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Quality Assurance in food insustry

Food quality assurance has gained importance in the past few years with the food industry also following the quality monitoring and management system as per strict guidelines. Quality guarantee has become a necessary component of the food service business with the adoption of analysis and control systems for food safety. Hence, anybody, who is getting into the food industry or is already in it, needs to know about the various techniques that are meant to assure the quality of food as per the laid down norms and procedures.

The need for food quality assurance
Some reasons for the implementation of food quality assurance programs are:

· Customer expectations - Customers have become more demanding and knowledgeable. They are more concerned about the ingredients of the food products and hence maintaining optimum quality standards in food industry has become very necessary.

· Environmental concerns - Nowadays, people are more concerned about the environment and environmental protection laws have become more stringent. Hence, employing environmental friendly methods in the food industry has become necessary. QA plays a big role in all this.

· Organic Foods – There is more demand for organic foods because people have become concerned about the potential adverse effects of chemicals, used in farming, on the environment and health. Hence quality monitoring and guarantee ensures that the chemicals are within the specified limits in any food product.

· Technology - With the development in technology, various methods for food processing and other food related activities have emerged. These methods provide safer and higher quality food to the customers. Today all organisations related to food have to ensure good quality systems to compete in the market.

· Regulatory requirements - Food being a critical element of life, the regulatory agencies have also put in place stringent requirements for its safety and quality. QA systems help the food industry to meet these requirements consistently and deliver food that is fit for consumption.

In short, food quality assurance programs, must cover all the aspects related to food quality and safety from ingredient sourcing through production, packaging and distribution to sale by the retailer or caterer and therefore provide confidence to the consumers.


1 Green energy The development of " green energy" in Kazakhstan is becoming more active. It was learned that a subsidiary branch of the World Bank intends to attract private capital to renewable energy sources. Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (World Bank division) considering initiatives promoting public-private partnerships and the involvement of private capital in renewable energy Kazakhstan. For a discussion of these initiatives in Astana discussion forum was organized, which was attended by potential foreign investors and abroad.

As part of the discussion was Tomasz Telma, director of IFC in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. According to him, Kazakhstan has great opportunities for the development of renewable energy sources, but their use requires a significant investment, as well as specialized knowledge. The introduction and development of renewable energy can even lead to a serious economic growth of the country. Tomasz Telma confirmed the intention of the International Finance Corporation to support Kazakhstan.

For the past two years in the country operates Renewable Energy Association, headed by Sultan Tundukpaevym and unites 25 companies. The association is involved in the development of regulations for renewable energy, as well as in the calculation of tariffs. In addition, being and work to improve the legislation. However, according to Sultan Tundukpaeva, Kazakhstan has not yet managed to achieve a breakthrough in the field of renewable energy. The reasons for this is called lack of knowledge and skepticism towards this area. " In Kazakhstan, renewable energy is considered a" expensive toy ", a tribute to fashion, which will be held after the international exhibition" EXPO-2017 ", " - says CEO of the Association of Renewable Energy in Kazakhstan.

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