
asparagus beans beetroot Brussels sprout cabbage carrot celery corn cucumber garlic green/red pepper / leek - lettuce mushroom onion parsley peas radish tomato cauliflower


, (Fruit, nuts and berries)  
apple avocado banana blackberry cherry coconut grapefruit grapes lemon   melon nuts orange peach pear pineapple plum rhubarb strawberry  


a bar of chocolate beef buckwheat butter cake , cheese ham lamb macaroni mayonnaise milk oatmeal oil pasta pastry pearl-barley pork ravioli rice rye bread salt sauce sausage semolina smoked sausage sour cream spaghetti spice sugar sweet tinned meat veal yoghurt


healthy food junk food , ready-made food


(Shops and shopping)
baker's butcher's chemist's confectionery shop department store fishmonger's florist's furniture shop greengrocer's jeweller's newsagent's off-licence record shop () shoe shop stationary department supermarket tobacconist's toy shop


(Useful words and expressions)  
buyer/customer Can I exchange this? ? Can I get a discount? ? Can I get a refund? ? Can you make it good? /-? counter department dummy free samples How much does it cost? /How much is it? ? I want a size larger (smaller). . I'd like to have a matching hat. ( ) . I'm justlooking. . It doesn't fit me. ( ). It suits you fine. . It's a sale-off. . purchase shop-assistant The price is reasonable. . to be of good quality to go window-shopping - to pay to try on to weigh to wrap up What size shirts do you take? ?  


(Eating out)  
bill cafeteria - canteen chef - cookery books dish eat out exotic food ingredients menu picnic recipe refreshment , restaurant snack specialty street cafe () take-away tip waiter What would you like to order? ?

Are you ready to order? ?

beer cocktail gin juice lemonade mineral water tonic beverage vodka whisk(e)y wine


ATM (cash point/dispenser) bank account bills (, ) change exchange rate fare How many rubles to the dollar? ? interest , pension pocket-money receipt rent salary ( , ) to afford (to buy) smth. - to be broke to be hard-up to be in-debt to be well-off , to borrow to earn to lend to make ends meet to pay (in) cash to pay back to pay by credit card (Am. charge card) wages ( , )


brick china, porcelain cotton denim glass iron leather metal rubber   steel stone wood wool  



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