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If the word port is pronounced as [pot] is the mistake phonological or a phonetic one? What should be done to correct it?

|pɔ ː rt| амер. брит. |pɔ ː t| phonetic


How can nuclear tone change the meaning of a phrase? Give examples.

The meanings of the nuclear tones are difficult to specify even in general terms. Roughly speaking, falling tone is usually regarded as more or less “neutral”, it gives an impression of “finality, completeness and certainty”:

Rising tone conveys an impression that something more is to follow, it has the general meaning of “incompleteness, uncertainty, dependence”:

Some not very important parenthetical information is often spoken with a rising tone to show that it’s incomplete and depends on the main sentence:

The fall-rise is used a lot in English, it combines the meaning of falling tone’s certainty and the rising tone’s meaning of dependence, so it often conveys a feeling of reservation:

The rise-fall is used to convey rather strong feelings of approval, disapproval or surprise:

The level nuclear tone is usually used to express a feeling of something routine, uninteresting or boring.

Mid-level tone is common in spontaneous speech and low-level tone is characteristic of reading poetry:


If the Russian student pronounces the word " sing" as [sin] is the mistake phonological or a phonetic one? What should be done to correct it?

Phonological. Replace [n] on velar [ƞ ]

9. What is the difference in the meanings of the following sentences:

They sell & gloves, & hats, & scarves.

They sell & gloves, & hats, (scarves.


The rising tone at the end of the first sentence conveys an impression that something more is to follow, it creates meaning of incompleteness. The Falling tone in the second sentence shows that the statement is over and there are no following information.


10. Is palatalization a distinctive feature in English? In Russian? Prove it with your examples.\

Softening of consonants or (palatalization) occurs as a result of raising of an average back of language to a hard palate. In Russian, the presence or absence of mitigating sound is a distinctive feature. There are hard and soft consonants, i.e. «кон-конь; мол – моль; лук – люк; ров – рёв; нов – новь». In English, most of the consonants pronounced firmly, without palatalization. During the pronunciation of English consonants, the middle part of tongue should be omitted only after pronouncing and it should proceed to the subsequent vowel sounds. Pronunciation of English consonants are not softened and pronounced firmly. An example of palatalization in English is the colloquial pronunciation of did you? as [dɪ dʒ uː ] rather than [dɪ djuː ].


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