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Underline the articles in the text and explain their usage.

5. Sum up what the text said about:

• Madame Tussaud herself

• her museum

6. Use the verb in the correct tense:

One day the group (to go) to Madame Tussauds's. Some time after the group (to visit) the museum Mi. Hill (to ask) one of the partici­pants about his impressions.

6. Underline the auxiliary and modal verbs in the following questions:

How did you like the museum?

How do you like this figure?

How did you like the Spirit of London ride?

Were you photographed?

Do you mean the ride through old London?

Do you know how much it could cost?

7. Match English and Russian equivalents:

It is unforgettable. между прочим  
Oh, it's great. по-моему  
It surpassed my expectations. что касается восковых фигур.  
It was superb. Это незабываемо.  
It was fantastic. Это превосходно.  
It was very impressive. Это фантастично.  
my personal heroes and many celebrities. Это великолепно.  
I wished my son could be with me. Это очень впечатляет.  
I enjoyed the Spirit of Lon­don. Это превзошло все мои ожи­дания.  
Do you mean the ride through the old city? мои личные герои и знаме­нитости  
the sights of the past, sounds and smell of the city Мне понравилась экспозиция " Дух Лондона".  
innovation Вы имеете в виду поездку по старому городу?  
How much could it cost? сцены из прошлого, звуки и запахи старого города  
Do you know how much it нововведение, новинка
could cost?    
Quite a lot! Сколько это могло стоить?
to my mind Вы знаете, сколько это могло стоить?
by the way O, очень большая сумма.
as to the wax figures Я согласен с вами.
I agree with you. Не имею понятия.
No idea. Жаль, что со мной не было сына.


8. Complete the dialogue (You may change the original):

— How did... like...?

— Oh, it's... I heard... But... expectations.

— It's really... And were you photographed with...?

— Oh, yes, with... and others. And I... my son... the Spirit of London.

— Do you mean the ride through...?

— Yes, quite... It was... The historic sights...

By the... do you know how much...

—.. idea.

—... 21 million...

— Quite... But still it's... especially for... I... the... of London. As to... figures they are... to my...

— I... with you.

Unit twenty seven



At one of the sessions the participants of the Group discussed the subject of Accounting and Inter national Accounting Standards.

Here is a part of fhe lecture:

What is accounting?

Accounting can be defined as the measuring and recording of all relevant financial data concerning a particular entity, that is business, government organisation, etc.

Financial reporting is the communicating of such information in appropriately summarised form. In the UK such summarised form is called " Accounts" In the USA it is called " Financial statements". These accounts or statements are communicated to interested par­ties both within and outside the organisation.

Financial reporting provides information that is useful to present and potential investors, creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit and other economic decisions.

Accounting is often referred to as the " language of business". And, as a direct result of the work of accountants and auditors. A wide range of different users of financial reporting are able to an­swer questions such as:

How much profit did the company make last year?

How much should I lend to the company?

Is this company more successful than its competitors?

How much can I withdraw from the company?

Was last year an improvement over the year before? etc.

Accountants are therefore those individuals specialised in the " art" of capturing the correct data, and preparing the most mean­ingful financial reports from that data. They are " producers" of fi­nancial information, which is then made available to " consumers" such as owners and lenders.

Accountants are assisted in their work by bookkeepers, who op­erate some form of accounting system, usually computerised, to help capture, accumulate, categorise, summarise and report the many thousands of transactions that affect an economic entity every year.

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