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Упражнение 32

А. Найдите в предложениях конструкцию " Сложное подлежащее". Она состоит из двух частей:

1) существительного в общем падеже или место­
имения в именительном падеже,

2) инфинитива в активной или пассивной форме.

Между двумя частями сложного подлежащего на­ходится сказуемое предложения, которое может быть выражено, например, глаголами физическо­го и умственного восприятия в страдательном за­логе.


Пример: Viruses are knownto cause certain diseases.
(1-ая часть (сказуем.) сложного подлежащего) (2-ая часть сложного подлежащего)

Б. На русский язык такие предложения переводятся, начиная со сказуемого, неопределённо-личными предложениями или вводными словами, при этом 1-я часть сложного подлежащего становится под­лежащим, а инфинитив (2-я часть) - сказуемым русского предложения.


Viruses are known to cause certain diseases.

Известно, что ви р усы вызывают определённые за­болевания.


Вирусы, как известно, вызывают определённые заболевания.

В. Переведите предложения.

1. Diabetes is known to have existed from very ancient times, it is found to have
affected the Egyptians some 3000 years ago.

2. Many degenerative disorders of aging, e.g. arthritis, are thought to be disorders
of the immune system.

3. The high levels of sugar in the blood are thought to cause the eye and kidney

4. The stomach is believed to be independent of the central nervous system.

5. The pituitary has been called the " master gland" because it is believed to be the
endocrinological center of the body.

6. Calcitonin is the hormone produced by the thyroid gland, which is believed to
regulate the level of calcium in the blood.

7. Vitamin D is not considered to affect parathyroid activity.

8. Formerly, blood platelets were not considered to be real cells but were believed
to be dead fragments of cytoplasm derived from certain cells of bone marrow.

9. Essentially, hemostasis can be considered to involve three mechanisms:
agglutination of platelets, constriction of blood vessels and formation of the blood


10. Children without spleens are said to develop less immunity to infection than they

11. Erythrocytes, when examined under the microscope, are seen to be circular disks,
biconcave in profile.

12. More and more diseases are being found to be caused by smoking.

13. Many diseases have been shown to be caused by microorganisms.

14. Among the 21 mineral elements which have been reported to have been found in
the human body there are at least 14 which are now recognized as doubtless

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