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Unit 82


2 hurt himself

3 blame herself

4 Put yourself

5 enjoyed themselves

6 burn yourself

7 express myself


2 me 3 myself 4 us

5 yourself 6 you 7 ourselves

8 themselves 9 them


2 feel 3 dried herself

4 concentrate 5 defend yourself

6 meeting 7 relax 8 wash


2 themselves

3 each other

4 each other

5 themselves

6 each other

7 ourselves

8 each other

9 ourselves to each other


2 He cut it himself.

3 I'll post it myself.

4 Linda told me herself. or Linda herself told me.

5 Why can't you phone him yourself? or... do it yourself?



3 Is there... there is/there's

4 there was... It was

5 It was

6 There was

7 is it

8 It was

9 It is/It's

10 there wasn't

11 Is it... it's

12 there was... There was

13 It was

14 There wasn't

15 There was... it wasn't


2 There is a lot of salt in the soup.

3 There was nothing in the box.

4 There was a lot of violence in the film.

5 There were a lot of people in the shops.

6 Example answers:

There is/There's a lot to do in this town./... a lot of life in this town./... a lot happening in this town.


2 There might be or There should be

3 there will be or there should be

4 There's going to be or There might be

5 There used to be

6 there should be

7 there wouldn't be


2 there was a lot of snow

3 right

4 There used to be a church here

5 right

6 There must have been a reason.

7 right

8 There's sure to be a car park somewhere.

9 there will be an opportunity

10 right

11 there would be somebody to meet me at the station but there wasn't anybody.



2 some 3 any

4 any... some

5 some 6 any

7 any 8 some

9 any

10 any (some is also possible)


2 somebody/someone

3 anybody/anyone

4 anything

5 something

6 somebody/someone...anybody/anyone

7 something... anybody/anyone

8 Anybody/Anyone

9 anybody/anyone

10 anywhere

11 anywhere

12 somewhere

13 anywhere

14 anybody/anyone

15 something

16 Anybody/Anyone

17 She never tells anybody anything or... anyone anything.


2 Any day

3 Anything

4 anywhere

5 Anything

6 Any time

7 Anybody/Anyone

8 Any newspaper/Any one



2 Nobody/No one.

3 Nowhere.

4 None.

5 None.

6 Nobody/No one.

7 Nothing.

9 wasn't talking to anybody/anyone.

10 I'm not going anywhere.

11 I haven't got any luggage.

12 They haven't got any children.

13 I didn't meet anybody/anyone.

14 I didn't buy anything.


3 no 4 any

5 None 6 none

7 No 8 any

9 any 10 none


2 nobody/no one

3 Nowhere

4 anything

5 Nothing... anything

6 Nothing

7 anywhere

8 Nobody/no, one said anything.


2 nobody

3 anybody

4 Anybody

5 Nothing

6 Anything

7 anything



3 a lot of salt

4 right

5 right

6 a lot

7 many/a lot of

8 a lot

9 right


2 plenty of money

3 plenty of room

4 plenty to learn

5 are plenty of things to see

6 There are plenty of hotels.


2 little 3 many

4 much 5 many

6 few 7 little


3 a few dollars

4 a little time

5 right

6 right

7 only a few words


2 a little 3 a few

4 few 5 little

6 A little

7 little

8 a few

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