
tool [tu: l] інструмент
to change [’t∫ eindჳ ] змінювати
natural [’næ t∫ rel] справжній, природній
environment [in’vaiə rə nmə nt] навколишнє середовище
application [’æ plikə i∫ n] застосування, використання
output [autput] продукція
to modify [’mоdifai] змінювати
to suggest [sə ’dჳ est] пропонувати
need [ni: d] потреба
distribute [dis’tribju: t] розподіляти
customer [’kΛ stə mə ] покупець
to design [dizain] розробляти, проектувати
challenge [’t∫ æ lindჳ ] виклик


ІІІ. Прочитайте англійські іменники (А), прикметники (В) та дієслова (С). Виберіть відповідний український еквівалент.


challenge нововведення
output виклик
innovation продукція
mean застосування
application засіб


natural недосконалий
available природний
crude основний
basic освічений
literate доступний


distribute розробляти
select змінювати
modify відбирати
design пропонувати
suggest розподіляти



IV. Прочитайте та перекладіть базовий текст №1 (BТ 1).




1. Almost everyone uses the word “technology”, but what does it really mean?

2. To some people it means complicated electronic devices and hard- to- understand equipment.

3. To others, it means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all phases of life.

4. Each of these views is partly correct.

5. Technology is not necessarily a complex; it can be primitive and crude.

6. Technology has been here as long as humans have been on earth.

7. Technology is humans using objects (tools, machines, systems and materials) to change the natural and human- made environment.

8. Technology has four basic features:

- Technology is human knowledge.

- Technology uses tools, materials and systems.

- Application of technology results in human – made things or other outputs.

- Technology is developed by people to modify or control the environment.

9. These four characteristics suggest that the products and services available in society are the result of technology.

10. They were designed and produced through technological innovations and processes.

11. These means are integrated with people, machines and materials to meet an identified need.

12. The products were distributed to customers by technology.

13. As we can see, without technology the world as we know it today would not exist.

14. Technology however, also has negative aspects.

15. Improperly designed and used technology pollutes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and can cause soil erosion.

16. Only technologically literate people can properly develop, select, and responsibly use technology.

17. This is the challenge for today’s youth.


V. Запам’ятайте вирази та словосполучення:

Hard-to-understand equipment складне спорядження
Humans using objects предмети, які використовує людина
Natural and human-made environment природне та створене людиною середовище
Application of technology results застосування технологічних результатів
Technologically literate people технологічно освічені люди
Improperly designed and used неправильно розроблені та використані


VI. Знайдіть в англійському варіанті базового тексту №1 (БТ 1) відповіді на наступні запитання.

1. What is technology?

2. What are the main four basic features of technology?

3. What do these characteristics suggest?

4. Does technology have negative aspects?

5. Who can properly develop, select and use technology?


VІI.Прочитайте та перекладіть додатковий текст №1(SТ1).


The human ability to design and use tools provides the foundation for technology.It is through tools that we have products and buildings, structures and vehicles, communication media and energy conversion machines. Tools are technical means that must be present before we have technology. These technical means may be simple hand tools that rely on human muscle power for their operation. Tools may also be complex machines which amplify the speed, amount, or direction of a force.

The complexity of machines and tools may range from a hammer to a space vehicle or from a can opener to a television transmitter. Tools and machines are devices used to locate and extract resources, make products, build buildings and other structures, communicate information and ideas, convert and transmit energy, and transport people and goods.

Tools can make our lives better or threaten our existence. We travel in comfort in modern automobiles, but they pollute the atmosphere. High-rise buildings allow us to live and work in cities; yet social problems and crime in many cities frighten people. Television allows us to be instantaneously touched by events around the globe, but threatens family interaction.

There are thousands of different tools and machines in use today. The challenge is to design and use the tools of technology wisely. To do this we must understand the tools and machines around us.


VIII. Знайдіть в додатковому тексті №1 (ДТ 1) відповіді на наступні запитання.

1. What does provide the foundation for technology?

2. Must tools be present before we have technology?

3. May technical means be simple or complex?

4. What tools and machines are used to do?

5. Can tools make our lives or threaten our existence?

6. What must we do to use the tools properly?


IX. Анотуйте додатковий текст №1 (ST1) англійською та українською мовами.




Вправа 1. Поділіть іменники на злі чувані і незлічувані.

Idea, magazine, weather, knife, tooth, children, oranges, person, dictionaries, sheep, advice, money, hair, fish, garden, news, knowledge, picture, work, job,

information, coffee, furniture, air, ocean, fruit, game, peace, bread, poetry, eyes, tourists, mice, progress.

Вправа 2.Утворіть форму множини іменників:

cap, task, port, pipe, lake; comb, pig, hand, song, tube, name, meal, glove, room; day, letter, door, opera; country, city, duty, industry; life, leaf, shelf, loaf; potato, Negro, photo, zero; dress, bus, wish, rose, fox, page.

Вправа 3.Утворіть форму однини іменників:

lips, logs, rabbits, painters, lines, times, slopes, kites, passes, phrases, types, dishes, countries, melodies, lorries, calves, wives, halves, knives, heroes, cargoes.

Вправа 4.Утворіть форму множини іменників.

A boy, a toy, a car, a thing, a room, a book, a hat, a sweet, a stamp, a coat, a watch, a fox, a dish, a place, a glass, a cherry, a story, a century, a hero, a piano, a fish, a sheep, a deer, a series, a species, a man, a woman, a foot, a tooth, a child, a mouse, a person, a fireman, a passer-by, a forget-me-not.

Вправа 5.Змініть фрази, вживаючи присвійний відмінок, де це можливо

The pen of our teacher; the window of this room; the bicycle of Tom; the boy of her child; the back of the chair; the order of the captain; the bags of her pupils; the banks of the river; the arrival of the actors; the father of Dick..

Вправа 6.Змініть фрази, вживаючи присвійний відмінок.

The pen that belongs to Jack; the camera that belongs to my friend; the books that belong to her pupils; the shoes that belong to the girl; the flats that belong to the workers; the car that belongs to this miner; the coat that belongs to his brother; the watch that belongs to the teacher.

Вправа 7.Перекладіть словосполучення українською мовою.

Winter winds; oak forest; food industry; grammar mistake; sum­mer holidays; evening dress; state power; school age; railway sta­tion; stone wall; iron ore; river transport; winter sport; heart dis­eases; apple orchard: Glasgow demonstration; school year; war in­dustry; silk dress; passenger plane; animal products.



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