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Unit 114


2 unless you listen carefully.

3 I'll never speak to her again unless she apologises to me.

4 He won't be able to understand you unless you speak very slowly.

5 I'm going to look for another job unless the company offer (or offers) me more money.


2 I'm not going to the party unless you go too. or... unless you come too.

3 The dog won't attack you unless you move suddenly.

4 He won't speak to you unless you ask him a question.

5 The doctor won't see you today unless it's an emergency.


2 unless 3 providing

4 as long as 5 unless

6 unless 7 provided

8 Unless 9 unless

10 as long as

114.4 Example answers:

2 I have to work.

3 I don't have to work.

4 she has time.

5 it isn't raining.

6 I'm in a harry.

7 you have something else to do.

8 you pay it back as soon as possible.

9 you take risks.

UNIT 115


3 because

4 at the same time as

5 at the same time as

6 because

7 because


2 As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea.

3 As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very quietly.

4 As the door was open, I walked in.

5 As none of us had a watch, we didn't know what time it was.


2 We all smiled as we posed for the photograph.

3 I burnt myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven

4 The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the field.

5 A dog ran out in front of the car as we were driving along the road.


2 when 3 as 4 When

5 as time 6 when


Example answers:

1 you were getting into your car.

2 we started playing tennis.

3 I had to walk home.

4 somebody walked in front of the camera.

UNIT 116


3 like 4 like 5 as 6 like

7 like 8 As 9 as 10 like

11 as 12 like 13 like

14 like 15 like 16 as 17 as


2 as a tourist guide

3 like blocks of ice

4 like a beginner

5 like a church

6 as a birthday present

7 as a problem

8 like winter

9 like a child


1 like 2 as 3 like

4 like 5 as 6 like

7 as 8 as 9 as

10 like 11 like 12 as

13 Like 14 as 15 as

UNIT 117


2 as if she had hurt her leg.

3 as if he meant what he was saying.

4 as if it has just been cut.

5 as if he hadn't eaten for a week.

6 as if she was enjoying it.

7 as if I'm going to be sick.

8 as if she didn't want to come.


2 You look as if you've seen a ghost.

3 You sound as if you're enjoying it. or... as if you've been enjoying it.

4 I feel as if I've run a marathon.


2 It looks as if it's going to rain.

3 It sounds as if they are having an argument.

4 It looks as if there's been an accident.

5 It looks as if we'll have to walk.

6 It sounds as if you had a good time.


2 as if I was/were

3 as if she was/were

4 as if it was/were

UNIT 118


3 during 4 for 5 during

6 for 7 for 8 for

9 during 10 for 11 for

12 for 13 during 14 for


3 while 4 While 5 During

6 while 7 during 8 During

9 while 10 while 11 during

12 while 13 during 14 while

15 while


Example answers:

3. I was doing the housework.

4 I make a quick phone call?

5 the lesson.

6 the interview.

7 the car is moving.

8 the meal.

9 the game

10 we were playing football

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