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Минулий доконаний час

Вправа 75. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми.

1. The pupils had translated the text before the bell rang. 2. Kate had done her lessons by eight o'clock. 3. Peter had studied English before he entered the institute. 4. The girls had cleaned the room by the time their mother came back. 5. We had reached the village before the sun set.

Вправа 76. Перекладіть речення, прокоментуйте вживання часових форм..

1. The builders had finished the work by the end of the day. 2. The train had left by the time we reached the station. 3. She had typed the text and was looking through the files. 4. When the postman came, I hadn't finished breakfast yet. 5. Mother had cooked supper and was watching television. 6. The policeman asked me if I had seen the accident. 7. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining. 8. He explained that he couldn't pay as he had spent all his money. 9. Hardly had the man got out of his car, when he was arrested. 10. The teacher asked if we had understood everything. 11.My father had had dinner and was looking through the papers. 12. We learned that Nick had been ill since he returned from a business trip. 13. They were good friends. They had known each other for a long time. 14. The work was much more difficult than we had expected. 15. They left after we had discussed the programme.

Вправа 77. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в правильній формі (Past Indefinite або Past Perfect)

1. Yesterday we (to discuss) the film which we (to see) some days before. 2. When my sister (to go) to the theatre, I (to begin) to write the letter. 3. The children (to fall asleep) by ten o'clock, 4. He (to tell us) many interesting things he (to see) in Lutsk. 5. Peter (to show) us the bicycle his father (to buy) for him. 6. Mother (to cook) supper by the time they (to come) home.


Вправа 78. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в правильній формі

1. The plane not (land) yet, but a lot of people (wait) in the terminal. 2. When I (wake up) in the morning, the rain (stop) already, and the birds (sing). 3. My neighbour (be) back some two months before I (see) him. 4. We (walk) in silence. We already (exchange) the news and now (think) about it. 5. Hardly he (open) the file, when he (find) the information which he needed. 6. Rick (be in love) with Lora for a long time before he (propose) to her. 7. The old man used to tell his grandchildren about the war in which he (take part). 8. The book turned out to be much more interesting than I (expect). 9. They (arrange) everything by evening, and (wait) for the guests. 10. Tanya (train) hard before she (become) a professional dancer. 11. We wondered if they (get) our message. 12. The young man thanked his parents for all they (do) for him. 13. When I first (see) her, I (think) she (be) the most intelligent woman I ever (meet). 14. Even though the house (be) empty for two years, it (be) in good condition. 15. The patient thanked the doctor for all the attention he (give) him for the past six months. 16. Ted said that his father's opinion always (be) important for him. 17. He was happy. His dream (come) true. 18. The room looked beautiful, as she (change) the furniture and the curtains.

Вправа 79. Внесіть в речення зміни за зразком.

Model: Helen finished the work. Then she went out. - Helen went out after she had finished her work.

1. Mother did all the homework. Then she sat down. 2. The bell rang. Then the pupils entered the classroom. 3. Sally spent all the money in her purse. Then she left the shop. 4. The clock struck nine. Then Jack woke up. 5. Andrew saved some money. Then he got married. 6. He lost all his money. Then he stopped playing cards. 7. I asked him three times for the money. Then he paid me. 8. He read the newspaper from beginning to end. Then he went to bed. 9. The sun set. The farmers stopped working. 10. We answered all the questions. Then we left the examination room. 11.Little Mary said " Please". Then I gave her a bar of chocolate.

Вправа 80. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Вони обговорювали новини, які щойно отримали. 2. Вона приготувала все до п’ятої години і чекала гостей. 3. Тільки я дійшов до рогу вулиці, як почув чиїсь кроки позаду. 4. Секретар повідомив, що відіслав факс в Нью Йорк. 5. Я ще не заснула, коли почула стук в двері. 6. Він шкодував, що відмовився від запрошення. 7. Коли ми прийшли в театр, спектакль уже почався. 8. Я думала про те, що він мені розповів. 9. Хлопчики перестали грати в футбол і повільно йшли додому. 10. Жінка пояснила, що сама виростила ці чудові квіти. 11. Ми були здивовані, коли дізналися, що він пройшов інтерв‘ю і отримав роботу. 12.Тільки ми здали роботи, як задзвонив дзвінок. 13. коли вони пішли, ми згадали, що не показали їм фотографії. 14. Він сказав, що щойно повернуся з Канади. 15. Я дуже здивувалась, коли дізналася, що вона написала цей роман. 16. Він хворів уже тиждень, коли родичі викликали лікаря. 17. Як тільки ми пообідали, прийшли гості. 18. Діти загубили цуцика і шукали його в садку. 19.Директор запитав мене, як довго я тут працюю.

Вправа 81. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в правильній формі

1. - You (get) to class on time yesterday morning? - No. By the time I (get) there, it (begin) already. 2. - You (see) Jack yesterday? -Yes, it (be) good to see him again. I not (see) him for a long time. 3. - You (enjoy) the concert on Saturday night? -Very much. I not (go) to a concert in a long time. 4. When Paul walked into the kitchen after dinner last night, his wife still (wash) the dishes, so he took a towel to help her. 5. By the time Nelly walked into the kitchen after dinner, her husband (wash) already the dishes and (put) them away. 6. - By the time I (get) home, my sister (make) already dinner for us. -What you (do) after dinner? - We wanted to go to a movie Galaxy Invaders, but my mother (see) it, so we (go) to Ghost Ship instead. It (be) pretty good.

Вправа 82. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в правильній формі

Modern Picture

A rich American (go) to Paris and (buy) there a very strange picture which was painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American (think) that the picture was fine because he (pay) a lot of money for it. When he (come) back to his hotel, he (try) to hang it, but he (сan) not (say) which the top or which the bottom of the picture (be). So he thought of a plan - He (hang) the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, they (sit) down to dinner. While they (eat), the artist looked at the picture several times but (say) nothing. It seemed that he never (see) it before. The American thought: " If be not (recognize) his work, I (ask) him about it myself. I (make) him (speak)" But at that very moment the artist (rise) from his chair and came up to the painting. " Why, my friend, " he said, " What you (do) with my picture? You (put) it upside down! " The American smiled. " Why you not (tell) me about it at once? I was sure I (do) it properly." " Well, you see, I wasn't sure myself at first, " answered the artist, " but now, I must say that we both (make) a mistake."

Вправа 83. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Вона була щаслива, що важкі часи минули. 2. Коли ми повернулись, всі хотіли знати, де ми були. 3. Я сподівалася, що він зробив правильний вибір. 4.Ми були колегами. Ми пропрацювали разом десять років. 5. Я була впевнена, що не чула цього виразу раніше. 6. Суддя оголосив, що змінив свою точку зору. 7. Вони зрозуміли, що життя дуже змінилося. 8. Виявилося, що вона тринадцять років була нашою сусідкою. 9. Він прийшов до нас за допомогою, тому що завжди нам довіряв. 10. Адвокат був задоволений - він отримав гарні новини. 11. Він був вдячний своїм батькам. Вони так багато зробили для нього. 12. Мар­тин нічого не відповів. Життя навчило його бути обережним. 13. Марина виглядала незвичайно - вона змінила зачіску (hair style). 14. Мій однокласник сказав, що я дуже змінилася. 15. Він закохався в неї, хоча знав її лише кілька днів. 16. Вона не знала, як почати, тому що раніше не виконувала такої роботи. 17. Няня подивилася на дитину і побачила, що вона заснула. 18. Дирек­тор заводу сказав, що вирішив подарувати школі автобус. 19. На вулиці був сильний мороз. Діти не вихо­дили на вулицю вже два дні (to be out). 20. Я зрозумів, що прийшов час вирішити цю проблему.



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