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Упражнение 34
A. Найдите конструкцию " Сложное подлежащее". Об Б. На русский язык такие предложения переводятся согласно правилу: т. е. сказуемое передаётся неопределённо-личным предложением или вводными словами, существительное становится подлежащим, а инфинитив - сказуемым русского предложения. Например: In molecular biology much is likely to become clear within the next decade. Весьма вероятно, что многое в молекулярной биологии станет ясным в следующем десятилетии. The appendix seems to have no function in humans. По-видимому, аппендикс у человека не выполняет никакой функции. B. Переведите предложения. 1. The response to a given dose of a drug is likely to vary when it is given to 2. Some twenty different amino acids occur in proteins and each protein molecule 3. Persons with 0-blood are sometimes called universal donors since their red cells 4. Joints that move freely and easily are less likely to become injured than joints 5. Because most mutations occur during DNA replication, they are most likely to 6. The amoeba appears to be the simplest possible living animal, an independent 7. In plants there does not appear to be antibody production, however, there is 8. Ancient writers such as Galen ['geilan] (A.D. 130 — 200) recognized three principal 9. Children who for one reason or another happen to endure a shortage of vitamin 10. Vitamin D was formerly thought to stimulate the actual formation of bone, but it now appears to act only indirectly, by increasing the absorption of calcium from the food into the blood. 7.3 Сложное дополнение Упражнение 35 А. Найдите в предложениях конструкцию " Сложное дополнение", которая состоит из существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в объектном падеже) и инфинитива с частицей to или без неё.
Some scientists consider bacteria to be plants. подлежащее сказуемое сложное дополнение Б. На русский язык такая конструкция переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами: " что", " чтобы", " как". Например: Some scientists consider bacteria to be plants. Некоторые учёные считают, что бактерии являются растениями. В. Переведите предложения. 1. Many investigators have considered the allergic response to be brought about by 2. We know hypofunction of the adrenals to cause a severe disease. 3. Close examination of the compact tissue shows it to be extremely porous. 4. Studies have shown massage to have positive effects on conditions from colic to 5. A lack of insulin caused by diabetes mellitus makes the level of glucose in the 6. Most people have experienced how feeling nervous can make the hands and legs 7. The primary separation of blood cells using a centrifuge allows red blood cells, 8. Toxicity tests indicate the product to be completely harmless. 9. An insufficient supply of vitamin D in the body causes a person's bones to soften.
10. Insulin causes the glucose to be used for energy release or stored as glycogen in 11. Enzymes are produced by living cells and cause particular chemical reactions to 12. The presence of food, especially fats, in the duodenum and hormonal influences 13. The abscess breaks through the skin, allowing the pus to drain. 14. In response to an increase in the hydrogen ion concentration in body fluids, the 15. The French philosopher Descartes [deikd: t] (1596—1650) believed the pineal 16. A nerve impulse travels as a wave of excitation down the nerve fiber and is 17. Periodontitis is the inflammatory condition, which affects 10 per cent of the 18. Sunlight can cause more melanin (the main pigment of the skin) to be produced, 19. Remote controls used during robotic coronary bypass surgery require the surgeon 20. A chemical imbalance in a heart muscle can cause the heart to cease pumping 21. Enzymes work by binding molecules so that they are held in a particular geometric 22. In the past, to bleed someone was to make them lose blood, as a cure for an 7.4 Инфинитив-обстоятельство цели