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Exercises. 1. Match English and Russian equivalents: against the yen повысить, вырасти to come to an end против (по сравнению с) to gain

1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

against the yen повысить, вырасти
to come to an end против (по сравнению с)
to gain иеной
with trading thin поскольку операции с бума­гами идут неактивно
GBP 50m worth of D-Marks подойти к концу
    немецкие марки на сумму 50
to close at D. M. 1.557 млн. фунтов стерлингов
    Рынок закрылся на период
    праздничных дней.
The market closed for the Курс марки на момент за­
holiday крытия биржи составил 1.557
The dollar resumed its ad­ Курс доллара стал расти
vances благодаря...
The dollar was boosted by.. Курс доллара снова стал рас­
The sterling rebounded. Курс фунта вырос.
It sent sterling higher. Активность рынка ценных
    бумаг и облигаций снова
The stock and bond markets Благодаря этому курс фунта
rebounded. вырос.
It rose where a fall had been Он возрос, хотя предсказали
forecast. его падение.
The figures added to the evi­ Положение экономики США
dence of recent weeks. снова стало улучшаться.
The American economy has lesumed stronger growth Эти цифры говорили о том же, что и данные последних недель.  


2. Find the sentences in the text with the following words:

• to rise to gain to resume its dvances to rebound from falls to be boosted • to send the pound higher fall to lose deceleration


3. Insert articles:

Here is... item on financial news published by.. Financial Times.

dollar and.. pound resumed their advances.

US currency was helped chiefly by... US stock and bond mar­kets

... dollar was also boosted by US construction spending for November

... dollar rose where... fall had been forecast

The figures also say that... American economy has resumed stronger growth.

4. Read as in the examples:

• Example November 18, 1996 the eighteenth of November nineteen ninety six
May 1, 1997 April 1, 1999
    December 25, 1998 July 4, 1996


• Example 2% two per cent


3% 7% 10% 75% 100%


• Example 1.692 one point six nine two


1.557 1.5
1.6870 2.8
1.6860 3.3
1.6798 9.5


• Example 0.5 о point five


0.8 0.4. 0.7  


• Example one sale of 50 million English pounds sterling worth of Deutsch Marks




5. Insert prepositions:

The dollar gained 1.5 pfennigs... the D-Mark... and Y 0.5... the yen.

But the Tokyo market remained closed... the national holiday.

Sterling rebounded 2.8 pfennigs... the D-Mark after losing 3 pfennigs.. Thursday.

The pound closed. London... DM 2.635.. the German currency. It gained... strong consumer credit data.

6. Make sentences:

    the news    
• this is the item    
these are the facts published by
    the information the Financial Times
    the figures (FT)


• the pound     the USA
the yen is the currency unit of Germany
the dollar     Great Britain
the D-Mark     Japan
the franc     Italy
the lira     France


7. Give full words for the following:

UBS mth

GBP yr

FT prev. close

8. Underline the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian:

The dollar rose where a fall had been forecast.

The figures added to the evidence that the American economy has resumed stronger growth.

The US deceleration is coming to an end.

The dollar was boosted by US construction spending for November.

With trading thin it sent sterling about a pfennig high.

It gained on strong consumer credit data and rising oil prices.

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