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Module 2: Psychological bases of human behavior in the innovation system of industrial-production activities

Subject 8. Problem understanding and mutual understanding in modern psychology.

What is the word understanding. Understanding how the interpretation. Understand how the inclusion of new knowledge in the past experience of the subject. Semantic aspects of understanding. Understanding natural language. interpretation strategy. Understanding - a necessary condition for dialogue. Experimental studies of understanding.

Subject 9.Psihologichesky analysis of the characteristics of human labor in the control system. Psychological laws of engineering and psychological organization of work. Psihologichekaya culture.

Subject 10. Psychological bases of system of " human-machine environment". Ergonomics and Psychology. Problems of reliability of professional activity.

The system of " man-machine-environment" and the main factors affecting its efficiency. The concept of ergonomics. Methodological basis of ergonomics. The purpose and objectives of ergonomics. Reliability man as part ergatic system. Psychophysiological bases of ergonomics. Pros and cons of machines in production.

Theme 11. Psychology of personality and interpersonal relations. The problems of interpersonal relationships in the team.

Personality and its distinctive features. Category personality in science. An individual person, entity, individuality. Factors of formation and development of personality, socialization of the individual. Psychological structure of personality. The psychology of interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relationships as a socio-psychological phenomenon. The concept of a " group". Interpersonal relationships in the group. Stages of kollektiva.Mezhgruppovye relationships and interactions.

Subject 12.Gendernye aspects of interpersonal interaction on proizvodtve. The woman - the chief. The interaction of man and woman. Psychological characteristics of women and men as subjects of the production process.

Socio-psychological problems of gender psychology. The concept of gender. Background and development stages of gender psychology. The specificity of domestic research in the field of gender psychology. Gender as a social category. Social norms, gender roles and conflicts. The basic theories, concepts and methods of gender characteristics. The study of gender stereotypes person in the conditions of modern society. Ascertaining experiment. The formative experiment.

Subject 13.Psihologiya stress - and self-management.

The concept and essence of the self (self) and stress management. Symptoms of stress. Causes of occupational stress. Psychological causes of stress: stressful thinking styles, stress and nature, life and stress, Internet addiction. Physiological causes of stress: stress and meteosensitivity, bad habits, lifestyle, food. The consequences of stress: chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, psychosomatic condition, stress and depression. Of Self (self) management - a condition of personal and professional success: self-management (or taymmenedzhment) - machinery proper use of time. Stress Management: Fundamentals stress management; relaxation training; how to find the thoughts that trigger stressful situation; " Unmanaged" emotions; stress management strategies.

Subject 14.Kiberpsihologiya and intelligence.

Man in the information world. The social system of cyberspace as a new social community. Individually-psychological features of Internet users. The psychological study of motivation of Internet users. Group dynamics network community. The psychological study of the phenomenon of internet addiction. Methods field of psychological research in the community of hackers. Features of an image I " resident" of the Internet. Time management and organization of work (personal) time on the Internet. Virtual online communities of deviant behavior. Model users socializing in cyberspace. Psychology of computer games. The group's online activities.

Subject 15. The psychological profile of a specialist industrial society. Psychological aspects of human activities in the Internet environment. Psychoanalytic aspects of human behavior in cyberspace. Social portrait of the new man. Critical thinking. Mobility. Creativity. Adaptability. The ability to self-education. Reflexivity and tolerance.

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