
Part 10

Walt Disney: Master Showman

Vocabulary Practice

I. Translate the word combinations and sentences into Russian:


− wise sages from different world cultures

− to have a mean streak

− to step out of line

− faithful but slow-witted bloodhound

− to set Walt to thinking

− Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy, Doc, Dopey

− to branch out into other areas

− ill temper

− to sign a contract with fine print

− to break precedents


1. In making a feature-length film, Disney would have an opportunity to use more complex plots and develop more elaborately the characters in the story.

2. It was their belief that the public would not want to sit through such a long cartoon feature.

3. Original songs were written to move the story along, and a fairy tale mood of timelessness was created.

4. Youve got to have a wienie at the end of every street.

5. But Disney himself would not live to see his second park open.


II. Translate the following words and word combinations into English:


− -

− (, )

− ,

− -

− ,


Bambi is one of the masterpieces of Walt Disney studios, a film known to every child in America and many others around the world. The film, part of which you are going to watch (" The Making of Bambi") tells a story of Bambi's creation. It is told by the people who made this history with their own hands together with Walt Disney. Now watch three episodes of this film and do the tasks given below.


Episode 1

Story: Telling the Tale


Vocabulary Notes:



coming of age story

ant hill




I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions:


1. What are the themes that the film about Bambi deals with?

2. What other Disney film that develops the same themes is mentioned? How many years later was this film made?

3. Why do some authors consider stories like Bambi or the Lion King very difficult to make?

4. Did all the characters that were originally developed make up the final film?

5. How long would the story of Bambi be if the had not cut out some scenes and characters?

6. Was the man, the hunter, eventually shown on screen? Is this of any importance to the film?

7. What do people who saw Bambi in their childhood remember seeing?

8. How is the story of Lion King different from Bambis?

9. Why should contemporary film makers study Bambi?


II. Look through these sentences, then watch the episode again and complete them:


1. Bambi says very clearly that life is , and that in it love is .

2. These stories whether its Bambi or the Lion King are just very difficult. You are not dealing with . It's just more involved when you deal with..., or with..., or with..., you know.

3. To the animators and artists who worked with him Walt was and worked .

4. He [Walt] wanted to have the impact, you know, of man and interrupting . I mean, thats such an important part of the story, but you and it made it .

5. He [Bambi] sheds one tear and he looks back and as he looks back, I think, what we as viewers see is .



Episode 2

Characters: Drawn to Nature


Vocabulary Notes:


animator -


to pull off ,

to chase a butterfly

to push the envelope

flour sack

thorough study of anatomy


break-through ,



I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions


1. What were the first scenes that Walt saw?

2. Why was working on Bambi more difficult than what its animators had done before?

3. How did the deer in Snow White differ from the deer in Bambi?

4. What kind of training did the animators get?

5. What did Mark Davis have to study to put human expressions onto a deer body?

6. What makes the characters so believable?

7. How did the ice skating sequence appear?


II. Look through the sentences, then watch the episode again and complete them


1. What he tried to do was to get personalities in the cartoon and he said Without a definite personality a character.....

2. and after the lights came up, Walt ran out in his eyes and he said Thats , boys, and thats what Bambi became.

3. Walt was convinced that with a little we could put a lot of and into the animals without making them characters, but and .

4. They approached Bambi the way approached and thats why the animation is .

5. I think that influenced the animators, you know, for decades, even today, because when where you want... a world and make that world..., you know, and that... is a natural..., -..., you always look at " Bambi" as one of the examples of that.

6. Youre seeing a rabbit, drawn rabbit and youre seeing of probably your kid that ,

7. People got intoxicated with of what animation could be and the art of animation .



Episode 3

History: Back to the Beginning


Vocabulary Notes:


to option a film

to put it on the line ,

to outdo oneself

restless creativity

roller coaster ride

feeling of unease ,

entourage ,

to be enthralled

labour unrest ,

rumours about potential lay-offs

screen cartoonists guild

to put to a vote

to threaten with a strike



government mediator

to make a profit on the first release

out of global domination ,

at core



I. Watch the episode and answer the following questions


1. When was Bambi, the book, published?

2. Who is the author of the book?

3. How did this story get to Walt Disney?

4. Why was making a live action film about Bambi considered impossible?

5. Why was the story of Bambi so close to Walts heart?

6. How can you characterize Walt Disneys personal style in work?

7. How did Walt convince his animators in their ability to make films like Snow White and Seven Dwarfs or Bambi?

8. How long did it take Disney animators to make Bambi?

9. What problems did Disney face when the World War II started?

10. How did he obtain the money he needed for Bambi?

11. What rumors were ramping at the studios in 1940?

12. Who ran the screen cartooners guild at that time?

13. What agreement did he try to reach with Walt?

14. Why did Walt refuse?

15. What was the outcome of this unrest in May 1941?

16. Did the artists working on Bambi go on strike? Why or why not?

17. How was this conflict settled?

18. What was the impact of the war on the Disney studios?

19. Where and when was Bambi first shown?

20. Did it make a profit at once?

21. How are the ideas in Bambi similar to Walt Disneys eternal optimism?



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