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Рас­шиф­ров­ка за­пи­си

Вы могли бы от­ве­тить так:

Electronic assistant: What is your favourite season?

Student: My favorite season is autumn.

Electronic assistant: Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

Student: I usually spend my summer holidays at home with my family.

Electronic assistant: What do you like to do during your winter holidays?

Student: I like to go skiing during my winter holidays.

Electronic assistant: How often do you and your family travel?

Student: Me and my family travel once in two years.

Electronic assistant: What type of transport do you find the most convenient?

Student: I think that underground trains are the most convenient.

Electronic assistant: What place in your country would you recommend to a foreign tourist to visit? Why?

Student: I would recommend them to visit Hermitage because it’s one of the most popular museums in the world.

8. За­да­ние 35 № 1518. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.



Рас­шиф­ров­ка за­пи­си

Вы могли бы от­ве­тить так:

Electronic assistant: Where would you like to live - in a big city or in the country?

Student: I would like to live in a big city because I believe that you have more career opportunities there.

Electronic assistant: What are the advantages of living in the country?

Student: Firstly, atmosphere in country is calm and peaceful; secondly, there are no strangers because all people are familiar with each other.

Electronic assistant: What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?

Student: The main ecological problem is air pollution caused by factories and cars.

Electronic assistant: Do you and your friends care about ecological problems? Why?

Student: In fact, we ignore ecological problems because we believe that there is nothing that we can do to prevent it.

Electronic assistant: Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects in school?

Student: I have never taken part in ecological projects but I certainly would like to do it in the future.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her hometown?

Student: It seems to me that the most effective solution is to ask Government for help.

9. За­да­ние 35 № 1521. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.



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