
(Months and seasons)
spring March April May summer July June August autumn September October November winter December Jenuary February


above zero below zero breeze clearing up cold degree downpour frosty heat I am shivering with cold. . It hails. . It's boiling hot. . It's chilly. . It's cloudy. . It's cool. . It's foggy. . It's freezing cold. . It's pouring. . It's raining. . It's slippery. . It's snowing. . It's stormy. . It's sunny. . It's warm. . It's windy. . lightning mild weather , mist , muddy ,   nasty overcast , puddle shade sticky weather dog days sultry swelter thunder thunderstorm to drizzle to melt thaw weather forecast wet ,  



(Natural disasters)
avalanche blizzard drought earthquake epidemic famine fire fire brigade fire engine fireman/firefighter flood forest fire hurricane The earthquake shook the city. . The epidemic spread . The house is on fire . to overcome to put out the fire to suffer a drought volcanic eruption


bat bear bull calf camel cat cock cow dog dolphin donkey duck elephant fox giraffe goat goose hamster hedgehog hen horse kangaroo kitten lamb lion monkey mouse parrot penguin pig puppy rabbit rat shark sheep sheep-dog squirrel tiger tortoise whale wolf zebra  


(Insects and other animals)
ant bee beetle boa butterfly canary crab eagle fly frog ladybird lynx mosquito moth octopus otter owl peacock pigeon raven scorpion snail snake spider stork swan wasp oca worm
, (Animal sounds)
bark bleat bray ( ) buzz chatter , cluck croak 1) , 2) crow grunt, squeal hiss ( ) howl miaow, purr , moo neigh quack roar , squeak ( ) trumpet ( )



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