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Саратов – 2011


по дисциплине:

«Английский язык»

(1 курс 1 семестр)

Саратов – 2011

Учебно-тематический план (заочная форма обучения)

Цель – подготовить студента в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС высшего профессионального образования по направлению 030900 – юриспруденция


Категория слушателей Срок обучения Форма обучения Институт (факультет) Режим занятий студенты 5 лет заочная заочный факультет практические занятия, самостоятельная работа  
№ п/п Наименование разделов и тем Общее кол-во часов Кол-во аудит часов Кол-во часов Кол-во часов на самост. работу Форма контроля
Лекции практ. занятия
  Раздел 1. Функциональные стили.           Проверка ответов на форуме
  Раздел 2. Фонетика.            
  Раздел 3. Лексика..           Фронтальный опрос, тест, самоконтроль. Контр. работа
  Раздел 4. Грамматика.           Фронтальный опрос, тест, самоконтроль. Контр. работа
  Раздел 5. Аудирование и говорение.           Фронтальный опрос, самоконтроль
  Раздел 6. Чтение.           Фронтальный опрос, проверка ответов на форуме, самоконтроль. Контр. работа
7. Раздел 7. Культура и традиции стран изучаемого языка.             Фронтальный опрос, проверка ответов на форуме, самоконтроль. Контр. работа
  Итоговый контроль зачет 1 семестр, экзамен – 2 семестр


Контрольная работа

А – И: вариант 1

К – Т: вариант 2

У – Я: вариант 3


Вариант 1

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время:

MODEL: She goes to school every day. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Она ходит в школу каждый день.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
Children like ice-cream.    
Last year he was elected to the City Council.    
Next year we will go to Egypt.    
The Black sea is attended by many tourists every year.    
Professor Ivanov read Law of Torts last term.    
Evidence was being studied at the laboratory yesterday from 3 to 5.    
Witnesses for the defense will be testifying tomorrow from 9 till 11.    
A solicitor was talking to his client when the telephone rang.    
He will be awarded a Bachelor degree next year.    
The judge is listening to a prosecutor's opening statement now.    

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время в переведенном предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: В России учебный год состоит из двух семестров. MODEL: In Russia an academic year consists of two terms.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
Большинство студентов всегда посещают лекции.    
Оксфордский университет был основан в 12 веке.    
Степень Доктор философии является наивысшей ученой степенью.    
Он окончит университет через год.    
Присяжные вынесли вердикт вчера.    
Сейчас оглашают приговор суда.    
В Российских вузах экзамены сдают в январе и июне.    
Профессия юриста очень престижна.    
Адвокат обсуждал состав суда присяжных с клиентом, когда вошел помощник адвоката.    
Голосование будет проходить в воскресенье весь день.    


3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие, определите его вид (Participle I or Participle II), назовите его функцию:

MODEL: Roman law is studied by the first-year students. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Римское право изучается студентами-первокурсниками.   Participle II, часть сказуемого
A solicitor is a lawyer dealing with clients.    
All subjects studied at Law School are very important.    
An interesting problem was given to the students as their homework.    
While preparing for the future career a law student reads hundreds of books.    
She is reading newspapers in the library now.    
All chosen candidates will come tomorrow for an interview.    
Non-lawyers practice should be regulated.    
A presiding judge is a foremost authority in civil law.    
The attorney talking to his client is a recent Harvard graduate.    
She needed a skilled legal advice.    

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие в английском предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Сейчас все студенты готовятся к экзаменам. MODEL: All the students are preparing for the exams now.
Все задания были выполнены вовремя.  
Книга, которую рекомендовал профессор Н., была очень полезной при подготовке к экзаменам.  
Преподаватель, читающий лекции по гражданскому праву, является практикующим адвокатом.  
Изучая тему, студент использовал ресурсы сети Интернет.  
Барристер - это адвокат, выступающий в суде.  
Он сдал выполненную работу преподавателю.  
Вчера в 7 вечера он писал доклад по теории государства и права.  
Все назначения федеральных судей были одобрены Сенатом.  
Материал, найденный в сети Интернет, был использован для доклада.  
Профессор, принимающий экзамен по уголовному праву, вчера выступал в суде.  

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

MODEL: The classes being over, all students went home. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Так как занятия закончились, студенты отправились по домам.
The exams coming soon, she spent much time in the library.  
All mistakes corrected, he handed in his test.  
Nick visited many countries, Great Britain being among them.  
The Nobel Prize winner was asked many questions about his research, the BBC correspondent starting the press conference.  
Many students take examination cards, their eyes closed.  
The diploma work defended, he will be awarded a degree of specialist.  

6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя независимые причастные обороты:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Когда тест был выполнен, преподаватель отпустил студентов. MODEL: The test fulfilled, the teacher let the students go.
Так как все задания были выполнены правильно, она получила отличную оценку.  
Так как задание было сложным, он не пошел гулять.  
Студенты вошли в аудиторию, но преподаватель отсутствовал.  
Она вышла вперед, подняв руку.  

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы после текста:

There are three main types of higher education institutions in Great Britain: universities, colleges and art and music colleges. All universities are autonomous institutions, particularly in matters relating to courses.  
As a result of the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992 polytechnics were given university status (i.e., the right to award their own degrees). The Council for National Academic Awards was abolished, leaving most institutions to confer their own degrees. Higher Education Funding Councils were created for England, Scotland and Wales, replacing the Universities Funding Council and the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council.  
Most universities are divided into faculties which may be subdivided into departments. Many colleges and institutions of higher education are the result of mergers of teacher training colleges and other colleges. The Department for Education and Skills is responsible for all universities. Students have to pay a maximum fee of? 1, 075 a year.  
Non-university higher education institutions also provide degree courses, various non-degree courses and postgraduate qualifications. An institution can also apply for the authority to award its own degrees but it must be able to demonstrate a good record of running degree courses validated by other universities. Institutions can apply for university status but must satisfy a number of criteria, including the power to award its own first and higher degrees.  
A new national body, the Institute of Learning and Teaching, is being established in 1999 to set up an accreditation scheme for higher education teachers and to encourage innovation in teaching and learning.  


What are the main types of higher education institutions in Great Britain?  
What law regulates higher education in Great Britain?  
What are universities divided into?  
How did many colleges appear?  
What institution is responsible for universities?  
Can any institution of higher education award their own degrees?  
What body was established to encourage innovation in teaching and learning?  

8. Прочитайте текст и заполните нижеследующую таблицу:

History of the American Bar Association
The ABA was founded on August 21, 1878, in Saratoga Springs, New York, by 100 lawyers from 21 states. The legal profession as we know it today barely existed at that time. Lawyers were generally sole practitioners who trained under a system of apprenticeship

The main purpose of the American Bar Association is " to be the national representative of the legal profession, serving the public and the profession by promoting justice, professional excellence and respect for the law." The ABA puts forward 11 goals, ⌠ to preserve the independence of the legal profession and the judiciary as fundamental to a free society being among them.

The control and administration of the ABA is vested in the House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the association. The House of Delegates, established in 1936, meets twice each year, at ABA Annual and Midyear Meetings. In August 2002 the House of Delegates consisted of 539 members.

The Board of Governors has the authority to act and speak for the ABA, consistent with previous action of the House of Delegates, when the House is not in session. The Board consists of 37 members. The Board usually meets five times a year. It oversees the general operation of the association and develops specific plans of action. The Board has four committees: Executive, Operations/Communications, Program/Planning and Finance.

The association is composed of more than 2, 200 individual entities. Its current membership structure includes 23 sections, five divisions, six forums and many commissions, standing and special committees, and task forces. Sections, divisions and forums range in size from about 2, 300 members to more than 70, 000.

The Fund for Justice and Education solicits and accepts tax-deductible grants and gifts to support law-related education and public service projects. The fund provides nearly $40 million in support annually to ABA public service and educational projects.

The association is headquartered at 321 N. Clark in Chicago. The ABA Museum of Law offers exhibits on the law and legal issues, events, and personalities. One of exhibits is Famous Trials in American History: Cases that Shaped and Shocked the Nation. Another exhibit " America's Lawyer-Presidents " was opened in September 2004. Beginning in 2006, a travelling version of the America's Lawyer-Presidents exhibit will appear in cities throughout the country.

Figures and Dates Facts and Events
Model: 1878 Model: Year of the ABA foundation
twice each year  
five times a year  
2, 300  
$40 million  

Вариант 2

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время:

MODEL: She goes to school every day. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Она ходит в школу каждый день.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
In Russia graduates are awarded the degree of specialist.    
Students attend both lectures and seminars.    
English lawyers are divided into barristers and solicitors.    
He was appointed to the Supreme Court last year.    
Jim graduated from the Law School in 2004.    
A new building of the Supreme Court is being constructed now.    
He received three years for the burglaries and the arson attacks.    
After the robbery, his car was stopped by the police.    
He committed suicide by pressing the live cables from a television set to his temples.    
He committed many bank robberies.    

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время в переведенном предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: В России учебный год состоит из двух семестров. MODEL: In Russia an academic year consists of two terms.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
Куратор-наставник всегда обращает особое внимание на самостоятельную работу студентов.    
В прошлом семестре было сдано 4 экзамена.    
Известные ученые примут участие в конференции.    
Сейчас присяжные обсуждают вердикт.    
Вчера законопроект обсуждали на заседании комитета весь день.    
Он работает в суде.    
Этот человек был убит вчера около трех часов ночи.    
Я написал письмо два дня назад.    
Вчера, когда я пришел, он писал статью.    
К концу нашей встречи он решит этот вопрос.    

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие, определите его вид (Participle I or Participle II), назовите его функцию:

MODEL: Roman law is studied by the first-year students. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Римское право изучается студентами-первокурсниками.   Participle II, часть сказуемого
The number of solicitors is increasing.    
A paralegal is engaged in settlement negotiations.    
The coming exams are very important.    
While reading a newspaper a student found an interesting article on criminal law.    
The culprits were arrested in late October.    
Under questioning, he owned up to trying to assassinate the Queen.    
Using a knife he attacked the guard in an attempt to escape, but was swiftly overpowered.    
Having dropped the gun she put her hands in the air.    
Prosecutors had more than enough witnesses including prisoners who had shared cells with the accused.    
We have had ten people confessing the crime.    


4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие в английском предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Сейчас все студенты готовятся к экзаменам. MODEL: All the students are preparing for the exams now.
Готовясь к слушанию дела, судья просматривал материалы.  
Солиситор - это адвокат, имеющий дело с клиентами.  
Зная английский в совершенстве, он мог смотреть оригинальные иностранные фильмы.  
Когда ему задавали важные вопросы, он хмурился и говорил глупости.  
Серьезно раненый он продолжал бежать.  
Входя в гостиницу, он заметил нового администратора.  
Зайдя в здание, он направился к главному офису.  
Прочитав книгу, я вернул ее в библиотеку.  
Когда это было сделано, мы вышли из зала суда.  
Я слышал, как его имя упоминали (упоминавшееся) несколько раз.  

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

MODEL: The classes being over, all students went home. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Так как занятия закончились, студенты отправились по домам.
The evidence collected, the investigator brought the case to prosecution.  
The topic being difficult, he asked the professor for a consultation.  
Nick passed all exams, criminal law being among them.  
The witness was asked many questions, the defence attorney starting the questioning.  
The paralegal entered the office, documents held in his hands.  
The testimony finished, the jury will consider their verdict.  

6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя независимые причастные обороты:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Когда тест был выполнен, преподаватель отпустил студентов. MODEL: The test fulfilled, the teacher let the students go.
Так как улики были собраны правильно, судья разрешил использовать их в деле.  
Так как дело было сложным, солиситор обратился за помощью к барристеру.  
Президент назначил федерального судью, а Сенат утвердил кандидатуру.  
Профессор назначил консультацию, записав время в ежедневник.  

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы после текста:

For centuries judges in Great Britain have been appointed by the Queen (King) on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, who receives advice from the Lord Chancellor. The Lord Chancellor's duty is to sustain the principle of judicial independence. He places great value on maintaining the quality and integrity of the judiciary and the judicial appointments system. The Lord Chancellor believes that the nature of the process by which people are appointed to judicial office should be open to public.  
The qualifications for judicial appointment were established by the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 and the Courts Act 2003. There are six types of qualification depending on Court, for example, High Court qualification: a right of audience in relation to all proceedings in the High Court.  
A solicitor is regarded as having acquired all such qualifications on admission and a barrister when he or she was called to the Bar. Solicitors and barristers are regarded as continuing to hold their qualifications even if they do not practise, although solicitors must have their name on the Roll of solicitors to be eligible for appointment. A practising certificate is not a requirement.  
In addition certain nationality requirements apply. The Lord Chancellor may only appoint to judicial office citizens of the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland or a Commonwealth country. Holders of dual nationality which includes one of the above may also apply  
The Lord Chancellor encourages greater numbers of women, minority ethnic and lawyers with disabilities to apply. The Lord Chancellor will appoint/recommend for appointment the applicant(s) who appear to him to be best qualified, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion or disability  


Who can appoint a judge in Great Britain?  
What is one of the Lord Chancellor's duties?  
Why should the appointment process be open to public?  
What documents established the qualifications for judicial appointment?  
Who has acquired all such qualifications?  
What are nationality requirements?  
What does appointment/recommendation for appointment depend on?  

8. Прочитайте текст и заполните нижеследующую таблицу:

Judicial Appointments Commission
The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 establishes, an independent Judicial Appointments Commission to be launched on 3 April 2006. The Judicial Appointments Commission will select candidates for appointment as judicial office holders in England and Wales by The Queen or the Lord Chancellor.

These recommendations will be made by the Judicial Appointments Commission, which will be made up of a Chairman who will be a lay person, and 14 further Commissioners, who will be a mix of judicial, professional and lay members. The Commissioners will be supported by a Chief Executive and staff already experienced in this work.

The Commission will take on responsibility for making selections for most appointments from 3 April 2006, but will not assume responsibility in relation to the appointment of magistrates and General Commissioners of Income Tax until a later date, when it is ready to do so.

The Judicial Appointments Commission framework document, published on 9 November 2006 determines the relationship between the Department for Constitutional Affairs and the Judicial Appointments Commission. It sets out the strategic control framework for the Judicial Appointments Commission, including the conditions under which government funds are provided.

There are certain statutory provisions which specify minimum eligibility qualifications for each judicial office. The provisions governing the qualifications for judicial appointment were revised by the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 and the Courts Act 2003.

In April 2002 most of the age limits (which defined the field of eligibility for judicial appointments) were removed. The retirement age for fee-paid judicial offices was also raised. Specifically: the upper age limits for candidates for professional judicial office were abolished and the retirement age for fee-paid professional judicial office-holders was restored to 70, although not for Recorders or Deputy District Judges, whose retirement age remains at 65.

Figures and Dates Facts and Events
Model: 2005 Model: The year when the Constitutional Reform Act was passed.
3 April 2006  
9 November 2006  

Вариант 3

1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время:

MODEL: She goes to school every day. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Она ходит в школу каждый день.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
Tomorrow you will announce the verdict.    
In a year the full price will be paid to the seller.    
I live in my own apartment.    
The hearing will be held at 7pm.    
We are going to fly to LA next week.    
The program is being executed (by the computer).    
Jane frequently mentions the books she read.    
An error occurred while the spelling was being checked.    
The car was serviced yesterday.    
I was waiting for a long time yesterday.    

2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на время, в котором стоит глагол-сказуемое. Подчеркните сказуемое, определите время в переведенном предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: В России учебный год состоит из двух семестров. MODEL: In Russia an academic year consists of two terms.   Present Indefinite, Active Voice
Юрист был приглашен защищать клиента в суде.    
Когда его арестовали, он попросил адвоката.    
Ваш юрист говорит сейчас по телефону.    
Что вы знаете о палате общин как центре реальной политической власти?    
Я готовлюсь к семинару по теории государства и права.    
Лидер оппозиции и премьер министр обсуждают этот вопрос с самого утра.    
Президент не будет выступать перед избирателями завтра.    
Мы разговаривали, когда позвонил его юрист.    
Она вышла из здания суда, села в автобус и поехала домой.    
Завтра в это время они будут обсуждать доклад.    

3. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие, определите его вид (Participle I or Participle II), назовите его функцию:

MODEL: Roman law is studied by the first-year students. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Римское право изучается студентами-первокурсниками.   Participle II, часть сказуемого
As stated by the criminal law, offenses against the social order become crimes    
How far were you standing from the place of the accident?    
While writing business documents you should avoid statements that the reader may not be able to understand or interpret.    
" A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory." (Arthur Golden)    
Thus deceived, he will be outraged. [both actions in the future]    
Having been discovered, the thief confessed.    
Being watched, he could only pretend to be nonchalant.    
Having worked in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything.    
Not having seen each other for ages, they had a lot to talk about.    
Born into a rich family, she got everything she wished for.    


4. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на функцию причастия в предложении, подчеркните причастие в английском предложении:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Сейчас все студенты готовятся к экзаменам. MODEL: All the students are preparing for the exams now.
Пока он был в Лондоне, он встречался с несколькими полезными людьми  
Попутешествовав по стране три месяца, он вернулся домой  
Так как он не говорил по-английски, он не знал, что делать  
Человек, ожидавший вас, ушел  
Увидев то, что хотел, я отправился назад  
Мы должны рассматривать это как вопрос чрезвычайного значения для страны и должны добиваться, чтобы это решение было принято  
Если этой отрасли предоставить благоприятные возможности, она будет быстро развиваться  
Полученные данные тщательно анализируются и издаются  
Когда его попросили высказаться по поводу резолюции ООН, внесенной азиатскими странами, он ответил...  
Когда вам дадут книгу, прочтите статью об охране окружающей среды.  

5. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастные обороты:

MODEL: The classes being over, all students went home. ОБРАЗЕЦ: Так как занятия закончились, студенты отправились по домам.
Regretting his words, he apologized.  
When crossing the street, first look to the left  
Knowing the subject well, the student was not afraid of the coming exam  
The car having run out of fuel, we stopped in the middle of the road.  
The window having been closed, there was very little air in the room.  
Не read several books in English, the latest being a biography of Shakespeare.  

6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя независимые причастные обороты:

ОБРАЗЕЦ: Когда тест был выполнен, преподаватель отпустил студентов. MODEL: The test fulfilled, the teacher let the students go.
Когда все приготовления были сделаны, все сели.  
Статья посвящена уголовному праву, причем особое внимание уделено наказанию преступника.  
Так как на дороге было мало машин, мы ехали довольно быстро.  
Протестировав новое оборудование, они согласились подписать контракт  

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы после текста:

The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. The university dates back to at least the end of the 12th century, although the exact date of foundation is unclear. The deportation of foreigners from the University of Paris in 1167 resulted in returning of many English scholars from France. They settled in Oxford.  
The University head was named a chancellor from 1201. In the middle of the13th century Members of many religious orders settled in Oxford. Private benefactors also established colleges. Among the earliest were John I de Balliol, Walter de Merton, and Bishop of Rochester. Merton College became the model for such establishments at Oxford.  
From the late 15th century the new learning of the Renaissance influenced Oxford greatly. The method of teaching at the university was transformed from the medieval Scholastic method to Renaissance education. In 1636, Chancellor William Laud codified the university statutes, which remained the university's governing regulations to a large extent until the middle of the19th century. It was Laud who granted a charter securing privileges for the university press.  
During the English Civil War (1642-1649) the university was a centre of the Royalist Party. But it was Oliver Cromwell, chancellor of the university from 1650 to 1657, who prevented both Oxford and Cambridge from being closed down by the Puritans, who viewed university education as dangerous to religious beliefs.  
During the 19th century administrative reforms took place and included the replacement of oral examinations with written entrance tests, greater tolerance for religious dissent, and the establishment of four colleges for women. Women entered the university for the first time in 1878. Since 1920 women have been eligible to be full members of the university and have been entitled to take degrees. All colleges are now co-educational.  


What is the date of the University of Oxford foundation?  
Who organised colleges at Oxford University?  
What teaching methods were used before the 16th century?  
Who saved the university from being closed?  
What changes took place at the edge of the 19th and 20th centuries?  

8. Прочитайте текст и заполните нижеследующую таблицу:

There are more than 20, 000 students at Oxford, including 11, 300 full-time undergraduates and 6, 900 full-time postgraduates. Only 1.1 per cent of students discontinued their course so Oxford has one of the lowest drop-out rates in the UK. Degrees in the humanities and social sciences are main goals for 53 per cent of students. 45 per cent focused on natural sciences, medicine, and math.

University teaching is a combination of lectures, practical classes and tutorials. The tutorial is at the core of undergraduate teaching and learning at Oxford. Students are given a unique learning experience in which they meet regularly with their tutor, either on a one-to-one basis or with one or two other students. Although students have only one hour-long tutorial every week, on average, they spend hours preparing for each tutorial including background reading, essay-writing and problem-solving.

About 90% of Oxford graduates are employed or engaged in further study during half a year after graduation. Graduate students make up about 40 per cent of the total student body. More than 60 per cent of graduate students at Oxford are from outside the UK. 59 per cent of students are studying for a higher degree by research, and 41 per cent are following postgraduate taught courses. Higher percentage of students at graduate level chooses the humanities and social sciences (about 56%). About 37 per cent of students are studying for higher degrees in the medical, mathematical, physical and life sciences.

Oxford University is one of the largest providers of continuing education in the UK as there are more than 13, 000 people taking part in courses offered by the Department for Continuing Education every year.

More and more people strive to enter Oxford University. On average, Oxford receives four applications for each available place. Around 36, 000 hours each year are spent selecting students. 800 college tutors devote a week of their working year to this important task.

Most of applicants (80%) from the UK and Europe are invited for an interview at Oxford, interviews are also held in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, North America and Singapore.

" The Oxford Opportunity Bursaries*" established in 2006-7 is one of the most generous undergraduate bursary schemes in the UK. It is worth up to? 10, 500 for a three year degree course or? 13, 775 for a four year degree course. 700 bursaries worth nearly? 2 million were awarded to students in 2006-7 academic year. That year over 35 per cent of its additional fee income was spent on bursaries for lower income students.

(based on the materials of https://www.ox.ac.uk/about_the_university/facts_and_figures/index.html)

Figures & Dates Facts & Events
Model: 1, 1 % Model: Oxford drop-out rate
45 %  
one hour  
56 per cent  
7 days  
10, 500  
ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ 1. Английский язык для юридических вузов и факультетов: учеб.-метод. комплекс: в 2 ч. / под ред. С.П.Хижняка. - Саратов: Изд-во ГОУ ВПО < Саратовская государственная академия права>, 2010. Ч.1: Учебник для студентов. 2. Англо-русский учебный словарь-минимум / Сост. С.П. Хижняк / Саратов: СГАП, 2002. / 80 с. ON-LINE СЛОВАРИ Толковые словари https://www.duhaime.org/diction.htm law dictionary https://dictionary/law/com/ law dictionary https://lawguru.com/dictionary/index.htm legal term dictionary Двуязычные словари www.multilex.ru/online.htm англо-русские и русско-английские специализированные on-line словари www.multitran.ru англо-русские и русско-английские специализированные on-line словари ON-LINE ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЕ СПРАВОЧНИКИ И УПРАЖНЕНИЯ https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/quick-grammar https://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/grammar_topics.php https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/grammar-exercises https://a4esl.org/a/g.html https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/index.htm
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