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Exercise 34. Translate into English.
1. Разрешите представить Вам моего друга, художника. 2. Его жена, женщина лет 30, оказалась очень интересным человеком. 3. Нам очень понравился их дом, небольшое двухэтажное строение на берегу реки. 4. Байрон, великий английский поэт, сражался за свободу Греции. 5. Агата Кристи, выда-ющйся мастер детектива, написала 80 романов. 6. Марк Твен, известный американский писатель, родился в маленьком городке на Миссисипи. 7. Драйзер, известный американский писатель, является автором многих известных романов. 8. Ломоносов, великий русский ученый, основал университет в 1755 году. 9. Он был избран президентом. 10. У президента были переговоры с премьер-министром. 11. Вчера у меня был серьезный разговор с деканом.-А кто декан вашего факультета?
12. Зимний Дворец был построен архитектором Растрелли. 13. Учитель Макаренко - основатель советской педагогической школы. Exercise 35. Insert proper articles summarizing the cases already mentioned. 1. We heard her walking on... stairs to... cellar. 2. She tried to speak lightly, but there was... lump in her throat and... tightening at her heart. 3. When... doctor falls ill, it's... serious matter. 4. What... strange eyes he had-like... great cat's! 5. He turned to... right towards... Capel Street. 6. Nance hurried to... door, and Grant to... window. 7. Near... door he saw... man he had noticed in... hotel lobby. 8. Do you mind if we talk for... minute or two? 9. Jane took... mirror out of her bag and looked at herself. " My God, what... sight! " 10. He heard... dog bark,... cock crow,... man singing... endless song. 11. She came to... town on... Saturday afternoon,... warm and beautiful afternoon in... late September. 12. New gloves were of... dark grey wool, all that Hilary had been able to find. 13. Ferris had... pleasant voice on... telephone. 14. In... evening he went to... cinema. 15. It was... very clear warm evening. 16. Duncan spent... evening alone. 17. It wasn't... real night yet but... blinds were down in... dining-room. 18. Fairsen was gone when he came down to... dinner. 19.... next morning it was raining steadily and heavily. 20.... next evening, half... hour before... dinner, I heard Francis Getliffe's heavy steps on... staircase. 21. " You can come back... next year, " he said. 22. I'm coming to take you out again tomorrow and... next day too. Exercise 36. Insert articles which are required by the context I. He gave... door... sharp push and they went into... large II.... hall was empty. I listened at... other door, on... further III. He was... good-looking man, about fifty, as tall as Jesse,
V. Jamie found... lodging at... house at 32... Fitzroy Street. It cost ten shillings... week, but it was... cheapest he could find. He spent his days at... docks, seeking... ship that would take him to... South Africa, and his evenings seeing... wondrous sights of London town. One evening he caught... glimpse of Edward,... Prince of Wales, entering... restaurant near Covent Garden by.„ side door,... beautiful lady on his arm. She wore... large flowered hat, and Jamie thought how nice it would look on his sister. Exercise 37. Comment on the use of articles paying special attention to set phrases. Trans- late the sentences into Russian. 1. Arm in arm they made their way to Bond Street. 2. I was still thinking of it when I came face to farce with Roger. 3. They moved from picture to picture. 4. Мог found himself looking from side to side expecting to see something strange. 5. They were walking side by side. 6. Hand in hand they followed the porter out of the terminal. 7. Then the comrade repeated, word for word, what he had just said. 8. The two men moved from group to group through the long hot night. 9. He put the telephone down, suddenly conscious that once again he was smiling from ear to ear. 10. Day after day they stood root to foot and fought first one and then the other, and bent from side to side till a well-aimed movement of the foot or a push threw the boy on his back, and ended the battle. 11. I hope you keep him properly humble. He wants suppressing from time to time. Exercise 38. Use the proper article. Pay attention to the article in adverbial phrases of manner. 1. " They have been wonderfully kind to me, " said Dora with... little smile. 2. Brown was looking at him with... anxious glance. 3. " It's already... little late, " he said with... shade of... reproach. 4. " But it is very kind, " said Monsieur Merkatel with... evident pleasure. 5. " Miss Carter! " said Мог in... low voice, " Wait for me, I'm coming too." 6. Wislow was speaking again about his son, this time in... different tone. 7. Nan was pulling her gloves on in... very slow way. 8. Felicity began to explain in... whisper. 9. He woke on... following morning in... despair. 10. She listened tike... child and like... child asked... question!. 11. He took to pacing... floor like... lion with... toothache. 12. I was trembling like... leaf. 13. I'm ashamed of you! First you act like... fool and then like... girl of sixteen. 14. Without... word, with... curious swift motion, like... tiger pacing his cage, she came down and followed May out. 15. His face was all puckered up with... pain and as white as... sheet of paper. 16. She went downstairs, like... sleepwalker. 17.... Tower of London was built as... royal castle. 18. This last phrase was said in... trembling painful little voice. 19. He had... deep voice with... London accent. 20. She is... young actress, I know. She's as pretty as... picture. 21. Her job as... domestic science teacher was not badly paid. Exercise 39. Insert articles where necessary paying particular attention to their use in " with-", " like-", " in-" and " as-phrases". 1. She thought she was rather like... mother, making sure... child had eaten before going off to... school. 2. She stormed around... kitchen, like... big fly shut in... room on... hot afternoon, banging herself against... walls,... corners of... table and... stove, not knowing what she did. 3.... President of... Board said with... smile, " You're... very eloquent young man, Mr. Fletcher. Excellent training." 4. He had... easy manner and he talked tike... gentleman. 5. If he is not here in... quarter of... hour I'll come straight back and put myself to... bed like... good girl. 6. It was with... satisfaction of... competent workman who knows his job from A to Z that Kemire entered upon... necessary explanations. 7. He was some sort of... elf;... quick clever little elf with... swift eye and... flashing smile and... fast way of talking. 8. He was... smallish man with... cap on his head and... big double-barreled shotgun under his arm. He never moved. He was like... little post standing here. 9. With... great sweep of... arm he flung... entire handful way over... bushes into... clearing. They fell with... soft little patter, like... raindrops on... dry leaves. 10. This one was... tall bony man with... hard eye and... hard cheek and... hard dangerous hands. 11. And there was... funny little white hat to match perched right on... top of her head, like... mushroom. 12. He left... door of the Rolls open and came at us like... charging bull. 13. Tom carried three or four small fish home to his mother with... great joy. 14. He could find his way across... country like... fox. 15. I think it sounded more like... fright than... excitement. Exercise 40. Comment on the use or absence of articles with the nouns " school", " bed". " college", " town", " church", " hospital", " prison". 1. But now that I was five years old, there was the problem of school to think about. It was the law that parents must send their children to school at the age of five, and my father knew about it. 2. The children were in bed sleeping soundlessly, in the new night clothes Johnny had bought them that day. 3. II was not the economic condition of the Craig family that prevented Craig from going to college, as the family was comparatively well off. Craig's father, Philip, certainly could have afforded to send his only child to college
7. As I went in there was the smell of marble floors and hospital. 8. He tried to concentrate on his clinical research at the hospital. 9. They transferred her on to a stretcher and earned her out of the building, passing people in evening dress who stood aside, looking concerned at the sight of someone being rushed to hospital on a night of gaiety and celebration. 10. The only building of any special architectural interest is the church, a fine eighteenth-century structure with a gallery. The church is well kept and regularly provided with flowers. 11. All over the world people are in prison because of their political beliefs. 12. The other day the fire-brigade had to go to the prison to put out a fire. 13. Barber locked the door behind him and picked up the packet of maps and spread them on the bed over the sheets and blankets. 14. In these days Julia did not think it necessary to go to bed in the afternoon, she was as strong as a horse and never tired. 15. I've heard this is a good town for a man looking for investments. Exercise 41. Insert articles before the nouns " school", " college", " bed", " church", " hospital", " prison", etc if necessary. 1. I met a man only yesterday who was at... school with Baresford. 2. Autumn means back to... school - and not just for the kids. 3. " How long are you going to be in... town? " - " Till after New Year's." 4. Alter that at... school he was called by the names of all known, and some unknown animals. George was modest, and... boys at... school were merciless. 5. Every term parents are invited to... school to meet the teachers. 6. Jill isn't a religious person. She never goes to... church. 7. After their tour of... hospital he took Andrew to... basement common room where lights were already on. 8. Getting out of... bed, he put on a dressing-gown and slippers and went to the window. 9. Julian was sitting up in... bed reading the Sunday papers. 10. On the way to London we passed through a small village with... old church. We stopped to visit... church. It was a beautiful building. 11. He appeared to be a stranger to... town, but he was not. 12. On Sunday morning he invited Jamie to accompany him and Margaret to... church. 13. Klipdrift was not really... town. It was a sprawling canvas village. 14. He's been in... hospital three times. 15. They were chasing round... town while she waited for them. 16. You see, Chris, even in quite... small provincial town you could have a clinic. 17. In order to distract her mind she turned her villa at Monte Carlo into... hospital for convalescent officers. 18. When Kate woke up the following morning, she saw the headline in the newspaper carried in with her breakfast tray. It read: " Rebel leader killed while trying to escape... prison." She was at... prison an hour later, in the superintendent's office. 19. Real despair did not hit Eve until the following afternoon when she moved in. It was... prison. 20. And though he undressed and got into... bed he could not sleep. 21. The children arc in... bed, " she said. 22. But was it worth while going to... bed when he had to be up again at five? 23. Yes, he'd sit on... bed beside him and watch turn for... hours. 24. The doctor wanted her to go to... hospital, but she refused in case Hilary should come. 25. I looked at the wall of... hospital. 26. I was fifteen and had just come back from... school for summer holidays. 27. Then the day came when I had to go back to... school. 28. But they went to... grammar school at Haversham and of course I couldn't possibly have anything to do with them. 29.... public school will not be good for him.