
Position of the Soft Palate

This principle of consonant classification provides the basis for the following distinctive oppositions. Oral vs. nasal

pit pin seek seen thieve theme sick sing 60

In these pairs the oral consonants It, k, v/ are opposed to the nasal /m, n, .

The method of minimal pairs helps to identify 24 consonant phonemes in the English language on the basis of such an analysis which demands a recourse to the meaning, or to the distinctive function of the phoneme. V. A. Vassilyey writes that those linguists who reject meaning as external to linguistics think that it is possible to " group the sounds of the language into phonemes even without knowing the meaning of words" as D. Jones put it. V. A. Vassilyev states thai " this belief I...] is based on two laws of phonemic and allophonic distribution (1) that allophones of different phonemes always occur in the same phonetic context I...] and (2) that consequently, the allophones of the same phoneme never occur in the same phonetic context and always occur in different positions [...]." From these laws " two conclusions are deduced: (1) if more or less different speech sounds occur in the same phonetic context, they should be allophones of different phonemes; and (2) if more or less similar speech sounds occur in different positions and never occur in the same phonetic context, they are variants of one and the same phoneme [...]. This method is known in modern phonology as the purely distributional methodof identifying the phonemes of a language as items of its phonemic system."

Though the practical application of the purely distributional method is theoretically feasible, there are many difficulties in its use.

The principle which determines the choice of the most suitable method for teaching purposes is called the principle of pedagogical expedience in phonemic analysis.


1. What is the definition of the phoneme from the viewpoint of distinctive oppositions? 2. What is the difference between minimal and sub-minimal pairs? 3. What features of the phoneme are distinctively relevant and distinctively irrelevant? 4. What is the nature of voiced voiceless opposition in English and in Russian? 5. What distinctive oppositions illustrate the existence of labial, lingual, and pharyngal consonant phonemes? 6. What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory subdivisions within the group of labial and lingual consonants? 7. What distinctive oppositions illustrate the existence of occlusive (or stops), constructive, occlusiye-constrictive (or affricated) consonants? 8. What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory subdivisions within the groups of occlusive and con-strictive consonants? 9. What distinctive oppositions prove the existence of oral and nasal consonant phonemes? 10. What is the difference between the semantic and purely distributional methods of phonological analysis?

Vassilyev V. A. Op. cit, P. 160.


*1. State what classificatory principles can be illustrated by the groups of pairs given below (consonants opposed initially).

pin bin, pack back, pie bye, tie die

pen ten, been dean

pole coal, bait gait

fee we, fell well

fee he

sob rob, seal real, sole role, sip ■ rip, sight right

pitycity, pay say, pail sail, pole sole, peel seal

pine mine, debt net, kick Nick

fell well, those rose, soul role, sip rip, sight right

fell well, fee we

fail sail, fee see, foot soot, fat sat, fell sell

2/ Read the pairs of words. Pay attention to the presence of aspiration in /p, " t, k/ vs. its absence in /b, d, g/ rather than to voiceless fortis vs. voiced lenis distinction.

corn gone cave gave

It d/ /kg/ ten den come gum town down coast ghost ton done came game ties dies couldgood takesdays cot got curls girls


pet bet

pig big

puts boots

pass bus


portbought tear dear

tart dart
torse doors

*3. What minimal distinctive feature (or features) makes these oppositions; phonologically relevant?

(a) cap cab sent send

pack back ton don caper labour latterladder

leak league coal goal decreedegree


(b) pee fee tie sigh do zoo

suppersuffer attendascend raiderrazor

leap leak park part rude ruse

(c) till chill day jay share chair

martyrmarcher murdermerger much marsh

eat each lard large furnisherfurniture

(d) thighshy Ruth ruche root rouge
save shave presserpressure massmash
ruse rouge

(e) bad mad dockknock riggingringing
arbourarmour eddyany log -long
rub rum bad ban

*4. Read these pairs of words. State which of them represent minimal pairs
and which sub-minimal pairs.

thick sick zest lest daily daisy

bathed base they lay Weilerweather
mouth mouse marrymeasure eel ease

thigh shy genre jar bathe bail
leasure ledger

Control Tasks

*1. Sort out the oppositions under the following headings: (a) labial vs. fore-lingual, (b) labial vs. mediolingual, (c) labial vs. backlinguai.

pat cat wieldyield man nap

suppersuccour wail Yale comingcunning
leap leak seem seen

*2. State which of the pairs illustrate (a) forelingual vs. mediolingual and (b) forelingual vs. backlingual oppositions.

tame carae sinnersinger sungyoung

less yes bitterbicker bat back

rudderrugger clue cue day gay

drew due bad bag rungyoung

*3. Sort out the oppositions under the following headings: (a) occlusive vs. constrictfve, (b) constrictive vs. occlusive-constrictive, (c) noise vs. so-norants, (d) unicentral vs. bicentral, < e) flat narrowing vs. round narrowing.

pine fine work jerk vain lane

fare chair bee thee camelame

boatmoat deedneed famesame

seek seen thinewine sick sing
kick king

4. State allophonic differences of the /t, k/ phonemes in the initial position due to the influence of the next vowel.

\ W tea, tip, ten, tan, tar, top, tore, tub, took, two, term, tobacco, tale, tie, town, tow, tear, tore

/k/ key, kin, kept, cap, car, cot, core, cut, cork, cool, curb, contain, cake, kite, cow, coy, coal, care

*5. State allophonic differences of:

, r, j/ after /p/ in: plan, price, pure;

/r, j, w/ after /t/ in: try, tube, twelve;

/I, r, j, w/ after /k/ in: clean, cream, cue, quite


Classificatory principles suggested by Soviet phoneticians can be illustrated by distinctive oppositions in the system of the following English vowel phonemes: /i:, i, e, se, a-, d, o:, u, u:, , :,

1. Position of the Lips

Rounded vs. unrounded vowels:

don darn pot part

In these pairs the unrounded vowel phoneme hi is opposed to the rounded hi phoneme.

2. Position of the Tongue

(1) Horizontal movement of the tongue (a) front vs. central

cabcurb bedbird

%honeme^r (b) back vs. central

pullperl cartcurt callcurl

(2) Vertical movement of 'the tongue

(a) close (Ugh) vs. mid-open (mid)

bidbird putport weekwork

Jomvo^i%t dose vowels llt u' lu/ are opposed t0 the

(b) open (low) vs. mid-open (mid)

lacklurk bardbird callcurl

Xenvowei/3: /

to the h0lte? i Wilhin efch grouP which we stogle out according
subgroups 3nd Vertical move^nts of the tongue there are

/i" 0^/1!, 8, %3(! 1111][1! ^ and front-retracted:

Its' indSendent hy 7nt-' {1; . frnt-retracted vowel phoneme.

of Ä fpaUheng! S1CalstatuSCan be proved the 6XistenCe

Pete-pit deep-dip beet-bit

and^ck-SrlLf / als? Evicted into fully back /u:, o:, W back-advä ncS 2 ^' a/' The ^dependent phonological status pairs, e VWels can be P^ved by the existence of minimal

bardbud cartcut poolpull

els 1? ^}11-~< < or mid> as well as open (or low) yow-are subdivided into vowels of narrow and broad variation. 64

Thus, within the group of high vowels /1:, u: / belong to the vowel phonemes of narrow variation, and /i, u/ belong to the vowel phonemes of broad variation. Their independent phonological status can be proved by the existence of such pairs as:

Petepit poolpull

In these pairs /i:, u: / are opposed to /i, u/, which belong to the subgroup of high vowels of broad variation.

Within the group of mid-open (or mid) vowels /e, : / belong to the phonemes of narrow variation and /a/ belongs to the subgroup of mid vowels of broad variation. The independent phonological status of /e, :, / can be proved by the existence of such pairs as:

pencesixpence forewordforward

/'pens//'sikspans/ /ifo: w3: d//if

Open (or low) vowels are also subdivided into the phonemes of broad variation (/se, a/) and of narrow variation \ht). Their independent phonological status can be proved by the existence of minimal pairs:

badbard knotgnat

3. Degree of Tenseness and the Character of the End of the Vowel

This principle of vowel classification together with the principle of length provide the basis for the following distinctive oppositions:

Tense vs. lax Checked vs. free

eel ill steel-still donedarn knitneed
peel pill seat sit fun farm cut -card

deeddid feet fit comecalm fit feed

4. Length

There are long vowel phonemes in English /i:, , :, :, : / and short /i, e, ae, 1 , , , /. But the length of the vowels is.not the only distinctive feature of minimal pairs like: Petepit, beet bit, Bart bad, etc. In other words, the difference between /i: i,

■ /, etc. is not only quantitative-------- 1

but also qualitative, which is condi-______ [

tioned by different positions of the bulk

■ of the tongue. E.g. in the words beadbid

not only the length of the vowels /i:, i/

js different but in the /i: / articulation

the bulk of the tongue occupies a more front and high position,

than in the articulation of A/.

Qualitative difference is the main relevant feature that serves to differentiate long and short vowel phonemes because quantitative

Some authors consider /a/ to be a long phoneme.



characteristics of long vowels depend on the position they occupy in a word: 1

(a) they are the longest in the terminal position: bee, bar, coo, her,
law, car,

(b) they are shorter before voiced consonants: bead, bard, cool, term,
lard, card',

(c) they are the shortest before voiceless consonants: beet, Bart,
hoot, Turk, loose, cart.

To observe the quantity, or length of vowels in different positions, it is advisable to do contrast exercises, e.g.

bee bead beet bar Bard Bart car card cart

5. Stability of Articulation

The principle provides the basis for the following distinctive oppositions:

(1) Monophthongs vs. diphthongs

bitbait bidbeard deaddared cotcoat

In these pairs the monophthongs /i, e, o/ are opposed to the diphthongs /ei, ia, , /.

kitkite debtdoubt Johnjoin

In these pairs the monophthongs /i, e, o/ are opposed to the diphthongs /ai, au, 01/.

(2) Diphthongs vs. stable vowels

bitebee bait beet boatboot pailpool lakeleek beardbead raidrude carecoo

In these pairs the diphthongs /ai, ei, , , / are opposed to the jr., u: /.

According to the movement of the tongue within the articulation of the diphthong from the nucleus to the glide, diphthongs are subdivided into closing and centring.


The method of minimal pairs helps to establish 20 vowel phonemes in the phonological system of English vowels:

12 monophthongs: /i, e, se, a, v, o:, u, , :, , i:, u: /> 8 di phthongs: /ei, ai, oi, 1, , , , /.

* There are other factors, that condition the quantitative difference of vowel phonemes (see p. 39).


1. What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory groups of rounded and unrounded vowels? 2. What distinctive oppositions illustrate classificatory groups according to the (a) horizontal, (b) vertical movements of the tongue? 3. Can the existence of front-retracted and back-advanced vowels be proved by minimal pairs? 4. Is the length of the vowels the only distinctive feature of long (tense) and short (lax) vowel phonemes like /i:, i/, /u:, u/, etc.? 5. How is vowel length conditioned positionally? 6. What distinctive oppositions illustrate the classificatory principle of vowel stability in articulation? 7. How are diphthongs subdivided according to the tongue movement from the nucleus to the glide?


*1. Read these pairs of words. State what principles of vowel classification they illustrate.

(a) cod cord (b) end and (c) fir for
not nought ten tan firm form

cot caught hem ham turntorn

bodyborder kettlecattle bird bord

(d) fool full (e) am aim (f) nor no

pool pull add aid law low

food put manmain called cold

tool took lad laid bald bold

bootbook fat fate caughtcoat

2. Read these words and state what movements of the tongue make the vowel phonemes /e, :, , a:, u, i, , / different,

bedbirdbudbard bidbirdbud

lacklurklucklark lidledlad

hathurthutheart bigbegbag

cabcurbcub kitcurtcaught

*3. Read these pairs of words. State:

(a) what closing diphthongs are opposed in the pairs:

hayhigh laidlied nonow knownnoun baybuy tapetype hoehow phonedfound

(b) what centring diphthongs are opposed in the pairs:

herehair ear air rearrare fear fair beerbear teartare

*4. Read these words. Observe the allophonic difference of the /i:, ei, , : / phonemes conditioned by their positional length.

beebeenbeet laylaidlate

deedeandeep maymaidmate

O* 67

kneeneedneat saysavesafe
seeseedseat sign sidesight

leeleagueleak tietidetight

corecordcaught herheardhurl

sawswordsought sirserveserf

fourformfork furfurlfirst

boreboardbought weregirlpurse


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