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Exercise 49. Comment on the use of articles with nouns used in a generic sense. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. The apple tree and the grape are the oldest fruit-trees. 2. The orange tree is twenty feet high and it gives from 3 to 4 hundred oranges a year. The orange tree lives about a hundred years. The older trees give better fruit than the younger ones. 3. I suspect the apricot is the king of fruit. 4. The azalea is truly an adaptable shrub as it will grow in all climates. 5. The most beautiful and beloved member of the plant family, the rose, is one of the oldest flowers in cultivation. History has, indeed, put the rose in a unique position among the flowers. No other has enjoyed such homage from so many different cultures and regions of the globe 6. " After we have won you must come to hunt." -" To hunt what? - The boar the bear, the wolf, the ibex." 7. White sheep from the mountains of the Jukon, Alaska, and the North-west territories are considered by many to be the world's most beautiful wild sheep. 8. Man is harsher than iron, harder than stone and more delicate than a rose. 9. The park has given way to a beautiful forest, where man comes, and goes as a visitor. 10. When ancient man banged two pieces of metal together and found that he liked the sound, he started a trend. Now, thousands of years later, people all over the world are still enjoying the music of bells. 11. Some streets were lighted by electricity, and Jamie heard that it was possible to talk to someone on the other side of the town by means of a wonderful new machine, the telephone. Exercise SO. Translate into English. 1. Кит - млекопитающее, но он живет в море. 2. Страус -самая большая птица на земле. З.Слон живет в Индии и в Центральной Африке. 4. Жираф - самое высокое животное. 5. Мой любимый цветок - роза. 6. Во многих странах есть памятники животным: в нашей стране - это памятник собаке, в Индии - памятник слону, в Соединенных Штатах - памятник обезьяне. 7. Когда и кем был изобретен телефон? 8. Велосипед-прекрасное транспортное средство. 9. Гитара появилась в Испании в 13 веке. 10. Никто не знает, когда человек изобрел колесо. 11. Подлежащее и сказуемое - главные члены предложения. 12. Детективный роман - один из литературных жанров. 13. Детективный роман помогает скоротать время в путешествиях. 14. Артикль - служебное слово, выражающее идею определенности и неопределенности. 15. Корова - священное животное в Индии. 16. Тюльпан - один из самых первых весенних цветов. 17. Доллар - денежная единица Соединенных Штатов. 18. У муравья шесть ног. 19. Волынка - музыкальный инструмент, на котором играют шотландцы. Exercise 51. Insert the proper articles summarizing the cases already mentioned. 1. Next morning we went to station very early, before neighbours were about 2. " You are coming to dinner with me as arranged, " said Fielding. 3. Good-bye, and don't forget to get yourself good dinner. 4. " Did he never talk of Literature? " he asked. 5. Look at sunset! I never saw one redder. You can always tell weather by sunsets. 6. First, how is family? It seems so long since I heard news of them. 7. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told truth. 8. What- what if it's lie? 9. I came to Warley on wet September morning. 10. Main entrance was open all night. 11. I looked at my watch. " What lovely morning! " 12. " Car is all right, " she said in soft voice. 13. Together they ran back down road, Мог still gripping her arm in tight grip. 14. She unlocked door and thin man, with mean face, entered. 15. He walked as he had been directed, to outskirts of town. 16. " I wrote that book in spring of 1939, " said Hilary savagely. " I was very young then." 17. He had singularly attractive smile. 18. You are as brave as lion. 19. It would be worse than hitting child. 20. She said in perfect English, " I'm delighted that you have come, Mr. Wainwright." 21. She said laughingly, " We are always told that English make bad coffee." 22. After tea others went off to bathe. 23. They turned radio on for evening news. 24. It was lovely autumn. 25. " And I thought I was bringing tremendous news! " he cried. 26. Two school masters looked at Agnes for information. Exercise 52. Use the proper article, paying particular attention to the use of articles with geographic names. London Streets and Their Names Names of streets and districts are often connected with history of country and city. But very often names of streets are so old and so changed that only few people know how this or that street got its name. People who read books by English writers, listen to radio, see English films can't help knowing such names as Trafalgar Square, Soho, Piccadilly, Charing Cross, etc Let's begin with Piccadilly Circus. It is fine street which has seen much history over centuries. For generations Piccadilly has been heart of London. Nowadays it is such focal place that on special occasions, such as Coronation or on New Year's Eve, as many as 50.000 people gather there. Actually it immortalized man who is now forgotten. Man was tailor who grew rich by making high collars called " piccadillies". He built grand house which he called Piccadilla Hall, and name, slightly changed, has lived on. Charing Cross is one of oldest spots in London. Once there was small village in that place. Villagers were charing wood, making charcoal of it. That is why village was named Charing. Centuries ago, Eleonor, English Queen, died outside London. Her husband wanted her body to be taken to Westminster Abbey and buried there. At every place where funeral procession stopped wooden cross was erected. The last place was at Charing and since then place is called Charing Cross. Reproduction of that last cross can be seen at entrance to Charing Cross Railway Station. Nowadays Charing Cross is known by its bookshops where one can buy books in different languages and of new and old editions. No one, however, can explain " Soho" convincingly. Legend goes, that in old days there used to be green fields there and people
around went fox-hunting a great deal. When hunter saw fox he called to dogs " So-Ho", " So-Ho"! Now Soho is distnct where one can see people of different types, hear them speak different languages. It is famous for its different restaurants. There are some short streets in Soho ш which six or seven restaurants of different national cooking stand one after another in line. One can have breakfast in Greek restaurant, dinner in Italian and supper in Armenian. These are only few examples but all London's longpast history can be told by its streets and districts names. REVISION EXERCISES