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Рас­шиф­ров­ка за­пи­си

Вы могли бы от­ве­тить так:

Electronic assistant: How many classes do you usually have?

Student: I usually have 5 classes a day.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities do you have in your school?

Student: Speaking about sports facilities I’d say that we have a football field and two gyms.

Electronic assistant: What clubs and societies can you attend in your school?

Student: I can attend business and science clubs and societies in my school.

Electronic assistant: What school events like concerts and performances do you usually have during the school year?

Student: We usually have two concerts: before winter holidays and one more before summer holidays.

Electronic assistant: Do you enjoy taking part in these school events? Why?

Student: I don’t like taking part in school events because they distract me from learning.

Electronic assistant: What event would recommend organizing in your school? And why?

Student: I would recommend organizing a concert which would be devoted to the problem of arranging concerts during the school time.

10. За­да­ние 35 № 1524. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.



Рас­шиф­ров­ка за­пи­си

Вы могли бы от­ве­тить так:

Electronic assistant: How many lessons of P. E. (physical education) do you have a week?

Student: We have one lesson of physical education a week.

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities do you have in your school?

Student: Speaking about sports facilities I’d say that we have a football field and two gyms.

Electronic assistant: What sport do you do regularly?

Student: I usually play football with my friends.

Electronic assistant: What winter sports are popular with you and your friends?

Student: Ice hockey and skiing are popular winter sports.

Electronic assistant: Would you like to do any extreme sports? Why? Or why not?

Student: I wouldn’t like to do any extreme sports because I don’t want to risk my life without any important reason.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to be healthy and fit?

Student: I’d say to him that he should always think about benefits which he will obtain in the process of keeping fit.

11. За­да­ние 35 № 1527. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.



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